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Everything posted by pboae

  1. me too Post every status name you can think of, in seperate posts of course you'll soon have an extra head, lots of ideas for your status, and the whole thing will probably bore you so much that either you fall asleep or chew your own hands off to stop them posting anything else, thereby stopping your hunger pangs. I think I've been awake too long
  2. What a great idea Godin Go on spill... even though it will just make me grumpy and jealous
  3. Why?? <subliminal message> Come to chat, come to chat, come to chat </subliminal message>
  4. If you haven't rewashed the first ones yet, don't! Vanish is just a stain remover, you need something like 'Colour Run remover' from Dylon, but you need to use it the first time you rewash for it to work at its best. You are supposed to be able to make a mix from vinegar and salt to stop colours running, but I don't know if it works.
  5. You lot write too much, I can't keep up We met a morris dancer at the melton show. Sully tried to nibble his bells. RMF: We saw Marie/Pawsnlearn today for T-touch, I think I broke Sully, he hasn't moved since we got home, I had to wake him up for his dinner.
  6. BC, I am impressed by your dedication, to read all those posts in one sitting is hard enough, without remembering who to reply to as well! RMF: I got carried away on ebay and spent £50+ on a water fountain thing for Sully. I bet he won't use it, and I'll be left to explain the credit card bill to OH
  7. The poor cat wasn't chipped, but they are going to put posters up and let other vets in the area know, so at least the owners will know someone cared. She didn't get a good enough look at the men to be able to give a description as it was dark, and all over very quickly. The dogs were dark coloured staffies which sadly won't narrow it down much. One very small good thing has come from it though, I think I've finally persuaded her to get her own cats chipped. Although they rarely go out it only takes a moment for an accident to happen, and not knowing where they are or what has happened to them must be unbearable. RMF: I've just tried to clean Sully's ears. It is physically impossible to hold ear cleaner, cotton wool and his head all at once with just 2 hands. The first shake landed slobber and ear cleaner square in my face, stupidly I opened my mouth with the shock, just in time for the second shake...
  8. my sister just phoned to say that 2 men set their dogs on a cat outside her friend's house. She tried to stop them but she couldn't get near and the men just laughed. The cat was still alive when she finally got it, but died in moments. She is going to take the body to a vet to see if it was chipped. She went out in the car afterwards to try and find them, I'm quite glad she didn't, who knows what sick psychos like that would have done to her if she had.
  9. elricc, I hope my post in Contro didn't upset you further.
  10. There's so much sadness here today, I don't know what to say.
  11. It's only the 2nd of July, and I'm already tooooo far behind on RMF I've been 'home' for the weekend, my Mum is fine I was a bit worried about her, but she had just overdone things (again!! ). In the last week Mum has emptied her kitchen/diner, painted the walls and ceiling twice, and got half way through laying a new carpet. I wish she would just ask for help. We went shopping and I got a great bargain at a sale cos I found some gorgeous material to do curtains for our bedroom. Sully is too hot and he's being obnoxious. I think his ears are bothering him too, so we'll be off to the vets tomorrow. I am also too hot so I am being obnoxious too, I've just (quite unreasonably) bullied OH into mowing the grass before the storm breaks. I am now feeling guilty about it. (But not guilty enough to offer to do it for him). I am also feeling very for Bebe and her crappy court result.
  12. Does anyone know if you can use your own modem with wanadoo? I know you wouldn't get the free net calls, and they won't give you tech support but will it work without their kit?
  13. Sully once stole a 1kg bag of monkey nuts and ate the whole lot, shells, bag and everything. I had to take him to the vets and they gave him stuff to make him sick (and boy was he sick ). They weren't particularly worried about the nuts, but that the volume of shells (and the bag) could become impacted, or make him bloat. Nuts are very high in fat and phosporus though, neither of which are good for dogs in large quantities, but that shouldn't be an issue if they are just an occasionl treat. I guess if they are salted peanuts it could be a problem too, cos too much salt is bad for them too.
  14. Ooh, I didn't really say at the time, cos I know it is bad form to draw attention to teenagers being nice, but your eldest was quietly fixing the guy ropes of the fugee tent that Sully was pulling up every time he walked past. What a sweetie
  15. I have just been advised that wibblosity is measured in dithers per minute.
  16. I think wibbleosity is measured in waffles, but I'm not a wibbologist so I'm not sure.
  17. Beyond The Breaking Glass - Hazel O'Connor
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