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Everything posted by sanrossscot

  1. OK- non-child owning person here. I don't think the option of child free dining should be totally frowned upon. I don't think anyone is suggesting that EVERY eating place has a child free zone. Just as some places are geared towards children, some restaurants are vegetarian, thai, etc etc why could we not have some places that cater to persons wanting to occaissionally have a meal with no children? I don't mind children and I know that they will not always be little angels they all have off days and, as long as a parent is aware of what the child is doing and ensuring that they are not putting themselves or anyone in danger and being totally out of control, then a bit of noise etc doesn't bother me. The comments that people are shocked that some folk 'don't like' or 'hate' children - well I am also still shocked that a portion of the community 'hate' dogs/cats etc but that is their choice. I have chosen not to have kids, but that doesn't mean i hate them (couldn't eat a whole one tho' )
  2. Wot she said!! I'm going to Sproggies tomorrow to look at Russian Hammies I went to a Mary Ray clicker demo last night - WOW!!!!!
  3. so sorry to hear your news run free pillow cat
  4. Nettie, you can get what called an 'I Click' this has four different sounds at two diff volumes. Click, Beep, Frog, Bird each with a loud and soft tone and you can swap between the tones quite easily. You would then be able to pick a tone for each dog, 'prime' them to that sound so they shouldn't be so bothered when you work the other dog with it's own individual sound. Sandra
  5. Hi- I am Sandra I live in West Sussex with my hubby, George. We are originally from Glasgow but have been down here about 3.5 years. We share our home with: Keira 9yrs and Tia 6.5yrs, both mad Border Collie Bitches. We do Competetive Obedience for fun and I am starting to more for rescue (thanks to forums like this) ps I like the irony Pingu calling a bunny Anya
  6. Oh well, in that case I will let you off!
  7. Tia hasn't done the KC stuff - she's fear agg so wouldn't pass! Stays - TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! That win was about the only time she did stays last year, and that win put her me and keira out of beginners for ever and aever and ever!!! OK I promised a continuation of the Obedience Comps, but I'm going to cheat. This link should take you to the website for Obedience UK which has an excellent starters guide to competitions! ObedienceUK The main website is: and this has forums for chatting and also a newbie forum where you can ask training questions.
  8. they always look proud of their prizes don't they? This is the one and only place Tia has had so far
  9. No reason not for Caliie - you can swap a clicker for a light ie some kind of small torch. Instead of the 'click' she woud get a 'flash'!
  10. Vera, Can't wait to see the lovely Flash in the Flesh!! What are you going to try to get for his KC name?
  11. Don't know Lindsay, I know they have the class at a couple of the the fun/companion shows near me. It may depend on the imagination of the organisor of the show and how many judges they can find!! :lol: They don't have it at the 'proper' ie Open/Champ shows though.
  12. Well, even though I'm feeling pretty lonely in here I will try to describe the Obedience world from my eyes. You can start with Companion Shows - these are usually fundraisers and will be combined breed/fun and obedience classes. There can be as many classes as the organiers has judges for but examples will be: Starters - never done anything Elementary - competed but never won a rossette/placed Beginners - competed and won/placed in beg/pre beg Novice - competing up to Novice in open shows Advanced - anyone can enter ABC - anything but a collie can enter The names may change from show to show and also what you have to do. The most basic class may not require you to even have your dog off lead and is a great way to start off. You will find a mixture of standards as with all companion show classes. TO BE CONTINUED..........(i'm at work B) )
  13. OK me too Trainer: Sandra Dogs: Keira & Tia (BCs) Do competition obedience, played about with clicker but know that i could do so much more!
  14. OK well I will start things off in here. Trainer: Sandra (sanrossscot) Dogs: Keira (9) & Tia (6.5) both border collies Compete: Yes Open & Companion Shows Classes: Novice & A with both (eek) If anyone wants a basic guide to what obedience is all about-let me know and I will see what I can do!
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