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Everything posted by K9Fran

  1. Having actually taken human prozac, I have some idea of what I'm talking about - it helps you cope with everyday life, it's not an anti depressant in that it makes you sleepy, it just makes 'normal' things normal instead of intolerable. I'd have no problems suggesting an owner see their vet for a prescription to help a dog in the short term, and remember the vet can't prescribe in the long term without seeing the animal, so the RSPCA's idea that it can be used to hide the fact that a dog isn't being cared for doesn't carry weight.
  2. You haven't remembered your first snog, it's long gone, along with all your other memories........Except the one concerning Bernard Manning..... I wish my kids would actually take notice of me the first time I ask them to do something.
  3. I didn't know Nature's Menu made a dried complete. Acording to their website they make a mixer type biscuit, but not a complete....... *Good* foods tend not to have the 'clout' the larger manufacturers do, and can't afford the penalties supermarkets impose if things go pear shaped.
  4. I can spot a dog fed on one of these more commercial foods a mile off - Bakers isn't the only one, Pedigree is as bad, and Hills can run them both a close third place with some dogs........
  5. Trev made an ENORMOUS cake, there was so much mixture, it was like the porridge in the fairy tale and it kept on growing and growing until you, Trev and the dogs were pushed out of the house, now you have nowhere to live..... I wish I didn't have to watch the pennies so much.
  6. You don't have a cold sore, you have a hugh great big witchy style wart instead........ I wish my two youngest would stop winding each other up! It is my birthday after all
  7. Stupid bloomin' OH has got a speeding ticket for doing 71mph in a 60mpg zone - and he was only going to see his Mother, not like it was life and death or anything. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
  8. You are thin, but your diet was so unbalanced, every time you trip over your dog, you break bones...... I wish I could fly.
  9. You know Missy...... the phrase 'smart dumb balance' was made for her - she's all that in one dog!
  10. Your back gets better, but the things you've got to do include a mammoth pile of ironing.... I wish I could magic up meals for 4 (2 adults and 2 kids) that everyone enjoys and eats instead of at least one person pushing something around their plate and pulling faces!
  11. It IS easier to find a car - only it's an abandonded 1979 Morris Marina in baby poo yellow and it's parked across your drive. I wish #1 son hadn't come to stay for the weekend and ruin OH and mine chance of a 'quiet night in'
  12. K9Fran


    That's strange Yantan, I've posted the same link on another forum and they can see it - I is confused!
  13. K9Fran


    This is was my goody bag from the PAACT AGM - I thought it was safe and out of the way - I was wrong!!
  14. Oh lucky lucky girly! I reemember #2 son's first pony ride - he was 2, it was at the local Agricultural show, and he squealed with delight the whole time!
  15. Hope it all goes OK at the vets, being the owner of a 14 and a half year old, I understand how you are feeling. I was woken up at 7.04 this morning - OH was working a night shift (he's IT support for the Foreign Office, so he works shifts to make sure the embassies etc around the world always have IT support) He had a complete brain burp and phoned me instead of an Asian embassey - took me ages to convince him I wasn't Abdul - I'm not sure which one of us was more asleep!! Still, I turned it into a positive, got a load of washing nearly ready to go on the line alread, had a shower and coloured my hair, done some paperwork already, so I'm actually ahead of myself (it can't last!)
  16. It can't be as bad as yesterday Cheryl - at least your babies will have some stimulation and not have to resort to swinging heat lamps for amusement.....
  17. Life gets more exciting - you get the chance to go sky diving to raise funds for your favourite animal charity, but it has to be done in the nude!! I wish I didn't keep buying plants in the reduced corner at my local garden centre, then forget to plant them......
  18. You didn't go to Ebay, you weren't impulsive, and you missed a Picasso which went for a tenner! I wish my OH understood me better
  19. Your memory is better - you can now remember that night of passion with Bernard Manning...... I wish I wasn't drowning in a mountain of bills that need paying.
  20. Darryl did make you a cup of tea - he used water that had been boiled 25 minutes ago, a tea bag he found in the sink and some milk from the cats bowl...... I wish I'd tidied the living room before the kids got home.......
  21. You are slim and pretty and Bernard Manning fancies the pants off you! I wish I'd looked after my teeth.
  22. Your mood has improved, infact you're driving everone nuts with you 'up beat' attitude and now you have no friends... I wish people would stop posting really good replies milliseconds after my wish corruptions and mine get ignored (it's happened twice now, and I'm going to start throwing the teddies in a minute
  23. You have chocolate, but it's suspended over a 60 foot cliff face, and you don't like heights! I wish it was warmer.
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