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Everything posted by Trudi

  1. Thanks Natty Thats one of the reasons he was here - to discuss textphones, doorbells etc - we just didn't get that far before i threw him out (ok asked him to leave whilst being *slightly* hysterical)
  2. Thanks all erm Natty i can't ring them i'm deaf - thats the whole point of the visit I have composed a long e-mail and sent it off, hopefully he is just a rep and not a true reflection of their working practice. But it was very very hard to sit through
  3. Had the most awful visit from the rnid rep bloke. He says i am not normal and need to accept it - i got angry and cried. This is not a good week, too much c**p floating around my head now
  4. wibble i seem to have booked an appointment with the rnid to discuss textphones, won't this mean actually facing upto being deaf instead of just ignoring it wibble
  5. Am finding myself thinking too much hashing over stuff think i need creme eggs to distract me
  6. Why is it my dogs always wake up full of beans and raring to go? I feel like a zombie this morning and they're boinging off the walls Have a great time at crufts whoever it is thats going
  7. Hope things are looking brighter today Connor - doggie cuddles are good for poorly ankles
  8. I just choked on my sandwich ooh Helly 2 more random drivel and you'll be addicted
  9. Breathe in, count to 10, breathe out, breathe in, count to 10, breathe out, write the reply, preview, read and then press the back button. It's not worth it. am staying away from threads that press the emotional response button in me
  10. Way to Go Jimmycat Have to admit that every time Jacky mentions her boss in Gothenburg i get an image of a boss type person in a batman style cape - makes me giggle
  11. Have you been in contact with social services, i'm not sure if they can help but it might be worth a try.
  12. Morning all 8 random drivel posts won't take long Helly
  13. If i have bad dreams tonight it'll be all your fault!
  14. The original - can't remember how old i was but i was obviously too young, it terrified me so much i wouldn't go on holiday to Wales because we had to drive through hilly country
  15. I had nightmares for weeks after seeing that film!!!!
  16. Don't know about that one, National Geographic are doing a week on terrorism though.
  17. I am watching a programme on National Geographic about the London bombings and the influence the web and religion has on suicide bombers. It's thought provoking.
  18. Well done Sam and all your collegues, you all deserve recognition for the work you did
  19. Have been to the vets for Henry's 1 week post op check up and all is well The insurance company (via Dixons Group) have offered hubby a £1500 Sony Vaio in replacement of the one that wasa stolen - i'm thinking he could be pleased Sammi Squigg - If you already feel less stressed the redunancy is obviously meant to be - you can go play with elephants now Good Luck at the vets Poppy and anyone I missed
  20. I am sure more knoweldgeable people will be along with advice soon, meantime have a and stop beating yourself up. You're doing your best in a difficult situation
  21. Have been looking at text phones - they are hugely expensive about £200 just for the phone Think i may just carry on in ignorance like i have been It is a lovely sunny day here today, Benji seems to have contracted spring fever and is being a clown
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