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About Staffiexxx

  • Birthday 12/03/1979

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    Nr peterborough & kings lynn

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  1. Hi I'm wondering if anyone has seen or experienced this or can offer advice? My parents Bulldog girl Baggy is very unhappy right now, They recently lost their Boxer boy Buddy (aged 9yrs), Baggy is 4yrs so was with Buddy from day one, So they feel this could be the reason for Baggys unhappyness, She's never been "great" with other dogs but is now wanting to start fights and being snappy (usually my staffie & her are OK but today Baggy tried a few times to "confront/challange" Maz). She is being snappy with the cats even the duck, doves and chickens which really isnt like Baggy. She is loosing hair and now has got a few small bald patches. Baggy is eating as usual (shes a ganit ) but has lost a fair bit of weight, she was slightly over weight so this didnt show at first but now is very clear. She looks unhappy (I know bulldogs always look unhappy ) but she really is looking down & lost. My parents lost Buddy last month and Baggys change started then but is now very noticable, They are going to take her to the vets but I said I would ask on here if anyone has seen or experienced this or have any ideas on what they can do? Many thanks Baggy is usually a happy, friendly, wiggly girl heres some photos taken today of her. (I have a MAJOR soft spot for her ) Bulldog or Hippo you choose Baggy will do anything for a pool of water This has got to be the best photo I've got of her (yep she looks happy here but she'd just got some garlic bread but is on the lead for challanging Maz)
  2. Hi Thank you will have a read of on there Maz has tried before (with a friend) but she has no interest for anything but looking for a fight shes a nightmare out of the home with strange dogs but can bring 90% of dogs in my home and she is fine A bit of a strange one my Maz
  3. Hi I would like to get "into" & learn Agility, Not with Maz (my staffie) but when I we get a second dog. I will be honest I dont know the first thing about agility So every bit of info anyone could offer would be great or if they know any good sites I could do some reading? Many Thanks in advance Nikki
  4. We think theres def some jrt in there too she thinks shes a "big dog" too Not as cute as she look K9Fran - Thank u for the reply I will print it and give to my parents, Pucci wasnt bought up in a house until my parents got her she (I *think*) was born and lived in a kennel. They've always had larger dogs and never had ANY problems with them house training or general training, So pucci is a bit of a shock They have a bedlington and a bulldog aswell as pucci and tilly.
  5. Hi I'm wondering if anyone has any tips I can pass to my parents as they are having trouble house training their new pup, Shes (I Think) nearly 5mths, They have the back door open all the time as the weathers nice now but Pucci will 99% of the time toilet in the house, Even when shes in the garden playing with the other dogs she will stop and come IN the house to toilet, As you can imagine little puddles and "presents" are quite frequent with a puppy , They've never had problems house training any of their other dogs but Pucci is proving to be a little devil to house train, They have tried quite a few things ie: Praising when she goes outside etc (I can ask what methods they've tried if needed) but she wont go out side unless shes "caught short" which isnt often she normally makes it to the house to go , The garden is 1 acre so plently of room for a little madam to "do her business" All the other 3 dogs are good as gold, Pucci was last to join the pack. Any tips at all would be great Heres The little madam herself Any clues on her breed would be great too she's "ment" to be a chihuahua X pomerainian (sp?) (with their second youngest Tilly 1yr Hungarian Viszla) Sun bathing in the side of the decking Who me?!?!
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