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Everything posted by Ian

  1. Can't believe Gina has got away with it again. I would have said Dexter would go earlier but don't think Jemmima has done herself any favours in the last couple of days in particular, it could be a close run thing now.
  2. Ian

    Pups At Play

    bless, they look to be coming on well
  3. I haven't seen any of those no (except probably X Factor, which I don't remember), although they said she was a "glamour model" & it appeared she may be fairly well known I've never heard of her. I felt a bit sorry for her last night but even more so for poor Woolfy. Fair enough asking for the funniest, sexiest, perhaps even the most selfish housemates - just a bit of fun - but BB should not be about publicly humiliating a contestant by branding them least attractive & most unhygienic. Eccentric perhaps but she hasn't even done anything to warrant the last one has she? Despite his claims to the contrary & the suggestion he's a nice guy Michael appears to have a real ego & seemed to enjoy "succeeding" with some of the more cruel aspects (eg re Woolfy & Dexter both being reduced to tears) a little too much for my liking. As was asked on BBOTS does it make it better or worse for them to then go on & tell housemates it was the public rather than Michael deciding (unsurprisingly it appeared to be worse for Woolfy, arguably the most shameful thing ever to happen on BB in my eyes, though others at least did seem to cheer & lift her again afterwards) It's been an interesting first week to watch but with no Michael, Sallie, spats with her & Gina etc I wonder whether this next week will be a bit of a come down? I also wondered who on earth is advising Emma on her styling, I thought she looked great on last Thursdays launch night, but not so much Fri & I liked last nights even less.
  4. I'm not convinced that she is - either one - myself, I think there's a lot of front there, probably hiding someone who has in some way been badly hurt at some stage and is in reality far more vulnerable than she would like to appear. Have you noticed how quickly she turns to / against people - solely according to their attitude / warmth to her? Interesting therefore to hear her friend on BBOTS suggest that she does indeed have a far softer & nicer side underneath. I think she'd probably gain more from the BB process than Gina will somehow & so I hope she stays. Dan & Sallie will no doubt both crow when Michaels role is revealed tonight. Loved the BBOTS audience members suggestion of bringinging Dan to diary room, telling him about Michael & asking if he wants to be next weeks puppet. If they don't do something next week could be rather tame if both Michael and Sallie go. I Don't think Gina has anything much new / further to offer personally & yet they have been the three biggest characters / viewing time so far I would think
  5. Poor Jason, farcical "abdication" last night & had to go really, though I was expecting Luisa to follow him out of the door after her display. Sounds like Karen probably has her card marked for next week to me.
  6. Is Sallies turn on Dexter a totally genuine dislike of devious behaviour or is it more about manipulating the vote through making for potentially interesting viewing next week do you think? (seems it maybe the latter to me as I could imagine Sallie being more manipulative than she makes out somehow. Interesting comment from Pam Spurr - though I'm not usually keen on her - on BBOTS about the shoulder movement Sallie often does being a "cute" / manipulative gesture too
  7. Wasn't expecting Dexter to be saved, but it looks like he may have shown his true colours / shot himself in the foot after last nights show. I can see why Sallie v Gina might make an interesting battle but still think Gina will go on Friday though
  8. I wondered what he was crying about when he appeared but listening to him later it sounds to me like he perhaps has problems in his life that we haven't yet heard of. Similarly Dexter started to reveal his, I suspect Sallie may be the next one. I had to smile at Woolfy getting excited about the massage from Hazel......... I couldn't imagine her going for Woolfy....... even if she were a lesbian, which she isn't. I believe Dan genuinely was a copper as there were stories in the various press of Scotland Yard writing to C5 & their reply (re his work on Operation Yewtree & making sure nothing was broadcast which may compromise a live investigation) EG
  9. Thanks, will have a look at that. First one that leapt out was the warning given to Jemima. I thought it was out of order & PC nonsense myself. She was expressing an opinion as to her personal preferences / type (no different to saying she liked blonde or dark haired men for example) not a racist attitude, I thought she should have told them to stick their warning on principle, and, if necessary their place in the house rather than accept a warning.
  10. Yes live feed is back each night for the series 7-9 I think, they've also shown the odd half hour after bit on the side on 5 at the weekends. Emma is back on BOTS for the next two nights, far better than Rylan & AJ. Actually I think AJ is worse than him, which considering I don't like Rylan doesn't say much for her at all. We are back to the original vote to evict rather than C5's vote to save the last couple of series but whoever has the least votes to evict them on Wed night will be safe / eliminated from the voting. The other two continu head to head for eviction Friday. I reckon Sallie will be "saved" & it will probably be Gina rather than Dexter who goes on Fri - not something I expected to say when they went in on Thursday night. I'd not seen any of that about Gina. What is DSBB?
  11. Sallie has the tatoos, opinionated & gobby perhaps but I increasingly have the feeling that a lot of it is front / hiding something less "severe". I don't care for Gina at all, very full of herself & seemingly far less classy than she seems to think she is. Surely nobody could be so naive as to believe that the entire world doesn't spend 1k on shoes or have 18k p/m to live on let alone spend on rent. Is it Daddy's money she's wasting or her own? Hayley, Sophie, the twins, Mum & Daughter seem okay. Wolfy is probably a nice person but her voice / accent, laugh & dress sense just grate on me I'm afraid 1st nominations tonight (by the public) I think it may be Gina v Sallie and Dexter
  12. Hmm, I must say I too wondered if he was really what was considered so good looking, Hazel on the other hand is rather easy on the eye Must have gone to make a drink /or something & missed the bit about the pool being hidden then. Sarah is a bit gobby, As was suggested for Michael on the text lines I think someone needs to pinch that hat too.
  13. Emma was perhaps a little nervous - the look on her face at getting the "big gig" at last seemed to be one of absolute delight / a real fan of the show - over emphasised 2013 a bit but she was still much better than Brian. New house looks bigger than before somehow, I quite like it, though not sure why they've taken away the pool. Not keen on either Rylan or AJ. As to the housemates I thought "Woolfy" was going to be irritating but then .......... Dexter arrived Would definitely my first two candidates for eviction next week - unless tonights lots are even more terrible Sarah could have been a pretty girl if only it were not for all of those tattoos. I thought Callum may have been popular with the ladies - & he certainly does! - but apparently there are 6 more, including a very handsome (according to both Emma & Rylan!) policeman arriving tonight to keep you ladies happy & the public will get some sort of control over what Michael does next - any ideas?
  14. Fantastic, I hope they are soon both on the mend & back together again
  15. They at least look friendly. Some near us looked less so recently & followed Lucy all the way along the barbed wire fence as she ran along it.
  16. BB, now presented by Emma Willis is back next Thursday. Unfortunately we may have to either put up with Rylan on Bit on the side, or not bother watching it!
  17. Bless her / them. I hope you can soon manage to win her trust / catch & treat her.
  18. Bless , he looks a happy little chap in spite of everything, I'm glad he's now on the mend. Not Sri Lanka but used to see stories from "similar such countries / economies", where people lived for a month on less than we'd spend on a packet of cigs or a couple of pints, almost a whole other world that many people here possibly couldn't even imagine
  19. PS Before anyone is accused of libeling Bob Martin perhaps I should also say that these days they do sell a range of products including Fipronil based (and other previously prescription only wormers) EG Defra on Bob Martin Flea Clear including the statement "The products were designed as generics of the Front-Line reference products, and therefore contain the same quantitative composition." Whilst one of there worming products is nitroscanate / based on lopatol The dangers lie only in the user not reading / following instructions / using the appropriate product - eg using their permethrin based flea product on cats
  20. Bless him, I hope he's soon back to health. Just out of curiosity what were the "owners like"? I ask because it's perhaps easy to look at the photos of Sandy & judge them when used to UK conditions and unfamiliar with life in a country like Sri Lanka, yet you say they love him, walked to ask for help etc. Perhaps they too are starving, live in poverty, there but for the grace of God....... etc?
  21. Ian


    I take it to "mean something" only in terms of it being indicative of this forum unfortunately being less active at present than it once was. Unfortunately, innocent until proven guilty doesn't always hold good with some & it isn't diffciult for mere opinions and judgements (having been there or not) to become "fact" and similarly aspersions to be cast on others who may have associated with them. It is still possible that those looking to home animals or seek animal welfare information etc may find thewir way here, even if fewer animals are currently listed than there once were. It is for that reason that I believe that "someone" (ideally Wiccaweys t.b.h) ought to have made clear that there is usually two sides to any story & any accusation of (deliberate or sustained) impropriety is denied. As to the RSPCA being involved, time will tell of course, but I doubt that's ever going to amount to much personally. EG They previously raided Rosedene Rescue, much more recently Burton Wildlife and Animal Rescue Centre. It may result in a bit of "tarting up of the centre" in the immediate aftermath but as far as I'm aware both have then continued to operate under the same owners / "basic basis" (eg as a stray pound) as they previously did?
  22. Ian


    "We", being / representing who? To my mind this forum hosted & supported Wiccaweys - in the days when it actually did more in terms of rescue / animal welfare than seems apparent today - and it's therefore one place that I would expect to see them supported, assuming of course that support remains warranted. Silence from both the rescue and forum would be more likely imply to me that it is not or there is something to hide. Nobody said anything about speculation, opening post asked if anyone had actually been there recently!
  23. Ian


    I'd imagine full sized could indeed be easier to clean - as you can easily get into them, unlike a lower crate - but (rightly or wrongly) I'd always assumed that the only reason anyone has full height kennels is for that access reason rather than that there is any serious benefit to the dogs. I agree that they don't look cramped to me, despite what some are seemingly suggesting, unlike you it isn't clear to me whether any of those people have actually even been there. Your comment on the RSPCA concern also sounds a plausible / likely explanation to me. The subject has obviously appeared on several forums & what I find a little sad is that some of those who I can clearly recall previously posting as having sent dogs there haven't voiced any support at all (nor suggested that they had found any need to withdraw support) Given the grim conditions we are persistently told about in Romania when people want to ship dogs here I'm inclined to wonder about the motives behind this "campaign" rather than merely believe it on face value I'm afraid.
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