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Everything posted by merledogs

  1. I am worried sick about Timmy. He was shivering and shaking before I left this morning. Can't wait to finish at 3.45 so I can get back to check on him. I hope it's something fleeting and unrelated to his recent poorliness and/or the lesions on his spleen
  2. Moaning Thanks griff and Marion. I used to have one of those gadgets somewhere. Just need to either find it or get a new one.
  3. Lily's been to the vet. She's at the same weight as she was previously, so that's good. Hasn't gained any, which isn't great but she's a little madam when it comes to taking her tablets. I'm sure she hides them in her cheek and spits them out when I'm not looking cos I find the odd one which hasn't gone far enough back into her throat. Timmy didn't get seen because the vet didn't have time to do his scan and could only do it by admitting him, which I wasn't going to do. Will rearrange. I went into their shop to get some renal food - they wanted £2.80 per tin, so I have ordered some other stuff off zooplus.
  4. Nor me - if Id known that I'd have gone to New Zealand to visit my cousin years ago. Moaning Back to work today, but at least I'm WFHing. Have to be at the vets with Lily (repeat bloods for hyperactive thyroid) and Timmy (repeat scan for his spleen) at 9ish this morning. Should just set up a camp bed in reception.
  5. jazz I hope the dogs are home soon sorry about your phone Jayne Vet just rang. I can pick Kinky up in about an hour. She's improved a bit but only time will tell. She's going on a renal diet but it's just palliative care now. I just want her home so I can cuddle her. As I'm sure everyone on here knows, it's probably the hardest thing (emotionally) to do to hold them in your arms when they are pts. Not only am I dreading it with Kinky but I'm conscious that I have three old dogs and another old cat here. There's a limit on how much anyone can take
  6. Kinky has end stage renal failure and even with treatment has weeks rather than months I've had her since she was 6 weeks old - over 18 years and she's seen me through some really rough times She's at the vets on a drip for 24 hours to see if they can flush some of the crap out of her system. Once that's done she will either respond or not. If not then I'll have to say goodbye sooner rather than later
  7. Hope you get yourself sorted soon snow Reminds me when I woke up with Vertigo. I thought at the time I was having a stroke and as the hospital is just at the top of the road I thought it would be quicker to get myself to the hospital than wait for an ambulance, so off I set, hanging onto garden walls all the way because every time I tried to stand up straight I lurched over to the left. Anybody who went past (not that were many as it was the early hours) must have thought I'd had a really good night, especially when I crawled across the road at the traffic lights on my hands and knees I can laugh about it now but it was really scary at the time. Kinky cat is not very well I can't work out whether she's in pain because she can't walk properly or whether she's staggering for some other reason. I'm given her some metacam and will be taking her to the vet tomorrow. I'm really worried because she's 18. I've had her since she was six weeks old so whenever I do have to say goodbye it's going to be awful
  8. Moaning. Sunny here at the moment but the rest of the weekend is forecast for rain, so I'd best get in the garden today.
  9. Moaning No work until Tuesday Looking forward to getting in the garden and sorting it out (weather permitting).
  10. Hello Sam Speaking of clever dogs - Beau has realised that whenever he barks when I'm out of the room, Timmy runs to the living room door. Because they get a dried tripe stick whenever I leave in the morning, Beau has sussed that if he barks, Timmy leaves his tripe stick where it is (he eats very slowly and Beau snaffles his down in about five minutes) and runs to the door, hence Beau can nick Timmy's tripe stick. Little git I think Timmy is going deaf in his old age. He's always been very sensitive to my voice but he seems to not hear me these days.
  11. I've cleaned the inside of the car. One of my least favourite jobs. Am hoping that the garage washes the car for me after they've serviced it. I think they (main dealer) are supposed to wash your car whenever you have it in for any work, but they've not washed mine the two times I've had it in. Someone let slip last time that they were supposed to wash the cars but it was clear that they'd just waved a hosepipe in the general direction of mine, so I will be reminding them nicely this time.
  12. I appear to have given up smoking. Ran out of cigarettes so got out the e-cigarette I'd bought a while ago and haven't had a cigarette for a few days. Not really fancied one either. Will use the e-cig for a bit and hopefully ultimately give that up as well.
  13. Moaning Lovely vid griff Marion I hope Archibald is all better now It's officially spring
  14. Moaning Hope your nedache has gone Marion Griff - try Costco if you can - they normally have some lovely large planters this time of the year and less than half the price you'd pay for the same size planters anywhere else. That's if you could get them elsewhere, which you can't
  15. Moaning It wasn't vertigo thankfully and a brisk walk with the dogs sorted it out. They also got to make some new doggy friends which is always luffly There's a little robin at the field where we take the dogs. The lady I walk with leaves him seed out every morning and he comes right up to her Anyway this morning I finally remembered to take seed and some nuts for the squirrels and little robin was literally about three feet away from me talking to me while I was putting the food out I've been cleaning mud off the patio and lugging bit pots about, plus sweeping the drive/patio. I've also been lugging topsoil round the garden to level off where Timmythelittleshite has been digging again I've filled it and put some temporary fencing round it to keep him out of that area. Hope he doesn't find somewhere else to do it or else decide to jump over the fencing. He's developed a severe case of selective deafness so completely ignores me these days. He can hear me if I persist so maybe he is going slightly deaf in his old age Weather has been gorgeous here today, lovely and sunny most of the day. Perfick to pottering in the garden.
  16. Moaning I hope your nedache is gone now griff Got a nedache myself, plus felt wobbly when I got up this morning - hope it's not the vertigo again.
  17. I've been having problems with my waterworks for months and months (ooerr missus), in that the downstairs toilet has been blocked on and off. I've had someone round to sort it but he gave it a quick swoosh with the plunger which cleared it temporarily and then the water level rose again. Anyway I've tried allsorts to try and sort it. I even invested in one of these bad boys - a toilet auger (which wasn't cheap) but that was my final attempt to sort it myself and despite it being a brilliant tool, it appeared that the blockage was further down the pipe as it wasn't in the loo. Anyway, I'm a stubborn old mare so thought I'd have a go at seeing if I could clear the soil pipe. Did a bit of Googling, found an entry point into the soil pipe and took the cover off. As soon as I did the driveway was flooded with tons of bits of minging bog roll, which had obviously been backing up for ages Once I'd cleared it all up followed by copious amounts of Jeyes fluid and bleach, I flushed the loo a couple of times and it was all clear. I wanted to be sure it was sorted so I poured water down the toilet but it filled up again. The access valve thingy was at ground level and when I took it off, more gunk came out but not enough to be clogging the pipe. Sussed out that the problem was below ground level as I could see the water level was sitting just below the opening and presumably this should be clear given that the water runs straight down into the sewer. So I had a go with the toilet auger which was the perfect angle for the job. I shoved that through the pipe a few times and brought some more stuff out including a tampon (no idea where that came from as I've not used them for years and wouldn't shove one down the bog in any case). I've poured more water down the loo and it seems to be clear but if it becomes clogged again then I'll have another go. I've been thoroughly scrubbed several times (having splashback on your mush is soooo not good) and my hands have been bleached. I'm feeling quite proud of myself and relieved because as I said it's been bugging me for months. Maybe I should sell my shite clearing services Then again maybe not because it's a disgusting job
  18. Moaning Had a nice day off yesterday. Dug over the front borders to get them ready for planting and swept the front drive/path.
  19. Moaning Griff thanks for asking. Timmy is fine (touch wood). Our vet Anna is just monitoring the situation for now so he's going back for the scan to be re-done every month or so
  20. suzeanna - contractors usually earn a lot more money than employed staff in my experience. He'll just need to make sure he puts some money by each month in case anything happens
  21. Moaning suzeanna I wouldn't mind the cows so much, but I couldn't be faffed with the noise from a playground. Re the fence, you could plant some fast growing shrubs down the side to hide the gaps/neighbour. Marion I hope that Ted is found very soon.
  22. Moaning Work is v busy at the moment, but it's demoralising that our director and CEO don't appear to see the value in our dept. We're only a small team and I think our days may be numbered, so am going to get my CV brushed up and put it out there.
  23. Moaning and Happy St David's Day
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