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  1. Tessa here - the owner of that most handsome of dogs!!!!!!!!!!! A huge thank you again to Joe and karen for organising this wonderful gift. it is totally priceless. It is such a good likeness of my Cameron. Oh to have such a wonderful talent. It is something that I shall always treasure.
  2. what a wonderful poem - did you write it??
  3. I cannot beleive it is a whole year today that I lost my beloved Finlay - the sweetest friendliest Westie. The day he died a shard of glass pireced my heart. Everyone says that time heals all and it usually does. But not a day goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. The shard is till there. I thought by now I would have gotten another dog but his memory is too strong. Finlay - my beloved boy - you brought me so much happyness and you saw me through some real bad times. I try to think of the good times we had and not that last month of misery when the vet misdiagnosed your illlness and brought you so much pain. The guilt is still there that I should have gone to another vet and got a second opinion - anything to have you back. I love you Finlay and wait for the day when you me and Cameron will be together again.
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