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Everything posted by gsdsian

  1. I lose track of how many dogs you've got Didn't know about the little cocker girly
  2. One of the worst episodes I have had the misfortune to chance on was one with a dobe (I think it was a while ago) that amongst other things was resource guarding. His method of dealing with this was a choke chain, tight up behind the ears, and he strangled the dog every time the dog growled when he went to take a bone off it. Funnily enough the dog stopped growling, but looked extremely worried and uncomfortable. He then got one of the children to repeat the exercise. I was sat waiting for the kid to be bitten. And I dreaded what would happen to the dog if it had.
  3. As his eyesight isn't as good as it used to be what about a nightlight or leaving a lamp on for him overnight. Its something we used to do for our oldie yorkie when she got a bit disorientated at night.
  4. I would tackle this in 2 ways. Firstly I would try and wean her off the treat in your hand. There are a couple of ways of doing it but perhaps the easiest to start with would be to lure her down but reward her from your other hand. So she never gets the treat you lure with. You can also lure several downs in quick succession but with for arguments sake the 10th down you don't have food in your lure hand and you reward from elsewhere. (Easiest way to do this is to start off with 9 treats in your hand) When you've cracked this getting her to stay down will be easier. I like to place treats on the floor between the dogs feet so they are eating lying down. To start with as soon as they finish one you place the next one. (You'll feel like a jack in a box to start with) As she gets the idea and is steadier you can lengthen the time very slowly so she's waiting slightly longer for each treat. Eventually you'll be able to stand up properly and build things up from there. The other way you could do it is go back to square one but teach it with the clicker. Rather than luring I would wait for her to lie down and then click.
  5. Halti do a padded headcollar. But if your parents are reluctant to use a headcollar what about a front attachment harness. My favourite is the Gentle Leader WalkEasy Harness (Try Ebay for UK suppliers). It has a strap that goes around the chest just behind the legs and another that comes across the front of the chest. Your lead clips in at the front of the chest and they're my favourite harness for teaching nice walking. Halti also make a front attachment harness but I kept getting tangled although they have improved their harness recently. Lots of people have recommended the Walkezee and I would love to road test one. Most dogs adapt much quicker to a good fitting front attachment harness than a headcollar and they can be as effective at stopping pulling.
  6. So this is where you all hide!!!
  7. Thought I ought to introduce myself. I'm Siân. Live in Cardiff and have 2 dogs (Buster old lurchery thing and Rhomi 21/2 yr old GSD) I help out with transporting in S. Wales and whatever else time etc. allows. Look forward to chatting.
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