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Everything posted by Lizzie

  1. Pity I didn't know you were close by, you could have called in for tea. I only live 4 miles from the Black County Museum.
  2. Good morning, I know why I'm awake Maya has the dire rear! Our landing has been pebble dashed.
  3. Hiya fellow fugees, to all BBQing this evening, have a great night! I'm in the middle of preparing goodies to be burnt to b***ery by OH. There's always the salad.....
  4. Sometimes when I post the words seem to come out wrong, I don't want to offend anyone, but sometimes if a post is worded in a certain way it can look offensive. See, that looks wrong too. IMHO there are times when people can be over sensitive, on the other hand not sensitive enough. It is a fine line we draw when trying to get over a point without causing upset to anyone, especially as facial expressions and nuances in speech can't be picked up in the written word. It would be a sad place if opinions can't be aired. (without resorting to verbal abuse) After all, debate is a democratically recognised right, if folk can't deal with that, then should they actually be involved in a forum? OK I'll now sit in the naughty corner, just in case anyone finds this post offensive. (Please let me know when I can come out.)
  5. Can I be different and say.....ditto? June 21st would be a wonderful date and one you wouldn't forget. She is a most beautiful girl. Deserves a special day.
  6. OH boss really gets on my nerves. He's a right Billy no-mates and every couple of weeks he insists on 'having a drink with the lads' after work. Only problem is he doesn't know when to stop.
  7. Hello there. Nice to see another new person joining.
  8. I can only send good thoughts. I know how much Parci means to you. Keep strong for him Sarah.
  9. To Laura Bless you Salada.
  10. Reading all the sadness and dismal news in RMF, I'm in serious need of something in the good news line. Anyone got anything nice happening?
  11. Night out for me! Been invited to a fundraising night for McMillan nurses. Hope doglets behave while we are gone.
  12. Oh Allie! Poor little mites. How could anyone treat them so badly.
  13. WOW Chasta, woodstock is gorgeous! Look at Romany too . Just had to smile, Maya ran right under Danny and round his back legs, should have seen the look on his face! Talk about priceless.
  14. For all the dogs who are in the pound ' What becomes of the broken hearted.'?
  15. A couple of new piccies of Maya She know how to pose for me.
  16. Maya being comfortable...... Now does that look like a dog thats settled in?
  17. I was only at work for 2 hours! Maya had been for a walk, she's peed on my mail.
  18. Just looked over to Maya on the sofa, she's roaching! Now will someone tell me, does this mean she's comfortable and settled in her new home?
  19. Lucas is one handsome dawg! I'm sure there is some pointer in him.
  20. Lizzie


    That is lovely to hear. WTG Dyl, we have been worried about you.
  21. One of the old lad himself...Danny I don't look very comfortable, he had his elbow stuck in my thigh! Plus he weighs a ton.
  22. New piccies will be available shortly, but for the moment Maya Misschief !
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