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Everything posted by snow

  1. Back from Calne where I got very very peed off in the garage waiting for some arrogant git using the jet wash... I waited for over 50 mins in that time he washed his car 6 times!!! It looked no fcuking different than it did after the first effing time. In the end I ran out of time as I had my hair appointment he was starting the SEVENTH wash as I drove out...needless to say now that my hairs done there was no way I was going anywhere near a blinking jet wash so my car is STILL wearing half of Cotswald water park. However, Debs in my hairdressers did me proud, she's given me what she and the guys were all calling the "blonde bombshell" look I am very very VERY pleased with it, and especially with the gorgeous golden blonde streaks. I would have taken pics but I'm afraid the batteries have died on the camera and they are on recharging as I type - if they charge up enough before I go get Rob I'll see if I can take a couple. Melp stuff Sarah and stuff Julie even more I wouldn't wanna go out with them as a 3 sum either.
  2. Some one needs to invent a much easier way to get a duvet cover on a king sized duvet I'm flipping shattered but the bed is now changed and clean, now I need to make damned sure Nog stays the hell off it until tomorrow.... who hooo I get to sleep in a mud free bed for at least 1 night
  3. Thanks everyone actual reunion won't be until tonight (not posting the time for obvious security reasons). So I'll be popping in here off and on thru the day until it's time for me to leave to go fetch him, I won't be setting out until I double check with movements that the flight is on time etc.
  4. I am up and about to start changing the bed before going to get the car jet washed & refuled and then I'm having my hair done. Whilst I am out Nick is tasked with the washing up AND putting away of the dishes and the hoovering of the entire house top to bottom. There were no emails here saying that there had been any delays or changes when I got up so I presume Rob is now in the air and on his way home for his R&R
  5. I'm having mine done tomorrow morning
  6. Just got the official confirmation barring any operational snafu's ..... 1 SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Get your hair cut and consider putting the tiles on the credit card and pay them off next month
  8. Blimey I'm gonna move in with Anne if that means getting parcels like that
  9. Before anyone gets any ideas *laughs* thats to show hubby when he comes home... if anyone wants her go for it...I have my work cut out convincing hubby
  10. Jules Do you know where the email was sent from and when?
  11. Then plan to treat yourself to a nice night out tomorrow I as frequently go to the cinema on my own as I do with my son or hubby, lets face it when you are inside sitting down in the dark you might just as well be on your own as with the person next to you, plus its a darn site cheaper
  12. I've finally managed to get my mobile to turn on (must get a new phone cos this is a blinking pain) and got 1 pic... at which point I went *THUD* Nog came to investigate and saw her and he went *THUD* Talk about 2 peas in a pod or what????? She's STUNNING!!!!
  13. Noooo hubby has decided we aren't but I'm still keen
  14. Of course I must now see piccies as a matter of urgency I will even settle for ordinary digi pics taken by Missus Oook. How likkle? How old? Why am I even asking????
  15. snow

    Tube Fun LMAO @ Poor Mark
  16. Good sign, they rejected the first offer very quickly so you know they are around and are thinking it over... *fingers crossed*
  17. Trudi I'm pleased you got to see your brother and ease your mind a bit.
  18. 2 sleeps to go ... getting all excitified now...
  19. What she said! Trudi we are all here for you.
  20. Well it's been a bit like xmas here, the door just went again and it was a courier with a parcel to be signed for... a big box of smellys from Shaun that I won on the auction and very nice they are too
  21. Trudi The bear hasn't got a name on it...but I have decided she looks like a Charlotte She isn't at all scary she has such a sweet smile *chuckling* and Melp... figures eh? As well as the bear in todays post I received another cashmere shawl from Rob which is just as gorgeous as the first one he sent I also got some hand made jewelry I treated myself too on ebay as I needed something in a grey/black to wear with a red top ...I am very very impressed, the quality is first class and I bought them buy it now on Sunday and received them today, postage was very reasonable and even more so with the discounts for buying more than one item, plus she had a sale on so I got 2 extra pairs of earrings for £2.05 inc postage!! She's been bookmarked as a fave seller, if anyone is looking for any jewelry lemme know and I'll post the link.
  22. And I was rather surprised given where he is that he was able to get something like this .....
  23. I have opened my Valentines pressie from hubby
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