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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Jazz

    Jan 24

    how are you all? keeping warm? going to be windy tonight, be safe, let us know your ok in the morning xxx
  2. Jazz

    Jan 24

    1 degree here, nice and warm lol
  3. Jazz

    Jan 24

    mine play all day so happy in. the chihuahuas shake but wont keep jumpers on.
  4. Jazz

    Jan 24

    lewis will be back from america so he should be ok to move in while im in hospital but dont want to stay in more than a night
  5. Jazz

    Jan 24

    op will be march. consent forms and pre op check booked ready
  6. Jazz

    Jan 24

    found the diary. waiting for the op booking lady to ring
  7. Jazz

    Jan 24

    no snow but minus 4. I like it so I can have the back doors open and no heating on. so guys. where have I put my diary? I had it....... be safe and warm xxx
  8. Jazz

    Jan 24

    hugo is ok but elliot is quiet. bug going round all of us. trying to do totals, brain is fogged
  9. Jazz

    Jan 24

    2 of us are better. just got to see if hugo throws up his breakfast, just a little bit of rice pudding'
  10. Jazz

    Jan 24

    it will save me dropping things from the oven im feeling bad, and 2 dogs throwing up. we havent eaten the same things
  11. Jazz

    Jan 24

    just been out to send a parcel and get an air fryer from a friend. cor, need something to keep my face warm. have any of you got air fryer? tips and cheats please
  12. Jazz

    Jan 24

    ive got half price so everything gets washed today. beds stripped. must remember to make it
  13. Jazz

    Jan 24

    did 2 live sales yesterday, did well. chest infection isnt fun. but its half price electric today so beds stripped ready. got to do totals and pack the stuff. no rest for the wicked, or me lol how are you all?
  14. Jazz

    Jan 24

    chest infection. bugger
  15. Jazz

    Jan 24

    morning all. hot today. busy busy
  16. Jazz

    Jan 24

    should be used to it oop north lol minus 1 here. bad stomach so nurse is ringing me
  17. Jazz

    Jan 24

    how are you all? doctor can see the retinopothy in my eyes, need driops
  18. Jazz

    Jan 24

    Phoebe has left the building
  19. Jazz

    Jan 24

    morning all how are you doing?
  20. Jazz

    Jan 24

    shes going to a foster tomorrow. waiting on a call for the next one lol
  21. Jazz

    Jan 24

    rescue is taking her
  22. Jazz

    Jan 24

    rescued a yorkie girl last night. 4 years old. good with dogs cats kids. should find a home quick once shes assessed. let me know if you know anyone x called phoebe
  23. Jazz

    Jan 24

    he just listened to their hearts, weighed them. they didnt charge me for it in the end. glad to say
  24. Jazz

    Jan 24

    vets want £80 each for the pre op check! never been charged for that. when i rung other vets for quotes none of them charge ive been with this vets for years. initial quote didnt have that
  25. Jazz

    Jan 24

    the pups are in for neutering. fred is 2.1kg george is 1.6
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