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Everything posted by Bradders

  1. So glad you have got help Alison _ there is no way I could cope with my baby without Sarah. She works him twice a week and is accompanying us out on hacks at the moment - more to reassure me than anything else. She is my comfort blanket! Sounds like you had a fun time on Ivan Rolo continues to test what he can get away with We hacked out today and he was really good - led quite a lot of the way through some really spooky places, and only one minor spook But we were having a final trot on the way home and I wanted to come back to walk as I wanted him to cool down before we got home. He was having none of it! We got there in the end!
  2. Will and Apple look great Good luck with the move Clare - not too far from me so once you and Loki are competing on a regular basis you will have to let me know and I can come and cheer you on!
  3. , eventually he lepted it 4ft in the air over scary squiggle and fly bucked all the way down the school I really don't know how I stayed on and Sally said that I can never say I can't ride again as she doesn't know how I didn't go flying I think it was more luck and fear than skill Well done! I would have been a gibbering wreck - I hate bucks!! Maybe calling him Loki was a mistake.........................................................................
  4. I know exactly what you mean too Clare - it is too big for me - I am used to small and intimate!! Plus I would feel a bit inadequate too! (Maybe there is a reason why I have been on the same yard for over 10 years!!! ) I sort of know that journey, and can relate to your reluctance! Why don't you go and have a look anyway - the more you look at the more you can see what they offer and what you want/will fit in. You may find you love it there I still think you should move to Surrey - you would fit in perfectly on our yard - and no charge for the floodlights!! (Mind you, I never ride in the week at the mo as he is still being lunged at least twice a week for me ) Good luck
  5. He looks gorgeous Clare - think his shape has definitely improved. So glad that things are progressing so nicely with him, and that he has got over his wobbly before Christmas. I love the photos that you have taken from "on board"! How do you keep his mane so white?! Like the look of that yard - I did not think that it was too expensive, although it did make me realise how cheap mine is! If you do go to look at it, try to meet some of the other liveries - they can make or break a yard in my opinion! I bet it would not be logn before you started doing some competing if you were there too!
  6. At least you will not need to get the vet out to sedate him beforehand! Lovely pictures - and my, doesn't he look handsome after his clip! Hi Milliemum!
  7. He is 24, but has lots of health issues! The fact that he is still going strong is amazing!
  8. Rolo and Nemo will never meet - allthough their eyes met accross the yard yesterday as Nemo had to be brought in for the day - I got the "evil eye" when I got spotted going in to Rolo's stable Nemo is seriously crabby with other horses and does not take well to any new horse - he would be doubly horrible to Rolo as he can be quite possessive of me He loves being on grass and was a complete pain yesterday evening as he could not wait to go back out again! It was quite refreshing to go in a groom placid little Rolo after trying to do battle with a zoom groom and a constantly moving Nemo! I often look at the photos taken on that day and wonder why I retired him - but it was the right thing to do at the time - he told me that he had had enough. retirement does seem to agree with him. Minski is stunning and certainly does not look her age! (Nor act it, by the sounds of it!)
  9. Awwww How old is Minski? Nemo in the Summer - imagine him caked in mud and you get Nemo in the Winter! He and Rolo are not exactly 2 peas in a pod are they?
  10. You should have seen what they looked like before the farrier got at them. None of the 4 shoes matched, his fronts were way too small, and his backs were fitted on the wonk - and that's just to start with. My farrier used some very choice language to describe them But he reckons that we should start to see some serious improvement by 3 shoeings. I think I have been very lucky - Rolo seems to be a really nice person! I tend to only see Nemo in the dark at the mo, so I may have to ressurect some old piccies of him! Mist - will ask Sarah for some of hers - the mare is not dissimlar to Cueva, both are beginning to settle - the gelding is going to be a very big boy!!
  11. Bless him - nothing really matches at the moment - looks like a collection of spare parts. Farrier does not normally do Sundays - he had a prang in his van which meant losing a few days so he is working today to catch up. He is a fantastic farrier though
  12. Wanda and Ivan look clean too! Life is just so unfair! Farrier came out today so took some snaps after Rolo had new tootsies attached. He was such a good boy - a bit worried at first bit soon settled - he stood there for nearly 2 hours too - farrier was horrified at what had been done to his feet - it is going to take a while to sort him out. The "Oh for goodness sake mother, get a shift on" look: and proof that he does have a left side: and finally: I did take one from his rear, but his backside is so poor at the moment no self respecting cob would allow it to be posted on a public forum! Sorry, for some unkown reason, 3rd picture would not post - will try here
  13. Really Clare - was expecting more than 1! A bit more effort please!!! Says she who forgot her camera He is looking lovely - how the heck do you keep him so clean? Glad that he is feeling better - if it it does make your rides a little more challenging!
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