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Everything posted by riotous_uk

  1. 13th Jan Walthe centre sheffield
  2. bummer, I forgot as well
  3. riotous_uk


    Awww, thanks Still got a lot to learn and to teach teh dogs but I was well impressed with the way they ran considering it was their firs tindoor comp. Pumpkin is I hope you have a lot of fun with her. Pauline
  4. riotous_uk


    went ot our first indoor tournament yesterday, racing in div 5. The dogs were brill and the noise didn't nother them at all (it did me!). They raced very well, apart from a slight glitch in our second heat when all the dogs decided that they preferred the other lane better than ours...oooops. Not only did Snitch (and jack belonging to Lynda Taylor) get enough points for their flyball dog awards, but we also won the division!!! I'm soo proud of the whole team. We only started racing together at the end of May (in starters) and have only done 4 division tournaments (we only tend to do one tournament a month)....well chuffed with them all, and especially the dogs. Could have just done with getting another 12 points as then all 4 team dogs would have got their FD awards. Pauline and Snitch (height dog)
  5. riotous_uk


    Good luck Jayne, I'm sure you'll do great. You'll make a fab head judge You coped well with us when we were inexperienced line judges and had no lights....
  6. Way to go, thats fabulous news
  7. You can train anything! My students have trained rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, gerbils, rats, dogs, cats, iguanas, bosch lizards, skinks, goats, lambs, pigs, horses, chickens, ducks, quail and probably a load of other stuff that I've forgotten about. Would like to try a parrot and maybe a cow, but they aren't so easy to get my hands on. Dogs are too easy
  8. I'll see you then Katherine (and possibly Jayne), but I can't guarentee to remember yuor names, I'm more likely to remember your user names LOL so don't be surprised if I walk up to you and ask if you are Kimba's mom.
  9. I'm in starters on sat (with an orange and white JRT) and div 6 (with the orange JRTx) on sunday. I also don't have a collie.
  10. I will see some of you at Selby then. I there both sat and sunday.
  11. Have a look on agility net
  12. Sound slike there was some good racing, maybe next year we'll be there as well
  13. I'm clicker training two of my terriers to do the jumps and a swimmers turn. At present they are going down the jumps and round a cone as fast as possible. I'll then place the cone in front of the box and transfer the turn to the box. No idea whether its going to work, but I'll keep you posted.
  14. Wow! way to go and good luck at the Champs. We've got a long way to go before we beat that time
  15. riotous_uk


    We probably will bump into each other again as we are in the North East (East Yorks) so I'm sure you will see us at eggborough, Drax, Cantley or some of the others. We are sticking to the local area for now as its not fair to ask the students to have to travel too far as they are on restricted budgets. I will do my best Alex, but i doubt we will be entering any competitions over your way this year, we're staying fairly local for now. However Shadow has been to two tournaments so far. One had loads of rooma dn I could keep a long way from people, the other was really cramped and he had to pass people within 4-5ft and he never batted an eyelid, bless him Not even when someone's collie lunged and barked at him
  16. riotous_uk


    I run with (organise and manage) Bishop Burton Brainiacs. we formed in April. We have our first 'proper' division races at eggborough (expect it will all go horrendously wrong) and our other starters team comes out then as well. Scary. pauline
  17. riotous_uk


    I spotted you yesterday at Askham, but didn't get chance to come across and say hello. I was running my little orange JRT in the other starters division to you.
  18. The problem is that Willow isn't ball motivated so games of tuggy etc mean nothing to her. She fetches the ball because she knows she gets a treat. Running her last wouldn't help as she'll not go down the lane willingly if a dog has just run past her. I've every confidence that she'll get there in the end, just more practise and time (only been training since Easter really)
  19. That would be fabulous. I need one for my firiends dog willow as if we don't grab her fast enough after her run, she goes straight back down the lane with my dog! we've been using a collar, but its not ideal and ended up bruising her neck when we had a friendly match with another starters team. where did you get yuor harnesses from? I hope it dries up a bit before monday, it will be so slippery otherwise.
  20. Thats more like it, but way more expensive than the ones I saw at the tournament. I'll just have to have a look at eggborough on bank holiday monday. Trouble is I could do with one for a dog before then....
  21. Thanks for that Gooster, but they arne't what I'm after. I've seen some really nice padded flyball harnesses at one of the tournaments, they had a nice handle on the back of the harness to make holding (and catching) the dog easier...thats what i'm after. Had a look on the TRPD site, but after having wandered about for a while tring to find sizes and ordering instructions, I gave up! I didn't find it a very helpful I missing something?
  22. Where can I buy flyball harnesses??
  23. Yes it is allowed, the box loader can even roll the ball down the box for the dog to catch.
  24. Yes, starters i made really easy for the dogs to get it right. The lanes are netted so that the dogs can't avoid the jumps, nor can they leg it across to the other lane to interfere with the other dogs. It was also ok to rol hte ball down the box if the dog wasn't happy to trigger it or even to run down the lane with your dog. I was lucky in the snitch didn't need any help, she was super. I was well impressed with the way it was set up to assist the dogs and to ensure that they had success. Having said that, there were a few dogs that jumped the netting and joined the team in the other lane (oops) and there were some dogs that didn't appear to have a clue what flyball was all about.
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