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Everything posted by Asmo

  1. Thanks for the thoughts. I do try and avoid the chemical route and stick to garlic etc, which usually works. But for some reason last year we had a really bad outbreak of both fleas and ticks where we live and one of the dogs just seemed to pick them up every time we went out. So I used just one treatment at the beginning of the outbreak and it seemed to be enough to give them relief until it all died down again. I'm just worried that with the warmer weather now we'll have the same thing happening. I'll have a better read up and have a rethink, see what else we could maybe try. Thanks for the replies
  2. All 3 of our dogs and 1 cat have just had their boosters. I only use a treatment like Frontline once a year (as the weather gets warmer) and stick to garlic etc for the remainder of the year. (It's just to give them a boost where heavy flea problems and ticks are concerned because where we live surrounded by brakcen, moors, heather, livestock etc). Anyway, is there a time frame after vaccinations before you can use a spot-on type treatment? I don't want to do the wrong thing. Thanks
  3. Tyson found his way into the pound in April, with his son. Aged around 5 years, Tyson was found a rescue space with a Bull Mastiff rescue, and after a brief stay in boarding kennels Tyson wound his way across the country. Having been there just a few weeks Tyson showed signs of illness and had blood tests, antibiotics and a biopsy. Sadly the news that came back was the worst kind, a very agressive Lymphoma Sarcoma...Tyson would be dead within the week. When it became clear that it was time Tyson had a hearty breakfast and a long walk with the rescue's secretary who had been very involved with Tyson. When they got back, Tyson was cradled in the chap's arms and drifted to sleep forever. Everyone who met or had dealings with Tyson felt very honoured to have known him, and his passing is felt by many. He was a gentle giant, and although he never made it to a new home, he died in the arms of someone who cared very much for him, surrounded by love. Run free Tyson
  4. Just wanted to say thank you Claire. I'm so glad Millie is home. The rescue she was going to are really happy for her too, and have offered us the space for another dog instead
  5. Another fan here. Just wanted to say I was converted a year or so ago and wouldn't go back now. They're cleaner, easy to use, reduce my period pain and backache, make it easier when dog walking or very active and so on when other methods might work loose or chafe Also no leakage when laying down (unlike pads). And no more stray fibres living in your insides from tampons!! And £20 compared to the years of paying out for other products. And no, I don't have shares...sadly!
  6. Asmo

    We Did It

    Errr, scuse of trophy and winning boy please???
  7. No name, no owners to care. The product of his breed and breeding. Mentally damaged too badly to be saved. I just wanted to say that people do care and are thinking of you as you make your journey. Run free baby
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