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Posts posted by Trudi

  1. Today is dustbin day so I wandered out to the front to fetch it in...


    All this big snow has buried my usual landmarks that i use to guide myself about the place so a sensible person would've left the bin for hubby to have collected but I am not known for my common sense....


    Got down the driveway by hanging onto the fence then I managed to inadvertantly turn the wrong way when collecting the bin and seem to have wandered into the middle of the road instead of back up our driveway - my poor neighbour over the road was almost having a heart attack when he got to me :ohmy:


    I wouldn't mind so much but the bloody bin was acting like a snowplow and dragging all the snow along with it - ah well at least we cleared some of the road and there is now a walkway up the driveway :laugh:

  2. I am trying to do my bit to reinvigorate this forum by posting all my random daily stuff but this thread seems to have degenerated into the kind of thread that will discourage folk from coming here at all :(


    Please can we all get along instead of sniping at each other :flowers:


    Nowhere is perfect but it takes effort from all to make it as harmonious as possible :flowers:

  3. I went out to build a snowman - made a big fat body then wandered off the make the head...all good except I couldn't remember where i'd made the body so now we have a headless snowman in one part of the garden and a bodiless one in another :lol:


    Ah well at least I haven't walked into any garden ponds yet :laugh:

  4. Tis all cold and snowy here, todays rehab is supposed to be walking outside navigating hazards such as kerbs etc -maybe they'll let us play on a sledge in the car park instead :laugh: :laugh:


    I can report that ditzy folk with little or no balance should not be allowed to climb ladders, I can further report that should ditzy folk ignore such suggestions then their wonky arm/leg will ensure they exit the attic without the aid of said ladder :wacko:

  5. From a purely personal position I find the board hard to navigate and impossible to post from my phone - I have no idea why as I use Jaws which is the common voice reader software for VI folk and the Iphone built in voicereader :wacko:


    I would like to participate more but it takes so long to do anything that frustration sets in and I give up as I manage other forums and websites much easier :(


    Not helpful to anyone else I know but I will keep trying and should I work it out then you will be begging me to shut up again :D

  6. Morning :wave:


    I am supposed to be having a brainscan this morning but patient transport seem to have forgotten me - maybe they have decided that scanning an empty space is pointless :wacko:


    Hubby has said I can paint the en-suite - nothing could possibly go wrong in a small space with me and paint could it :laugh:

  7. Andrea if you want tickets for next years Renault World Sports you have to go on their website early next year to get them - cos it's all free they go really fast :flowers:


    I really should be getting washed and dressed but my energy seems to have stayed in bed when I got up :unsure:

  8. Hope you are feeling better this morning Amy :flowers:


    We went to Silverstone this weekend, they let me get up close and personal with the Renault F1 car that was there, the noise that makes is awesome and I am now hooked on F1 :grin:


    See there are bonuses to being deaf/blind cos they didn't let anyone else go to the pits to get that close and play - they didn't let me sit in it but I got to feel all over and they started it up with me right next to it and wow wow wow :grin:

  9. Morning :wave:


    To whoever asked I can't have a guide dog proper as my balance and stuff means I can't guarantee to be able to walk for 45mins every day so Benji is stepping into the breach and doing his best :biggrin:


    Tomorrow we are going to Silverstone for some car racing thingy, I am going to be the one looking like an refugee from iceland with lots of layers on to keep me warm - tis freezing here!

  10. Ok so it is the 2nd anniversary of losing my sight this week and I have been moping so in an attempt to prove that I can do anything I want to (with the possible exception of convincing someone to give me a job) I decided to do something I haven't done on my own since losing my sight - walk Benji - now this is a dog who pulls like a train, jumps headfirst into any form of water, bushes etc so obviously it was a brilliant idea....... :wacko:


    We are back - I have tasted a hollybush and long grass and gawd knows what else he dragged us into, am filthy dirty, scratched to pieces and soaking wet but Benji is a happy lad and I did it innit :grin:

  11. Di hope your Dad can be stabalised and treated soon, i'm with Sam Squigg on the Egypt thing - no point going all that way if you know you are going to worry 24/7 but if you can find a way to relax it would be a good way to recharge for the months ahead :flowers:

  12. :wave:


    hello all, we are back from our holibobs and had a fab time :grin: we also met Louis Spence who was there filming the christmas special of Benidorm - he is most odd and just like he is on the telly when just sitting in a bar or walking down the road :unsure:

  13. Hope you have a quieter week Rumpole :flowers:


    Enjoy Italy :) (I forget who is going but know someone is :unsure:)


    Have a fab holiday in Cornwall Sam :flowers:


    Hubby has a bonus day off tomorrow as his works have messed up and given him an extra days holiday - he did query this when he went in this morning but they are adamant he is on holiday tomorrow so it would be rude to argue wouldn't it :grin:


    On the not so great side he 'highlighted' my hair yesterday - apparently it is a tad 'bright'


    I think i'm quite glad I can't see it and at least he won't lose me in a crowd :laugh:

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