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Sarah B

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About Sarah B

  • Birthday 12/12/1979

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    Dogs and bugs

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  1. Sarah B


    Exactly. I have been nagging the Beeb to do this programme for a couple of years - hopefully it has hit home with some people. I am sick of some people who have said to me "Oh I couldn't watch it, far too upsetting" however this is real life, it happens every day, and IMHO people need to watch this no matter how upsetting it is (and I won't lie, I cried) because information is power, and something like this will not be forgotten, and hopefully it will make people think.
  2. Morning all. You've got my big skydwelling shiny thing Is cooooold. Still. Very wound up by a certain Superintendant Pendty on her views on killing seized dogs. Stupid stupid stupid ignorant arsefaced bint :angry: :angry:
  3. Morning all for those in need I wanted to go out for the day with HRH today, as when Mark got in last night he told me he was doing a split shift at work. However he is still asleep so don't know what time his shifts start - assuming 12-4 then 6-finish. And I am so bloody tired. Going to have a Google and see if I can find somewhere within an hours drive which is all widey-open and fairly easy to walk. Was going to go to Brean although its a bit further, but not sure I can cope walking on the sand with my stick at the moment. I would probably end up getting stuck and falling over, then doing a stranded fish impression trying to get up
  4. Morning all Sad few days for lots of Fugees :GroupHug: I went to my Mums for the night on Wednesday, it was lovely to get away from moaning and stress We had a lovely meal and Scooby got to sleep on the bed wit me I do miss having him snoring in my ear at home (he's not allowed upstairs where I am at the moment) Hung parliament then. That will be my fault (according to Marks mum) cos I didn't vote for one of the Big Three. Maybe I will bugger off for another few days to escape the fallout...
  5. Morning all Ooh I might need one too... Lynne - that field that runs behind Tatham Court (to the left of Tesco as you are looking at the map) can you walk all the way around that? I'm goin to stay at my Mums on Wednesday and that would be dead handy for a quick walk with HRH.
  6. I missed the rest of this, I will go have a look on Twitter and see how it goes Thankies!
  7. Look missus, what have I told you about not surfing down the stairs on the dinner tray? Glad you are back and still in one piece!
  8. for Nog I love that link - but am I wrong in actually liking the dining room set? :mask: Could you post and ask? I saw that episode a week or so ago and I was nearly screaming at the telly. My new HPCD fleece still hasn't arrived so I have sent an email requesting a 'status update' and was all posh RMF - The new menu is out at Wetherspoons/Lloyds bar today. OH has suggested I go down and try the noodles, but I don't want to drive and its raining...
  9. They never have size 5 in the sales You would have thought that seeing 5s are such a common shoe size, they would have made loads extra just to ensure that we got a bargain at the sales!
  10. Thats the one Thankyou. It always makes me a little as it reminds me of all my boys, but it also gives me strength too.
  11. It's different for everyone. When I lost Homer, I said no more. The Connor came along. When I lost Chester, I said no more, but Harvey and Scooby came along. When I lost Connor, I said no more but moved in with my OH's parents and 'adopted' Ellie. If a dog needs you then you will know. Don't feel guilty. When I lost Homer someone sent me a poem about a dog telling his owner than although he had to go, he wanted to leave his bed and bowl for another dog to enjoy as much as he had. I cannot for the life of me find the poem anywhere though - I think it gost lost in the move That poem stayed on my wall for years, and every time I looked at it I remembered my dogs who have gone to the Bridge, and knew that I would know when it would be time to help the next one.
  12. Morning all I have them in my tortillas with my fake cheese spread, or on my jacket potato. How easy are they to do? I did some mustard in a cricket tub but I would like to do loads of alfafa. Scooby did that to me yesterday Poor Nog Some people just don't seem to realise the other persons dog could be a bit creaky. Its just really rud e HRH went for hydro for the first time yesterday We went to Alison in Devizes. Fairly basic but she is lovely. Scooby now has a new best mate He wasn't too impressed with getting in - he walked up the ramp and then realised that we actually wanted him in the water, so Alison picked him up and plonked him in. He looked a bit miffed at first but after a few seconds kind of resignedly pootled about until he realised he could climb out over side But he did well. We are going back on Friday
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