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Everything posted by sanrossscot

  1. Hello, read back then forgotten what I had intended to say. So hugs to any that need them. I have a few days off for no particular reason I will try and get some cards made and also some of the dreaded housework done. So far today I have achieved the square root of nothing Our agility club had it's final 'challenge' of the year yesterday, we do four over a year just for club members. Thankfully it stayed pretty much dry all day and not too chilly either, we managed to get finished and packed away just before it got dark as well. The club has levels that you work to achieve and yesterday was nice as the placings were spread out between dogs, no one dog bagged all the firsts. Molly is still in Level 1 as she is a little excited and sometimes does silly things however yesterday she was much more controlled and got a first and a second out of her three runs. Glen has just moved into Level 3 and I didn't think he would get anything other than maybe clears as he is slower than the other dogs, doubting Mummy...he got a first! We also do a class which consists of one dog running with two handlers, Molly was first with me and my friend Annette and Glen was second
  2. I'm stuffed (SUEP) my friend came round for dinner tonight so I made Lasagne and for pudding made Bread and Butter was my first attempt at B&B pud and it seemed to taste alright (phew) I used brioch bread I think I will roll to bed now ready for a long cold day tomorrow at our club agility challenge.
  3. We did indeed have a good day at the agility show Glen (steady eddie) got three clears and Miss Molly..... she WON the CG!-2 Jumping and came 4th in Agility!!! I am so pleased with my girlie, our first Kennel Club win!!! :cheer: :cheer: the last KC show of this year as well. However if anyone happens to be at Discover Dogs on Sunday this year, they could meet Miss Molly as she is running with 3 other Valgrays Collie Rescue dogs in the Rescue Agility slot
  4. Woo Hoo! Back from driver refresher training, signed up for another 5 years Sadly no long lie tomorrow as we have an agility show, which is liable to be cold and muddy....BRRRR! Good to see some familiar faces...I have been around and near a few fugees over the last two weeks but never still long enough to say hi
  5. and just because I haven't posted pics for a while...
  6. Oh well, that's the weekend nearly gone! Just need to finish packing for another week in Milton Keynes, at least we had a lovely day today for a sponsored walk so the doggies had a great time!
  7. I wouldn't say Johnny Ball was the worst...Jerry needs to take her head out of her backside and get real......Louis
  8. Just thought I would post piccies of the dogs with their rosettes Bless that was the wet and 'orrible day! Molly got the sunshine
  9. Sunny day here today, just as well 'cos yesterday was very soggy We were at agility shows both days - yesterday Glen came home with a 12th place in G1 Agility, today he got two clears in jumping and helter skelter. Miss Molly got 3rd in Agility today - her first ever placing in agility!! Very happy and somewhat knackered Mummy
  10. Hope the move goes well Snow Have a fab holiday Marge Tis hot here already, we are set for a heatwave this weekend
  11. It was great, I loved wandering round the course and watching and cheering on Team GB!!
  12. My fuschia's are still thinking about flowering.. Well, only two of my fruit trees seem to be alive however I think Idealworld are sending me replacements
  13. This not a good time to say I have a ticket for the cross country then??
  14. We did, this one wasn't away from people though..and not much outdoor space. It was very nice...
  15. Goodness, so it is... Hello, am back from me 'olidays Marion, I went to Keswick and waved as I went past (I think) your street (I also went round the pencil museum). We managed to avoid the worst of the rain, the day of torrential downpour we were in Ingleton and it was nice and dry there, only realised heading to Kendal later just how much rain had fallen Molly and Glen had fun and did very well in the three days of agility competition that we did.
  16. Hello, am back from me 'olidays Marion, I went to Keswick and waved as I went past (I think) your street (I also went round the pencil museum). We managed to avoid the worst of the rain, the day of torrential downpour we were in Ingleton and it was nice and dry there, only realised heading to Kendal later just how much rain had fallen Molly and Glen had fun and did very well in the three days of agility competition that we did.
  17. Hmmm, hoping it drys up a little bit for the shows and my holiday..... Heading up in the morning, so far the agility is still on...fingers crossed it stays that way.
  18. Phew! Second load of washing in just in's raining again.............. Having a cup tea whilst waiting for my friend to arrive, then we will be having Pizza, Garlic Bread and BBQ Wings....yum
  19. Nah, it was just so full of 'stuff' it didn't resemble a room...
  20. Our weather is quite nice today, windy but the yellow thing is out in the blue stuff I am doing washing and tidying -bleurchh Found my conservatory though, I knew it was in the house somewhere
  21. I'm hoping the rain stays off overnight, the water level in my pond is getting precarious!
  22. I'm off to Burton-in-Kendal at the end of the month, will tell you what it's like there once I've been
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