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Anyone Going To Be At Sats Show In Warlingham On 25th June?


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Good Luck to you and Dylan Vera, be relaxed and enjoy it. Hope you're not drawn and my tip is to look at the times of the stays/lunch break in the rings next door. Sometimes the lunch hours are different so you have chance to work whilst it's a bit quiter in the neighbouring ring - especially useful if it's a sendaway and

DC class next door! Will wait eagerly to hear the news :)


We've had 3 weeks without an open show as I too forgot to post! Club show next weekend though (Wolverhampton) then it all starts again. And Sandra get them entries in today!!


Lindsey and Teddy.

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Good Luck to you and Dylan Vera, be relaxed and enjoy it. Hope you're not drawn and my tip is to look at the times of the stays/lunch break in the rings next door. Sometimes the lunch hours are different so you have chance to work whilst it's a bit quiter in the neighbouring ring - especially useful if it's a sendaway and

DC class next door! Will wait eagerly to hear the news :)


We've had 3 weeks without an open show as I too forgot to post! Club show next weekend though (Wolverhampton) then it all starts again. And Sandra get them entries in today!!


Lindsey and Teddy.



LOL- I have probably missed a bunch more :laugh:


Well we were at Basingstoke today - that's about all I can say really :rolleyes:

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And did doggies do their stays Sandra? Because you forgot to mention that if they did :D I'm thinking of getting a Dr's letter to excuse me from them!


Hhhmph!!! :angry:


...and today was more or less a rerun of yesterday :rolleyes:


Keira did her A stays but broke sit in novice because there was a bang.


Tia - A sit stay broke down stay with me going almost out off sight 3 min - did them!!!! Novice did the sit then broke the down :glare:

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Well I'm not even brave enough to do A stays yet so that wasn't too bad Sandra (squirms). Do you ever get the feeling they are just laughing at you? :unsure: ( :rolleyes: :laugh: )


Went to a companion show today, went 'clear' (remember it was a companion so not exactly tough judging to say the least!) except for retrieve as he lost sight of it in the grass so had a bit of a looksie for it. Must get some dog friendly paint for the ends! But I did do scent which he did (well he got the right cloth anyway!) and we did an A-recall (dog coming in from the right as well) so pleased with that for our first attempts in the ring.


Now I just have to stop him jumping up at the stewards or judge when they're waving arms and standing over him at the start (preferably before we get banned).


And your next show is?..


Good luck again for Dylan, we're at Chalfield I think on that day so will be going through it all with you (minus the confidence).

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Next show is the weekend 1 & 2 July, I am stewarding one day and competing on the other.


Tia is definately taking the pizz in stays :angry:


Keira sometimes leaves her brain outside the ring :rolleyes:


Well done with A-recall and scent :flowers:


To stop him jumping up- have him in working mode, concentrate on him more than looking at judge/steward as long as you listen to the steward you don't need to pay them any attention (if you know what I mean) :unsure:

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Will do, thanks Sandra. It helps if there is a clear entrance not crowded with other folk and their dogs but that's for us to work through, ducking under the ropes helps but then I lose his attention going in. I do know what you mean but I have a habit of leaving my brain outside the ring too! Will see what we can muster this weekend. I entered N.W. Kent show (can't for the life of me remember when it is), will you be there?

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Not sure whether I can now do this Sunday. I came home last night and found Dylan had two big 1" gashes on his thighs (one each side). I have no idea how it happened. The wounds look ok so don't need stitching, but I will probably not take Dylan.


I have also pulled a muscle in my neck last night and it huuuuuurts... :angry: . If I don't feel too bad on Sunday, I might bring Flash along just to get him used to the atmosphere at shows. I probably won't work him at all this year, but will do some training rounds with him.



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Oh Vera that's horrible bad luck, hope you find what it was Dylan caught himself on. I hurt my neck too yesterday but am trying not to think about it as it's just a niggle at the moment although training usually makes it worse :(

Do go if you aren't in too much pain, you could always offer to help with being a scent decoy or a scoreboard steward. I found that really useful as I wouldn't normally get chance to watch the more experienced classes and boy can you watch your own mistakes!


We're at Wolv. on Saturday and I am already dreading it with nerves as who knows what Ted. will decide to do on the day and I have to be there for 7am to help set up so am very tempted to leave him at home and just be a helper. Not brave enough or good enough with directions yet to steward!


Hope your neck feels better quickly, codeine is a fabulous friend.



Edited by reds
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Will do, thanks Sandra. It helps if there is a clear entrance not crowded with other folk and their dogs but that's for us to work through, ducking under the ropes helps but then I lose his attention going in. I do know what you mean but I have a habit of leaving my brain outside the ring too! Will see what we can muster this weekend. I entered N.W. Kent show (can't for the life of me remember when it is), will you be there?


Can't remember about NW Kent- I will check.


Just ask the people round the ring entrance to move away! I do that 'cos Tia is fear agg, they shouldn't be crowded round the entrance anyway. :dry:



Not sure whether I can now do this Sunday. I came home last night and found Dylan had two big 1" gashes on his thighs (one each side). I have no idea how it happened. The wounds look ok so don't need stitching, but I will probably not take Dylan.


I have also pulled a muscle in my neck last night and it huuuuuurts... :angry: . If I don't feel too bad on Sunday, I might bring Flash along just to get him used to the atmosphere at shows. I probably won't work him at all this year, but will do some training rounds with him.




Oh poor Dylan give him a :GroupHug: from me. What other shows are you going to, I want to meet Flash in the Flesh!!


:flowers: Good luck on Saturday Lindsey

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Hope you're not drawn


Why do people worry about being drawn? You can't do better than your best, whenever you work.

I'd rather get it over with than hang about for ages.

If I had a very early draw, I'd just get there in time to watch the judge and steward working out the heelwork route.



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Why do people worry about being drawn? You can't do better than your best, whenever you work.

I'd rather get it over with than hang about for ages.

If I had a very early draw, I'd just get there in time to watch the judge and steward working out the heelwork route.





I agree Pam but for me anyway it does take the pressure off if you don't have a draw as then I can choose whether to work before stays for instance and not worry about having to rush into stays if they're early, or missing my draw if I run late, or not having chance to study the round very well... As you can tell I am a fretter!! There are definite advantages to a draw, like the show where I was in the first 5 and only the first 10 people of each class managed to avoid working in the constant downpouring rain that started just afterwards :biggrin:

I have a bad memory for directions so if it's a fiddly course like lots of sits then I much prefer to have watched a few rounds first. Unfortunately Teddy gets very over-exciteable so it is impossible to stand around with him by the ring for long whilst other's are working and if parked a way away, a draw can be tricky. One show I was drawn 2nd. and the first person didn't turn up and the judge was 20 minutes late getting to the table. I daredn't leave in case they turned up and I missed my slot, and I couldn't watch from the car either as I was on another field. So I had no choice but to stand there and wait for 20 minutes by which time Ted. was well and truly wound up and head totally blown. Then of course the first competitor turns up and does a very long training round with toy so by the time we got into the ring, we'd already completely lost the plot and had no chance.


On the flip side though, at least with a draw you know when you will be going in and you don't have to worry about battling with everyone else to work at a certain time/point of day and as you say, at least it gets it over with! I really should try to relax shouldn't I :laugh:

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I really should try to relax shouldn't I :laugh:


I think it's the very nature of Obedience itself that encourages people to get uptight.

When you're worried about tiny imperfections in performance it's bound to affect your outlook.

I've only dabbled in competition, but there didn't seem to be many chilled out people at the shows I've been to.

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