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Everything posted by Brunzara

  1. Brunzara

    Lung Cancer

    Zara collapsed in the field last night The vet still thinks she has lung cancer. I don't understand though how she can just suddenly collapse like that without any previous breathing difficulties. It doesn't seem consistent with other peoples experiences of lung cancer in their dogs After collapsing (she didn't lose conciousness) she was up again within 5 minutes and we walked (although slowly) the rest of the way home. When we got in from the vets (who said that her gums were slightly blue but that basically there is not much we can do), she ate her tea and then was sick. After that she was fine.........wanting to play and back to normal. This not knowing what is wrong is killing me
  2. Brunzara

    Lung Cancer

    Thank you everybody There is still something going on in her lungs so we are not out of the woods yet but I was so sure that it was going to be a secondary from her spleen. We can assume that as her spleen was free from the dreaded C that this in her lung is something else. It seems that cancer in the lungs is quite rare unless secondary from a tumour elsewhere.............phew. We are going to see how she goes on after this course of anti-biotics that she finishes tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
  3. Brunzara

    Lung Cancer

    Zara's test results are tumour cells found
  4. Brunzara

    Lung Cancer

    Zara has just had her spleen removed as she had a tumour on it. It has been sent away for testing but she has something in her lung which is more than likely a secondary. My other dog Bruno had a tumour and had his spleen removed last year on the 23rd March (Zara's was on the 24th March this year), he only lived another few weeks and was put to sleep on the 19th April (it was a very aggressive form of cancer). I can't believe that this is happening to me again, I know what to expect with regards to if the abdomen area flares up again but I don't know what to expect with regards to the lungs. She is obviously at the moment recovering from the op. but before that she was enjoying life, she loves her walks and would be out 24/7 if she could and is eating well. Occasionaly she coughs. These were taken about a week ago (about 2 weeks after diagnosis) I am struggling to cope with this constant worry (Bruno's death is still very raw) and just thought that it might help a little if I knew what to expect, without constantly watching for things.
  5. At peace now, beautiful boy.................sorry
  6. Just feel that this girl deserves a mention. A very sweet Lab/Staffie girl who was picked up as a stray was PTS today. She had a terrible mammary tumour that had spread to her chest and there was nothing that could be done for her. It's just so sad that she spent her last few days in the pound and that she didn't receive the treatment she so badly needed a long time ago by her so called owners wherever they may be. Run free beautiful girl, your suffering is over
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