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Everything posted by plecostrum

  1. Noo i didnt hand rear someone got wrong end of stick i fostered/babysat - mom and 8 pups from 10days till 10 wks old till time to go. The male pup stayed till 4mths amber was always nervous compaired to the male pup I personally think she become funny the day she had that microchip in I would never have it done when there tiny again she couldnt walk i am sure he jammed her muscle/bone. I cant compare with male pup he didnt have it done. It took her 2 days to get over that. She couldnt even get out of her bed to walk to us. She was very nervous puppy from then. MELP it has been removed it was there I am not here to name them! HERES OUR UPDATE Day 2 Took her to the school this morning had to watch son in thru the fence but he doesnt mind. Met a man with a rake doing the law she was very nervous of it. He let us on the grass to smell it but she was lying down to sniff it and she didnt like him he was holding it she hid behind my leg after a few chuffs. oh and some plastic santas on the front garden of someones house like little knomes she didnt like them. Came home loaded dish washer and then we have played fetch for half hour. Door is well and truly wide open and i am sitting here with my coat on lol she goes out for a look about or a mad run then comes back dives straight on me so now i am covered in mud lol i try to make her sit for a stoke but she just has to put them paws on me. Even brushed her too. Have to go dentist this afternoon so i will have to leave her but i have done the right thing this morning and feel that a few hours without me inside she should be ok plus i have no choice. She has got in her bed behind me now she is a little whiny/whickering i think she likes the sound of her own voice when i move the chair she is at the side of me wanting to get on my lap but i push her down so she has gone back to bed i think she will go to sleep in a min. I think she sleeps with one eye open cause if i get up she is awake. Never said before but her diet is all cooked i dont like the BARF RAW they say you can use bones chicken wings necks and stuff. I dont think my insurance would pay if one got stuck as i fed it her. so she has 4 lambs hearts and pasta for brekki Someone will have to tell me what difference it makes raw to cooked. i boil/steam her things, I just had a taste it nice ox heart is pretty good too lol kids always say whats for tea till i tell them what it is lol. Can someone tell me the name of those natural healthy biscuits dont mind a little more expense if she likes it, i need to look for some free samples online. I use butchers or pedigree biscuits complete but i use it as a mixer she dont really like it and will pick out any large bits of meat and leave rest. She will eat it during the day when she knows there nothing else. Or if i fill a plastic bottle she has great fun throwing them out i usually add a few small bits of cheese to the bottom. At present i have brown biscuit all up the hallway i find them when there stuck to my feet it a patterned carpet.
  2. SNOW- i am entitled to feel annoyed with some people responses like dump her. I am definatley far from being reported from the RSPCA so that was uncalled for either. Your forum is for behaviour and training advice that is all i have asked for! JUST been on a nice brisk cold half hour walk to fetch the kids got someone to bring them to me at the gate walked back in and she is still grunting like i am ignoring her but its tea time. TIME will tell this is day 1 i will do anything to make this dog less depended on my attention and affection and will take any constructive crisitism both good and bad and have already put in place some new things that i think may help.
  3. luxury of having a nanny lolol my childrens nan my motherinlawlol OHH I WISHED spag bol around 2 table spoons worth is hardly what i call part of my dogs diet it called scraps and she loves it so it is a treat to be allowed some of our food! My dogs diet is balanced with biscuits added to her meat, she is allowed pasta and rice in small quantitys when i am a little less flush she is given pedigree not aldi rubbish!! the dog and kids are always fed first You are all soooo perfect its funny you know when your down and you feel like youve been kicked in the teeth well thanks to a few of you i really appreciate it Thanks to the rest of you who have been a little kinder and understanding that things are hard and difficult when your life and situation changes. Far too many keep quiet and dont ask for help well that is why so many end up in kennels and homeless. I came here to help my dog with her obsessiveness with me:- I will take on some of the advice * more exercise being the main point * training (when i am in better position to afford it, tryin to find it locally was hard enough i dont drive) Thankyou
  4. but she barks when i am not in lol it is one of them i think where we will just have to dissagree lol barking is unwanted behaviour so to give in to her bark letting her in isnt that reinforcing it. when i want her to stay out if i have visitors who dont like her etc she shouldnt be dictating when she wants to come in by barking. If she barked at birds or other things then far enough but if you saw her on that trampoline looking in for me to let her in when she sees us she runs to the door. You know she never ever barked it was loverly till i babysat my friends boxer bitch for few days and she taught it her lol so i blame LOLA lolol I had to sit her while they had the garden done she barks at everything birds cats people noise and aeroplanes. I know she is a dog but i would really not like to annoy the neighbours by a dog barking if i leave her in the garden this weather it is no more than 1 hr. WHAT do you all think What could a neighbour class as excessive barking during the day which leads to a complaint to the council etc? I live in west mids. Has Anyone tested or got a dog bike bar as i think i would like to try that out in the summer I was going to take up jogging(fast walking) but when i run she goes stupid and jumps up me and has legged me up numerous times lol As far as the diet goes I always feel like complete biscuits are boring she never took to it! I would swop her gladly if i thought it would help her I just think of her as my baby and she is clingy still and by what everyone has said that wont change and i should be grateful she loves me! AT the end of the day i just thought it would help her to try to make her less off a clingon I promise to walk her everyday for a week Rain or doubetdly shine lol could do with the exercise myself i will make a note of the time and length and see how she is? and if it alters her fussing behavior? Myself i think it wont might the slightest, in the summer we did long walks every morning and biking with the kids. I think i do agree with the insecure i think she not protects me but worries about me when i am not here and stuff i think he contributed to that. He really wasnt ready for the dog but didnt say nothing till she here. He grew to like her but didnt like her around him then other times real soppy with her -so bit confusing i guess. I did every thing for her and think thats made her bond to me stronger.
  5. She on my lap now i am covered in hair from stroking her and she is making me type one handed as she is falling asleep on my arm lol she has load of attention just when she isnt getting it she acts like a child she stands behind me grunting lol then she runs off all over the sofa lol She is still a baby but thought there might be something i could do i had been fostered her, mom and 8 pups from my sister. So fell in love with her so to finish my 2 point 4 family she stayed. Same reason everyone else gets a dog - we all loved her. Not everyone sits pondering WHY?? She wasnt for xmas if thats what your thinking I dont leave her out when in if you know what i mean but when i just come in and she is barking i am reluctant to open the door until she stops. Isnt that teaching her if she barks she can come in so. I wait till she stops then make her wait outside sitting then tell her she can comein lol She just craves attention and some is never enough following me drives me mad I sometimes purposely get up turn around and sit back down lololol or when i leave the room i shut the door so she cant follow me then go back in If i am trying to cook tea and she is sitting on my foot lol on computer she is trying to get on my lap or sitting on the wheels of the chair to get as close to me as she can then i need to clean upstairs she will sit at the bottom and moan if the gate is open she will try to sneak up but i send her back down and make her wait or shut gate. she will lie there till i come back down. she gets so excited to see me like i been gone hours lol i could have just gone for a wee Does anyone thing coming upstairs with me would help or keep her staying down? it more for the kids toys she would pinch them I am hoping to give her acces to the hall way and landing when i am convinced she wont wee as she does still have accidents especially if i fed her something late evening. once my wooden floor is in hall it wont matter. I am here to get help for her by all accounts she is fine lol and it is normal. I just dont want her to be a nuisance to my neighbours in or out. This morning i was annoyed maybe i should advertise my X on here and spend 24/7 with the dog and let her sleep in my bed!! I give her plenty of mental simulation with food based toys which she will spend hours on. I do teach her new tricks too and we play fetch in the hall You dont realise how hard it is too get motivated to go walking when you have kids in tow with dark nights and the weather. I used to take her when hubby got home a walk around block or he would take her out. I just need to reorganise my time. I hope the exercise helps but she hates it lol when i get the lead she runs off to hide lol or lies in her bed submissive lol she is ok once she is out. I think its more the halti she dont like!
  6. My friends dog is a nightmare and she would swop with me anyday. Hers barks at everything in or out. We would all like the perfect dog but whats perfect!! I took her to training lesson but learnt nothing we hadnt already done ourselves If i could drive then i would consider agility as she would be real good. she Just needs to learn to ignore other dogs though first she will run to them when out if she could to play but she is very domineering. My dog in home is very good she has very good learning like Wait stay leave mine(drop) she will play dead do a figure of 8 between my legs, she does a up and over trick, out and about i have never fully trusted her so i keep her at my side where she is safer, She will play fetch but then lets me know when she doesnt want to play, we dont play tug o war never liked that She is a georgeous little thing and spoilt and NO i got at least 17 year or more with her i just want some advice to help us along the way - she is not due to go anywhere lol but i would if i thought it was in her best interest but i wouldnt do that lightly or easily. There is nothing wrong with going on holiday i just dont have the luxury of sending her to friends or family like other people so dumping her is not the right word but i want to know that she will be ok not miss me or that it wont make her worse. Due to my circumstances and seperating from my partner and becoming a single parent i worry about her if i need to get a job. At present i work voluntary i leave her 9 -3.30 tues and fri most other days i leave her half hour for school runs she isnt allowed at school so i cant take her. so i am in all day On the evenings i am in most times or pop out for tea 7-10ish fri nite curry nite weekends im out sat 10-2pm sunday 1-6 I dont think these are excessive times to be left, when i see people around me who work 9-5pm everyday I do have a crate for a great dane lolol yes i brought it big so she would have more room i could use that if someone thinks it would help. I gave up with it when she was 6mths she need more space so she has a 15ft by 12ft kitchen to move in. My children are 10 and 5. She has been with us since 10days as her mom was my sisters dog who moved in when her partner left. But i was left with Amber my bitch. Dont get me wrong I love my dog and her little ways do annoy me but with my situation at present being up in the air. Exercise has gone out the window a little for her and trips to nans are her walks 5 mins with a 30mins lie in front of the fire then back. I try at least one good walk a week but then she isnt getting a run due to me not trusting her when out or to come back and other dogs and stuff. Where my partner did let her off. She did do more what he said when out and for me she does what told in the house. Feeding - she has meat, chicken frozen mince offal or beef knuckles occasional meat or spag bol left over in her own bowl at the end. No feeding tit bits or stuff of the kids nanny i have to watch her she gives her the odd crisp i go mad. She has on top of that kongs with biscuits and paste or peanut butter. that stinky stuff We do pedigree when desperate but she not keen or just the biscuit complete i will leave there till she eats it but she is stubborn might take a day or so. My relationship was quite loud so she was aware of that and doesnt like shouting She can be quite wary of things she will chuff not bark, carrier bags sometimes, sometimes men she chuffs but will let them touch her but you can see she is worried. Hope i havent forgot anything I do leave her out when not in like recently for the few hours not if its all day that why i wanted to test out a collar. It wont work inside for her howling. If she gets bored she will eat what she can chew but she is 12mths i dont expect perfection she loves to eat buttons and zips of the washing pile. I put everything up as best i can the chocolates i was out the room having a wee sooo couldnt help that, the advent calenders are well out of reach was just one of those things. she hates cows and fishermen s poles lolol and the fatty is now on my lap trying to get comfortable for a sleep lol
  7. Where do i start i have a staffyX? we think maybe a rotti somewhere along the line due to colouring of mom dad was a pedigree staff She has seperation anxiety self diagnosis and she is driving me insane If i leave her home i think she howls but the neighbours are too polite to say if i leave her out she barks If i am home and she is in the garden she stand on the trampoline to look in the window barking when she sees me she runs to the door and scratches it if i dont open she is back barking on trampoline i have let her in and she is in hallway playing with some toys so isnt annoying me lolol but if i move she will be here and probably trying to get on my lap lolol When i am home she follows me round like a sheep i have to tell her to stay else she would follow me for wee if she could if i go upstairs she sits and crys behind the stairgate i installed to keep her down Only time i am safe is bedtime she will go to bed and be quiet till the next day If i have been out tho evening and put her to bed if she hears me come in and creep upstairs she will howl I am at my wits end and feel so useless I have recently seperated from my partner and now a single parent i cant afford to take her to a pschyo therapist or trainer so need some general help and advice and desperately need to borrow a bark collar spray type to see if it will work as i am willing to buy one but people have mixed advice on if they work. I really cant afford to waste money if it is useless. I am looking to buy second hand if anyone has one cheap Soooo please help me save my bitch from ending up on the for homing site!! I have kongs toys and other things which does keep her amused she loves soft squeeky but she shreds them up but keeps her occupied Oh and she steals when i am out the room (a box of maltesers and some cadbury fingers this week) and purposely gets on the sofa as she is not allowed she runs up and down on it and thrives on waiting for me to go in and tell her off so i dont lolololol DOGS WHOD HAVE THEM!!!! Other than that little rant she is very timid and quiet and such a scardy cat! I often wonder if a week in a kennel would sort her out but dread going on holiday in case that makes her worse! SHE was 12mths old on 19th oct 06 if that helps
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