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Mrs B

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Everything posted by Mrs B

  1. Seriously gorgeous dog there. Made a Victoria Sandwich with strawberry jam, and a Giggle Cake (don't know anything about it, I've never made one before). Now I just need someone to eat them. My OH went into work this morning ......... I haven't seen him since. Then again, I did ask him to pick up some wash powder yesterday, which he forgot, so promised to tie a knot in something for today ......... perhaps he's busy shopping ........
  2. Ah, OK, so maybe my way of eating doesn't allow quite that much butter ............ Ryvita with Marmite and low fat cream cheese is also scrummy. I fear the Marmite Police will e on to me soon.
  3. Well, day 1 passed off fairly well - and I even resisted the suggestion of a real hot chocolate for supper. However, when I did my calculations this morning, I discovered I didn't actually eat as much as I should have done yesterday - but I am going to average things out over the week anyway. Suddenly fancied Ryvitas and Marmite for breakfast ............. my Ryvitas are soggy, but I didn't care and ate them anyway. Yummy. Loobie, in my book, bread isn't crap ............. it's the crap I heap on it that's bad. Bread is definitely part of my diet plan.
  4. Morning. I have disgraced myself this morning by shutting Tigger out in the garden. I thought I'd counted all the dogs in, but obviously cannot count successfully to two any more. Before I'm reported to the Wiccaweys Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Collies, I would like to say in my defence that in the extra 10 minutes Tigger was outside he made a very good job of clearing up anything the birds had dropped from the bird table, and is now definitely taking is revenge by barking at next door 'cause they're having their weekly supermarket shop delivery, which means I will have to move from here to ask him to desist. I think I feel well enough to have a go at some housework today. Well, maybe some ironing and bake a cake or two.
  5. Congratulations Sam. So that's a whole bag of flour you're no longer lumping around.
  6. Very sorry Cheryl Phoebejo. Your description did remind me of this though ...... "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick flowers in other people's gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausages at a go Or only bread and pickle for a week And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry And pay our rent and not swear in the street And set a good example for the children. We must have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practice a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple."
  7. Had a herbal tea this afternoon, in an effort to not overdo the caffeine. It was revoltingly revolting. Mind you, I'm not sure how long they've been in the cupboard ...... Off to see if I have enough Bovril for a proper drink now, and to put the jacket potatoes in for dinner.
  8. Poor mini Squirrel. I too was wondering how much a tooth fairy visit brought these days ........
  9. Just rang my boss to say "still ill" .......... to find she's now off ill again (and she started with this before me). Now don't feel quite so bad about being off for three days. I obviously shouldn't be at work though 'cause in the process I managed to talk some gibberish to our Secretary without realising it till she asked me what I meant. Definitely not a day for dealing with important paperwork then! Off to snuggle up with the dogs for a while.
  10. Day 1 for me. I've weighed in. Feel quietly confident - or more like, there's going to be lots of folks on here watching me so I'd better behave. AND I need to make sure I have a contribution for Dogstar Foundation by 29th February which is just 8 weeks away. Seem to be doing a different diet from every one else. but I do like to have my cake and eat it so to speak. Downside. Having been ill, I haven't been able to shop for anything special, so if it's not in the house now, I can't eat it. And if I eat anything drier than a banana I start coughing! Off to do some measuring now. I suspect that my hands are colder than Grandma Squirrel's just now, which is no good thing as I might cause myself to shrink in the measuring process. Had breakfast, and I'm going to have poched duck egg on toast (white, 'cause no wholemeal, see shopping comment! (unless I make some of course)) for lunch.
  11. Morning. Hope all wine stains now removed from anatomies and lamp posts still intact. Hope all poorly dogs well soon. Not exactly sure where I got this one from as I've been doing it for years, but my first remedy for poorly tums is to try a spoonful of natural yogurt. I'm sure pro-biotic is best, but it's normally whatever's in the fridge at the time. Split jeans were noticed 4 hours after man's arrival home (not sure where that leaves him in the categorisation stakes). Now draped over wastebin pending departure to dustbin. Reminder to self to ask Mr B if I can have a new pair of jeans please. Off to post in Diets!
  12. My jeans have split. Is this telling me it's diet day tomorrow, or that I can't remember when I last bought any jeans (I'm the w-r-o-n-g shape). Will Mr B notice I wonder.
  13. Mrs B did post a message on 1st January that she could get them at £1.25 for 3 for you ............. Let her know and she'll add it to your "order" for next week.
  14. IT'S SNOWING. And according to the weather forecasts last night all we were going to get was a few flakes later this afternoon. Which means that even if I felt like it, I can't go out and pick up this morning's poo from the garden.
  15. OK. So you've let me know in no uncertain terms that "poo" is not a banned word.
  16. Nooooooooooooooooooo. It's just the deck chair's within eyesight when I go to get the dog food. There is a huge piece missing from the seat and, erm, tell tale toilets left behind (not sure whether I'm allowed to put the "other word" or if that's an automatic ban!)
  17. Can only think of reasons why you should join in. Sounds as if you (and your Dad) are doing really well. I shall be hoping for masses of support and encouragement and suggestions here, so as far as I'm concerned, the more who are here the more folks to help me.
  18. Morning. Not sure I can keep up with all this! Sorry for bad heads and funerals and relationship problems and .............. well, if I've missed you out, consider yourself a lucky dot - I'm bound to have missed something! I'm up as I could no longer stand Tigger and Daisy pawing at my face - by the time they decided it was time to go back to sleep, I was awake. I feel at least one sock has been removed from my head and relocated in my chest. RMF: Drinking a glass of fruit juice which I think is fizzy. Never mind, I had a large glass to finish up the carton. Red Arrows have been practising over the house this morning - I'm sure they don't normally do that in January. Snow here - well an apology of a sprinkling which is probably all we'll get this year. Think I have a visitor in my garage. Correction, I know I have a visitor in my garage - it's nicking my nuts and eating my deckchair, and that's just what I've noticed. Off to consider breakfast.
  19. Oi. Unless you're going to put your hand on your heart without crossing your fingers and assure me that you've put everything in the washing machine one item at a time, and removed them at the same rate, and not so much as lifted a washing basket or pile of laundry, or in fact anything heavier than a pair of knickers .............................. you're in deep doo-doos with Mrs B for lifting too much. Why is Lincolnshire so far from Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. I could give someone such a cleaning challenge here - they'd definitely be in their element. Caffeine on tap ....... ....... and cake too. 'Tis my dream to have a cleaner.
  20. (((Sigh))) Sorry, I don't know, I know I should, but I am ever so slightly of the IT not good - apart from the keyboard bit. I'm probably just a step further on than the "Pics", "My Pics" and "Piccies" stage .........
  21. I changed my address! I found that by putting an underscore between the two parts of my name, I reduced the volume of junk mail to around two items per year, which is less than I receive at work with their supposedly fantastic systems! Good enough for IT illiterate me. I've now done the same with all my e-mail addresses. So for example, your address could be [email protected] Depends how many folks know your e-mail address and stuff - at the time I did mine, it wasn't critical.
  22. Have read my BHF book in the bath. (At least I didn't have to look at the rest of me as a result!) Have found a notebook, and a tape measure, put a new battery in the scales, and hopefully will be ready for Friday. Thanks for motivating me guys.
  23. Stooooopid question. Why can't you register with more than one agency? First come, first served by your talents.
  24. Also meant to say, Claire, I'm sure you won't remember me (although my dogs are unforgettable) but will you please BEHAVE yourself. I few weeks resting now will get you back on your feet much quicker. (Speaking as one who's had both feet broken in operations, so has had to go through two periods of inactivity to get back on her feet again). I shall be watching this thread carefully for signs of nortiness. You could always see if the Squirrels would lend you a few records to help pass the time ......
  25. Morning. I'm awake I think. My head is still full of socks, so I rang in sick this morning. Have eaten some pineapple chunks with yogurt ('cause it was all I could think that I fancied) and am now off for a sauna bath. Not sure what I'm going to do after that. Nothing too brain taxing that's for sure. Perhaps I should check out my music collection for skeletons .............
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