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Vulnerable Breeds

Laurel n Hardy

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Tough one but for me it would be the Field Spaniel. Really lovely dogs and lovely to see them working. After that it would be the Scottish Deerhound.


Bloodhounds are rare here but pretty common in the US whereas breeds like the Field/Sussex Spaniels, the Deerhound and a lot of the Terrier breeds aren't really found in other countries in any great numbers.


It is also show type greyhounds and King Charles Spaniels as opposed to Cavalier King Charles Spaniels that they refer to on this list, I've seen it before and seen the same queries.

Edited by cockergirl
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Has to be one of the Terriers - and unfortunatley there are far too many on that list - goodness knows why they are no longer so popular given their history.Dandie Dinmont I think first choice then Skye - wonderful dogs.

Edited by zico's mum
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For me it would be the smooth collie (but I won't add to what has been said already about these excellent dogs) or the curly coated retriever which is also a lovely hardy sensible breed. My great grandfather had these, and he also had some of the last Lincolnshire Curly Coat pigs before that breed died out. I think he just liked curly coated animals :wub:

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Deerhounds of course but I rather like Otterhounds.


Red and white setters should be saved but like Irish setters its a shame when everyone breeds a litter from thier pets and ruins it. I used to have setters of various types and I am rather partial to them but nowdays give me a scruffhound everytime.


Everyone should have a Deerhound and a Whoppity just once in thier life ( Once is probably all anyone can cope with )

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I know I *ought* to say greyhound, but think how much suffering would stop if they died out as a breed (and I'm including racers here :D to the KC).


I absolutely love deerhounds; we have two that board here and they are like hairy Eeyores :wub:

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If I really had to choose then the Cardigan Corgi because we are Welsh and there are now so few of these little dogs which is a shame as they are lovely, although I love the Clumber and Sussex spaniel and the Deer hound, oh and the Gordon setter (all of them actually!) Glad this isn't a real decision x

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