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About Elaine

  • Birthday 11/03/1970

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  1. Happy birthday Elaine xxxxxxxx

  2. I've just found my dressing gown - which I left on my bed this morning - in Monty's bed in the study. He must have pulled it downstairs when I was at work, taken it to his bed and made a little nest in it. How sweet is that? (well, apart from the fact that my lovely white fluffy dressing gown is now covered in hair and smells decidedly doggy )
  3. Not read back either, but I'm a bit I've got a job interview next week for the police job I want
  4. I think the office manager is definitely peculiar. She was standing talking to the 18 year old guy that's working there over the summer, and she suddenly put her hands down the front of her trousers and looked to be twanging her hands in and out the top of her pants One of the other girls looked at me, we both looked at her and then both got a huge fit of the giggles. I had to make an escape to the sales office. Honestly, this woman doesn't seem to have any social awareness whatsoever. Who the hell does that?
  5. I've just spent nearly two hours on the phone to the girl (woman) whose job I took over. We're having another night out on Friday, and as she only lives 5 minutes down the road from me, we're going to share a taxi home I fink I've made a noo friend Also been chatting to a rather cute mechanic on POF. He's too far away though, but he's as unpolitically correct as me
  6. I am knackered. I have so much work to do Only nipped home to collect the dogs, then I've to go to Ro's fathers house to try and fix a computer programme that won't run. I'm tired and I'm hungry. But on the plus side, I managed to eat an entire bag of Jelly Babies AND a bag of Minstrels without the Office Manager copping on and mooching
  7. Michelle, so sorry Issie didn't pull through She knew she was loved and you gave her a fitting goodbye
  8. Brill news, Terri Work gets odder by the day. I knew the office manager and finance director were in cahoots, and now I found out why. Office manager asked me today if I'd consider staying on longer, but not through the agency I'm through. They want me to be contracted directly to them. I asked what the rate would be and she said that they might be able to match the agency rate. I doubt it She told me that there isn't going to be a sales administrator anymore, but that everyone was going to do a bit. I know for a fact that won't work. You need to know exactly which stage of processing each contract is at, and if you've got other people in the mix, it'll all go to complete shyte.
  9. That's the job application in - for a job I'd really like. I want to get into the support staff of the police, have aimed high and missed, now aiming lower just to get my foot in the door and show what I can do. My manager just now is happy to give me a good reference, so hopefully being in work will help. It's based in the next big village down from me, 30 hours a week. Pay's not fantastic but I don't care - just want the opportunity to get in there. Should really go to bed now
  10. He's not - and I am too - going to make a cup of tea, that is I don't want someone who's hard work, or who thinks they're deep and philosophical with an amazing insight into life. Why do we have to understand everything? Sheesh, been there, done that with the deep and mysterious. It's too tiring. I want someone who makes me laugh, not someone who wants to 'educate' me. His idea of listening is shooting down your opinion and replacing it with his own I'm absolutely unbothered by it as I didn't even fancy the bloke
  11. I get really prickly when people dare to assume they know what makes me 'me'. If I had no natural responses, only conditioned ones, then frankly, I'd be dead. I'd have done away with myself many years ago. As it is, I had a resilience, a stubbornness - that wasn't 'taught' to me. It wasn't learned from anyone. It was just 'there'. Therefore it's natural, yes? According to him, it's not. It's learned. Who the feck did I learn it from when I was out there on my own emotionally? Answers on a postcard...... I'm really really pissed off now. Take your fecking assumptions and shove them up your poohole
  12. He seems to think he has some superior outlook on what makes relationships work. He's arguing that NOTHING in our reactions is 'natural' and that everything's conditioned. Therefore removing all the spontaneity and free will out of us. I've just told him to go away because I need to finish this job application and I ain't having some pointless debate about feck only knows what. And does he take the hint? No. He says "Okay, we better talk about this in person". FFS. ARE ALL MEN FECKING STUPID?????
  13. The guy I went on a date with on Sunday is turning out to be a complete fecking arsehole.
  14. My electricity bills are the stuff nightmares are made of. Petrol I'm not noticing as much because my commute to work is much shorter. About £40 a week on petrol does me. If I were working in Aberdeen, it would be double that. I have no idea how I'm going to cope in winter. My house is freezing when the temperature drops.
  15. I have worked very hard today. I'm pooped. I don't know if I like what's going on there just now. Waaaay too much politics and little alliances being formed - it's urgh. Office Manager has backing of Finance Director so she's now up her own @rse (and it's a considerable @rse to be up, quite frankly). They're plotting against Admin Manager. Admin Manager is a strong supporter of me but she's off on holiday till next month, Office Manager doesn't like me (wouldn't be because she's shyte at her job and I'm...welll.....not). It's all pathetic. On the good side, I managed to eat an ENTIRE bar of Lindt chocolate at my desk without the heifer-beast spotting me and descending on it like a slavering.....heifer-beast. She drools like a dawg at the merest snifter of chocolate, so I was rather proud of myself. I'm not sharing with her <said in the voice of a petulant child>
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