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Rufus The Wonderdog - A Tribute

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Rufus the Wonderdog left us for the Bridge on 27 March 2008.


Below is a small tribute that I have put together in his memory. I don't have space to be able to tell you everything about him but I hope this will give you a flavour of our very special doglet.


We have Mindy (Tobleronie) to thank for letting us have him as part of our family - albeit for too short a time.


Labrador Rescue (South-East & Central) had rescued him from what I consider to be horrifying circumstances, where he had been badly neglected and mistreated. This compounded minor medical problems that he had and did affect both the quantity and qualtiy of his life. Without Mindy's and Lab Rescue's help Rufus would never have survived and we would have been deprived of our very special time with our Wonderdog.




This is the photo that started it all for us, as well as a very appealing story put on DP by Mindy.





Rufus joined our family on December 27th 2005, after being in kennels for 8 months. He had been there for a long time as he was known not to be dog friendly and he had several medical problems. We went to collect him from Liz at Suntop Kennels during a huge snowstorm, a round trip of some 300 miles.





As we passed cars that had slid off the road into the ditches we wondered if the effort would be worth it – it was more than worth it!!




The first night at home we thought it would be better for him if he slept in his brand new bed in the lounge, where it would be quiet and he could sleep undisturbed. Rufus had other ideas and worked out how to open the door and come to find us.


Needless to say he never slept away from us again :rolleyes: :laugh:




Rufus quickly became a very important part of our family and our lives revolved around him :wub:

We were determined that he would enjoy life to the full, in the hope of making up for some of his past.



During his time with us he learnt to trust people again – that we would come back if we went out for a while;


That we did love him – even if he was being a little naughty;





Guess what he'd been doing just before this photo was taken :rolleyes:



That he was allowed to play and have fun – even if he was a touch destructive with his toys;





That we would look after him when he was unwell and in pain;





And the biggest and most important thing for Rufus – that he would be fed regularly and given lots of treats!






Knowing that Rufus might not make it to a ripe old age we tried to fit in lots of things.


He had walks by the river and at the Water Park where there were lots of exciting scents and he loved to go in the water, but could not master how to swim.


This was his favourite way of cooling down in the hot weather - his own swimming pool :laugh:





We took him to the park where he could run about and play with his ball and Frisbee and we could always guarantee he would find a huge branch, not some tiny stick, for fetch and carry :rolleyes: :laugh:


He loved meeting people and having a fuss made of him, always seeming to know when to be very enthusiastic in his greeting and when to be gentle.




Rufus had so many funny ways about him which always brought a smile to our faces :rolleyes: :laugh:


If we had to go out and leave him at home we always left him with a chew as a treat. When we got home he would always have a ‘mad’ five minutes running back and forth, wagging his tail and showing how very pleased he was to see us.




This was me being greeted on my return from work. His whole body used to wiggle and his tail would be beating your legs :laugh:



Then, and only then, would he eat the chew we had given him as a compensation before going out. If he was bored and wanted us to play with him he would sit and give us a very fixed stare and if we didn’t respond he would start barking, softly at first and then louder and louder until we gave in.



He did the same thing when he thought he was in need of a little snack. It was just too hard to refuse him these things (and too noisy). He wasn't spoilt of course :D




During the last three months we knew that Rufus was having more of a problem with his legs. Amy, our very special vet and Rufus’ best friend, tried all sorts of medications in a bid to relieve his symptoms and his pain. Finally we knew that we had no other medical options open to us. After discussions with Amy and with Mindy (Tobleronie), we made the heartbreaking decision to let our boy go with some dignity :(



On his final day he had a special breakfast, a cup of tea (he loved those), played with his tug toys and was fussed and cuddled. When we arrived at the vets Amy made a huge fuss of Rufus, making him feel very relaxed and safe. I fed him sausages and hugged him until he went to sleep. Those were the most difficult few minutes of my life but he departed knowing he was loved :lily:



As a family we will never forget our very special boy. He was with us for exactly 2 years and 3 months, coming into our lives and stealing our hearts. He gave us so much and we only hope that we were able to give him the happiness and love that he so richly deserved.



We miss you baby :mecry: Truly a star in heaven.




Rest in peace Rufus, our very special Wonderdog

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:mecry: There are no words to take the pain away.


All I can say is how lucky you and Rufus were to have found each. Time was short but it is quality not quantity that matters. None of that makes it easier though and you said it 'Rufus, truly a star in heaven'


Rest in peace wonderdog.



Val :GroupHug:

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A wonderful tribute & I've no doubt Rufus would be very pleased to know he'd made such an impression. Our friends are only with us a short time but they enrich our lives so much. You will find a lot of comfort in the fact that you allowed Rufus to make his journey in peace, with diginity & the people he loved around him. :GroupHug:

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  • 11 months later...

It's so hard to believe a whole year has gone by since our beautiful boy left us for Rainbow Bridge :mecry:


I still miss him like crazy and often find myself turning to talk to my best friend - only to find him gone. He became such a huge part of our lives and nothing could replace him, which is in part why we haven't even looked for another dog. We have acquired another pet, a stray cat who decided that we would be nice to live with and has made himself quite at home.


Over this last year when I have had spells of feeling very low I have felt Rufus close by and this has been very comforting. I know on here nobody will think I'm weird when I say this (well maybe :rolleyes: ) but I have a couple of times when things have looked very bleak for me and I have heard Rufus 'talking' to me, telling me that things will get better and that I can be strong. I know that he is at peace now, happy and whole, just as he should always have been.



Love and miss you so much babes.


Sending a huge :GroupHug: to my very special Rufus, truly a Wonderdog, my Wonderdog :wub: :wub: :wub:

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