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Posts posted by Brenda

  1. My daughter has IBS (she had a sigmoisoscopy earlier this year to rule out anything else). It doesn't sounds like the symptoms my daughter has to be honest, but I can't offer an alternative! It must be awful putting up with pain like this, so I hope you manage to get things sorted soon. :GroupHug:

  2. I was very lucky as I had a wonderful childhood, raised by amazing, loving, caring parents. My mum fell down the stairs when she was 61 and suffered horrendous brain damage. She nearly died, but to cut a long story short she spent months in hospital and then a nursing home before she got pneumonia and died aged 63. My dad died of a massive heart attack, probably brought on my the stress of mum's accident, 1 year earlier. Mum died in Jan 2001 and I think of her every day and I miss her so, so much. I have learnt to adjust to life without them, but life will never be quite the same again.


    Grieve for as long as you need to, there is no 'set time'. I think how you are feeling is very natural and understandable. I can remember feeling like you do. It is wretched and it feels as if everyone else is okay when inside you feel desperate. Take care and, a cliche I know, but take it a day at a time, go with your feelings. Treasure and remember your mum, she helped to make you the person you are. When my dad died someone said to me, you are lucky that you had such a wonderful dad as she had no relationship with her father, I then felt blessed. :GroupHug: :GroupHug:

  3. Aww, Laura, your post made me cry. What an adorable girl and so sad to think of what she has been trhough. She is so lucky now, thank you for never giving up on her. Happy Gotcha Day Vena. xx

  4. A very disturbing programme and like others I was sickened by the cruelty I saw.


    Regarding greys being used as blood donors, my 2 have been blood donors for a few years and given 11 donations each. One time Rudy's blood was literally whisked away to be used in an emergency. They both donated last week, they get plenty of fuss, treats and food and a toy each. They have an annual blood screen with a full haematology and biochemistry profile, which gives me peace of mind and a basic blood screen and check-up at each donation. Of course PBB (Pet blood Bank) where my 2 donate and who were featured on the programme have to cover costs but I know I would be very grateful to dog blood donors if one of my dogs needed blood in an emergency, I honestly don't believe my dogs are being exploited in any way. Our local RGT kennels have PBB to them for the rescue dogs to give blood and the dogs are not streesed at all, in fact they seem to love the fuss & attention. My daughter worked for PBB for a short time on work experience and they never allow a stressed or frightened dog to donate. The first time Caleb went he was a bit anxious, so they didn't take his blood, the second time and each time since he has been fine. I did talk to a Panorama jornalist while my dogs were giving blood on one occasion, but my comments weren't used on the pogramme. Medivet charge owners £160 per pint of blood which is outrageous, PBB do not charge this much.

  5. When we only had Caleb I had an interview to look after peoples dogs for Barking Mad. I never actually looked after any dogs and quite sdoon after we got more of our own. All I can say is that the amount the carers are paid is peanuts compared to how much you would be charged!!! I honestly wouldn't touch them with a bargepole with an arrangement like that!

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