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Richard (The Sane)

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Everything posted by Richard (The Sane)

  1. Oh, I think it may be 6 now Was that just to increase your post count? It was, wasn't it
  2. I've just realised I am only 8 away make that 7
  3. I'm thinking you might like to see the results of my photoshoot tomorrow. 3 hours at Donnington Park, full access
  4. Here is what I have confirmed so far. The camera in the van is made up of two components, the video component and the IR laser component. The laser component sends pulses out every 1/3 of a second and uses these to record the change in distanceover this time. The video is slaved to the laser to get a recorded image of the vehicle that is being tested. The laser cannot operate when the vehicle is moving as this introduces a form of doppler effect that would throw the reading out - so there is little chance the video was recording too. Also, these vans are ususally one person opeations, so if it was being driven then there will have been no-one looking out the back. Finally, from 'ofuckthat'sacameravan' experience of my own I saw one being set up, the camera oes not appear even to be in position while the van is in transit - but that may depend on the area and van setup. Good luck, what I found seems positive for you
  5. Sounds like fun. From what I know about them they cannot get you while in motion Th type that are in the vans have to be stationary to record correctly. 've got a few resources, I'll hunt down liks for them. No eed to tell OH yet
  6. Hot alcoholic who will rock your world
  7. Can someone do me a favour and send me a PM please - need to test something out
  8. I have lurgy. Bugger I went to see The Sisters of Mercy last night while still lurgyfied. I would imagine that did not help a great deal. Worth it though.
  9. Oh no, not another ugly puppy to photograph How on earth will I cope?
  10. We'll likely be there We'll likley be late too, but that is not unexpected...
  11. Not going to happen! I'm the handler and I'm not even taking my camera Maybe in a couple of months I might though
  12. We're back THanks for all the wishes, must have worked because he did alright *pround tippysdad moment*
  13. Oh we have lurvley Yummi treats! He is pretty good off the lead, but the first few sessions are strictly onlead anyway. (lick - LOL!!!!! oooops)
  14. Exactly what it says. We have signed Tippy up for a 6 week beginners agility class starting this week. I'm thinking we are Mad Nuts In for an interesting time Going to get lots of laughs Going to tire a hound out Going to hear 90 minutes of Tippy's Singing punctuated by the odd bit of doing stuff. Did I say nuts? So how do dogs usually take to agility? And what level of obedience is helpful forst?
  15. Posted them for you
  16. Still going through them with expressions such as
  17. Morning all Just had a luffly sunny walk with Tippy, but it was everso windy Met a very brave/cheeky Robin, naturally I took pikshurs!
  18. Good luck Camping eh? When will that take place?
  19. Morning Afternoon All Hope the Show go-ers have a good time, weather seems reasonable for it Hope those who are feeling pants feel less pants too take a or some if needed Those who are feeling the urge to do DIY - it is BH Sunday, think about what you are doing - STOP and have a cake instead I went to a good gig last night. After all my muttereings about good quality camera memory cards I find myself using a lexar 80x which I find (a little to late) have a habit of randomly fekking up in canon dslr's. Hence I only got 8 concert photos. Bugger. Ho hum, here they are anyway
  20. It's only a Bon Jovi tribute but they are aparrently very good
  21. Afternoon all! Today is a nice day. Have stalked a Robin for about half an hour along a hedgerow to get photos. Have walked tippy till he thought he could hardly walk any more - he is now flat out and will be till tomorrow Am doing my first gig photos this year - looking forward to the gig anyway and being able to take my camera juts makes it even better AND LONG WEEKEND!!! Loving it
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