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Mrs B

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Everything posted by Mrs B

  1. Tigger wasn't as destructive as Jack, and didn't eat as much of his beeding, but he always used to work at destroying any bedding in his crate. Although I haven't needed to crate Tigger for a while, on the last few occasions I have just used lots of newspaper. Admittedly it did end up looking as if the paper shredder had been at work afterwards!
  2. Now reached "R" And the fruit cake's in the oven.
  3. You are an extremely clever 12 year old. I'm up to "D" (for dunce I guess!) and am mostly going typing in numbers!
  4. Whoops, I missed the start of May somewhere ........ Cheryl, please be careful - don't want to hear reports of Fugees being 'done' for anti-social behaviour or stalking or something (even though I can understand why you would want to get hold of a certain landlord by the something or others just now!) Tried my old mobile - but there's now just one contact on there - oh so helpful not - however as I am rubbish at deleting my Log, I did have about three month's worth of numbers on there, so did pick up half a dozen which I don't have anywhere else. Alex, cleaning is not good for you. I've just been bashing dust and dog hair around ........ and now can't stop coughing - so have decided it might be safer to iron! Do you think I should make a Fruit Cake. Or a Pilchard Cake?
  5. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Yes CT, I do still have my old 'phone ......... does that mean if I put my new SIM in my old 'phone I might find them? Or perhaps find some way of storing them to my SIM. Now off to pick up old 'phone gently to see if I can manage to put in new SIM without old 'phone collapsing into many pieces. Daisy is currently lying down the side of the house in the mud waiting to talk to next door's cats. Unfortunately during a lapse of my concentration she managed to come back into the house to check all was well, and has visited every room in the house. The good thing is there's no point in getting the vacuum out at the moment while the mud is wet!
  6. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I think I broke the Refuge this morning - it kept saying it was "Done" but insisted on showing me a very blank screen. Off to see how many telephone numbers I can find to put in my mobile. This may not take long!
  7. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I need a techy clever clogs. I have just changed my mobile contract and ported my old number. They did say "keep a note of all your contacts" but like the numpty I am I thought/assumed that as I was set up to save to mobile and SIM everything would move. NOPE! I now have nothing from my former Contacts list. Before I start trying to recreate my life, losing one or two along the way, can anyone else tell me where on the 'phone my contacts have hidden themselves (it's still set up to save to SIM and phone) or have I had it?!
  8. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Cheryl Is that your thread on MSE?
  9. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    So sorry to hear your news about Lucy, Grey's Mum. Hope you have lots of loving fun times with her in the next few days to add to all your good memories of her. Rumpole, brilliant news - I am in absolute awe of all the work you do for DDA and the successes you have. Decided that I "need" a beer tonight, so have just poured myself my favourite beer tipple (I don't do it often, especially when I'm on my own, but just fancied it). Dinner will be about another 20 minutes - meanwhile trying to find some semblance of tidiness in the house. Even by my low standards it has gotten up and gorn!
  10. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Is it not anti-social to have your shopping delivered between 9.00 pm and 11.00 pm at night? I'm tempted - at least I'd be sure I was home, had eaten, sorted the dogs out, washed up, tidied up, sorted the washing out, emptied the dishwasher .........
  11. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I am still making the dogs suffer by being at home all day. I have been coming up in lots of blotchy things, and have had a really dry mouth - and noticed last night on my antibiotics packet that it did say "if you come up in a rash ........." So this morning I rang NHS Direct, who rang me back, who sent me to the pharmacist, who sent me to the Doctors, who said "ooooh that's different ......." Apparently I have an allergic reation to "something". So now I have antibiotic cream to go with my antibiotic tablets. And walking to to village and back twice (a total distance of at least 400 yards) has completely kernackered me for everything apart from energetic itching. Just going to see what is in the freezer that I will provide me with an instantaneous dinner tonight. I am becoming extremely bored with doing nothing - I have too much to do. Have thought about an on-line shop - but I keep thinking I will be at work so won't be here to receive it. Did we ever see Helly's new hairstyle - or did I just miss the excitement somewhere?
  12. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I is at home again. Another night spent coughing lots - so now I ache all over, and feel worn out and very sorry for myself. Trying to summons up the get up and go to do something useful with self - like sorting out holiday insurance and paying bills - but my get up and go seems to have disappeared somewhere. Perhaps Mr B took it to work with him - in which case it will not reappear until 11.00 pm tonight. I am very rapidly running out of food now. Except for cake making ingredients. And there's no wash powder in the house. Or coughing sweets. Now I've forgotten what I read back in RMFs. Sorry RMF-ers.
  13. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Is this nurse not aware of the combined force of Fugee power? Thinking fast kicking in thoughts.
  14. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Oh dear Alex. Do hope that A&E sort you out. I had two coughing attack thingys during the night, but despite Mr B bringing me a nice mug of tea this morning before he went out to play with his golf clubs, so I could stay in bed for extra sleeps, I was so hungry that I had to get up for breakfast. My energetic plans for the rest of the morning include a long hot soaky bath, finishing my book, doing my paying bills on-line stuff - and hoping Mr B returns with a triple pack of Soothers as requested!
  15. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I want to go to bed, but I'm putting it off in case I start coughing again as soon as I get upstairs.
  16. Tigger, my homunculous - five years on and every day the Tigger shaped dint in my heart grows a little bigger
  17. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Alex, you're a plank. I was officially feeling much better owing to much less coughing. Mr B returned home - no baking - he hadn't listened to his mobile (and this is the only means I have of contacting him during the day short of an absolute life and death emergency) - oh, and now the van needed picking up so he needed my chauffeuring skills. By the time I had collected cakes, acted as chauffeur, made dinner and washed up, I am back to coughing my insides out. Lesson to self - thinking you are feeling better due to sitting around, just means that you are helping the healing process, not that you are actually fit again. If I cough all night tonight, I shall lurk around here and generally annoy any night owls around. It is my boy's gotcha day.
  18. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Alex hope you're feeling better soon. Sam, I am very excited to hear that you might be receiving legal coin of the realm soon ...... hopefully ........ maybe. I have decided that today I am officially giving up. Went to bed last night, and for the umpteenth time in the last week immediately had a coughing attack which just went on and on and on, so ended up going downstairs to cough, and making up a bed, yet again on the settee with the dog blankets (clean!) Not even anything to do with the dogs, when OH gets up at 4, I dive back into bed and go straight to sleep, pinned either side by my two. However, feeling all round unwell, serious headache brewing, and fed up of coughing, so rang my boss to say I was staying put (feeling very guilty) and she more or less "thank goodness and about time"! I am now going for a nap, and then might just see what is on my TV recorder thingy. Perhaps I need "Doctors"!
  19. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I'm worn out by coughing and not sleeping, so gave up and went to the walk in clinic at the Docs today. An hour later I need antibiotics and rest. You can tell I was seen by a male GP. I'm a woman - and just when do we have chance to rest? I'm working out if I might just give up and not go into work tomorrow - I suspect my boss and colleagues might be slightly relieved not to have me coughing and sighing all over them!
  20. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Thanks Sam. In that case I will continue being weird (or more weird than normal). Apparently I am making funny noises in my sleep! In fact I know it's not 'apparently' 'cause I'm waking myself up when I make them. Off to work where I will try to cough quietly and appear to be awake. I'm waiting for the deluge of insurance claims to land on my desk - but guess it's unlikely any/many of our guys will have made it back into the UK yet. Perhaps I should suggest our company should charter themselves a boat or two - there must be enough folks stranded to make it worth our while.
  21. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I am currently trying to work out whether I have some weird cold/cough/throat virus thing .......... or whether it is possible that this cloud of ash is getting to my asthma. I appear to have battled through the last three days on a diet of inhalers and cough sweets. As I am normally not bad with my asthma anyway, I would expect everyone else to be affected before me, but haven't heard of anyone else complaining.
  22. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Alex. Very weird dream. I am less than impressed that my Company has seen fit to send through a report about the visit of a certain PM to one of our sites yesterday. Perhaps they now wish to control my voting strategy! Currently trying to write an e-mail to send out to a couple of thousand folks telling them they need to claim on the Company's insurance for any volcanic ash incurred additional travel expenses they have. I just cannot get the words flowing in the right direction, which is unusual for me.
  23. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    I thought I had a cold when I woke up this morning - now I just seem to have a funny throat, a temperature and a very very hurty lower back - not strained muscle achy, just tender sore hurty. Why do I get these things on a Friday, when I have to make the decision now as to whether or not I need to see the Doc or not. Any Fugee bright ideas out there? I really don't have time to go to the Doctors until 11.00 am tomorrow - which obviously just ain't going to happen!
  24. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    It's looking as if my asking around is producing a possible home for one - but one is a lively-ish 16 years old, probably best suited to living as an only cat - and I guess the sort of folks prepared to take on a 16 year old, probably have cats already. I may be on here before the week is out to see if anyone has any good suggestions. In the end we got a Picasso-without-the-Grand-but-with-EGS I have to say I really fell in love with the older Honda CRVs, but the way we wanted to crate the boot for Tiggs and Daisy would have left them with not quite as much room as I wanted them to have. Ah well, perhaps one day I will just be able to choose the car I want for me without thinking of cost and what I need it for! Because there is no sun here, and I've just been out in my thick winter coat and gloves and was freezing!
  25. Mrs B

    April Rmf

    Just been 'entertaining' myself whilst eating my sandwiches - I needed a bit of a cheer up, although it looks as if a few are needed too. Alicia - hope your Mum doesn't cause you too many problems Alex - very well done - exams and seatbelts Sam - you do so much brilliant work for DogStar - sorry you're not having good luck with the paid stuff though Apologies to folks I've missed. From me, the slightly exciting news is, that for the first time since way before Christmas I have a car that I actually have confidence won't break down on me! And I managed to get the last one to the garage for part exchange without it finally collapsing! Even more exciting we have taken it to be measured for Tigger and Daisy residences. And that went so well, that I'm really quite excited about those being put in. I'm trying to work out whether I have a sore throat or not - I definitely have a "funny" throat - but I don't have time for a cold until Sunday! Tigger will soon have been here fore five years - can't believe it. Currently trying to help a friend out with rehoming her cats before she emigrates - the new home she had carefully found for them has suddenly fallen through.
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