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Everything posted by Brierley

  1. unfortunately, it's always a case of fight, fight, fight and stand your, and Andrew's corner. If your not happy with the Social Worker, get onto his team leader and if still not happy, get onto the director of social services. Threaten with the press - surprising how many changes of attitude you see when you do. If you don't fight and stand up for Andrew, who will? It's bloody hard and soul destroying at times, but keep on chipping away. Keep every document you get and put everything in writing. Log all 'phone calls and make a note of every conversation with times and dates. Been there, seen it, done it. You often feel as though your life isn't your own and often have a blinding headache from hitting your head against so many brick walls, but, believe me, where fighting for a handicapped person is concerned, it really is a matter of shout loud enough and eventually someone will listen.
  2. Why not telephone your local ACAS office - they are there to advise and are easy to talk to. I've never yet known and employer did in their heels at a shortened notice period. Costs too much to take a case to court to try to enforce a signed contract and no one benefits.
  3. I've got a plastic one and can highly recommend it, but it was a bit of a bugger to assemble and still had to put a base down for it to go on.
  4. bloody hell Cher, when you have a car converted, you really go for the full monte don't ya. Glad to see you are home and hope the damage soon mends. Remember, taking it easy means just that so get yer backside off to bed as often as possible until you are really fit to be out and about again.
  5. hey hun,if ur on msn,please send me ur email for a catch-up-chat ,luv ya -xxx-

  6. Only just caught this and really can't believe how much life is throwing at Cher. Positive thoughts, prayers and good wishes go out to her and hoping that she will be back to posting shortly to show us that she is OK.
  7. Heck, it can't really be two years can it? I must be getting very old for time to fly by this quickly. She is gorgeous, Nik, as, of course, is the wonderful Maggi Moo.
  8. ACAS definitely first port of call. If someone else lives with her, could they not take all 'phone calls and advise her employer next time they ring that her condition has worsened and her doctor has advised that she is to have no stress at all if she has any hope of improving so all 'phone calls are barred. Same person could also arrange with the employer during that telephone call to arrange a suitable time for them to take in any work that your friend has at home because having them there is adding to her stress. They might then, just get the message
  9. Similar proposals have been put forward in other countries and have failed mainly because of what we are already seeing here. Those who are more or less in favour say why it should be considered, those who think it unworkable say so and then the debate turns from discussing an idea to hurling insults.
  10. Only just seen this, Helen, so have missed my boy's big day. Biggest of sloppy belated gotcha and birthday kisses and, as always, many, many positive thoughts for his good health. Still can't spend prolonged times at the 'puter as am working sorta sideways at it and it's not comfy, but as soon as I'm up and 'running' again, we organise that 'chat'. In the meantime, you have my email addy. Get well soon Sully and happy gotcha/birthday big lad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chris
  11. Don't let other people make you feel bad, Julie. I agree with what everyone else has said in that little Harry is a real charmer. When something like this happens, don't go home and cry - go home, give Harry a massive cuddle and thank your lucky stars that you are you and not someone as cold and heartless as this person obviously is. And Harry, think yourself lucky that you have the mum you have and not someone like the owner of the Cav because I bet your life is far better than that poor little dog's will ever be. Chin up Julie - don't let the so and so's grind you down!!
  12. The last precious gift of peace given with love is just so hard. Run free little man Thinking of you all
  13. As someone who lived on the main route for the Blackpool illuminations and had to queue for hours in traffic every night after finishing work just to get home, I really do know where you are coming from. If ever you go, listen out for the car horns. Local radio station has a running theme for those who live there. Bang on the horn every few minutes - I think the theory is that it might just put the wind up the tourists and stop some of 'em coming back
  14. I take it that you don't work for the Lincolnshire Tourist Information Board then Mrs B :)
  15. Safe journey Humphrey for you and all those you leave behind.
  16. After much resistance, we bought a Tomtom about two months ago because we moved areas and were continually getting lost on all of the country lanes that are never marked up with their names to say nothing of constant road closures with non-existent diversion signs to tell us how to navigate around them. Best thing we ever did!! Not been lost since and it hasn't failed yet to identify speed cameras Yep, sometimes the verbal instructions can confuse on big roundabouts with lots of exits, but the visual screen sorts that out (we have it stuck on the centre bottom of the windscreen so we can see it when we need to check). When putting in the post code, it not only takes you to the street, but to within yards of the house you are looking for within that street which is great here as a heck of a lot of houses only have names, not numbers. Wouldn't be without my Tomtom now
  17. Ah, then very possibly related to the arrival of Sunny, however, not in protest (dogs don't think that way), but more of a stress reaction (you'd need someone to assess in person to assess as I'm only going on what you've said and words can often be misleading). Think about it this way, birds spark off the prey drive in many dogs and that 'drive' is pretty strong. Imagine that there's something you really want. Something you can see all day long, but can never get access to. You feel frustrated, but you learn to tolerate it being there and just about accept that although it's there, you are never going to get to it. Now imagine someone taunting you with that extra special something - dangling it in your face, so close and yet you still aren't able to get to it. Your frustration and stress levels rise. It sounds very much like this is what is happening with Scruff when he is shut in the kitchen and can hear Sunny flying around in the next room. Scruff is probably frustrated and stressed because he can hear Sunny flying about in another room. Secondly, he's probably frustrated and stressed because he is shut away from you and the family. Many dogs, when they are in this state, wee, poo or chew things. One theory is that all of these things they found (and still find) rewarding when they were puppies. When bladder is full, weeing gives a pleasant feeling of relief, when bowels are full, emptying gives a pleasant feeling of relief, when puppies and teething was painful, chewing gave a pleasant feeling of relief. The easiest way to tackle the problem would be to have someone play with Scruff in the room he is confined to while Sunny has his out of cage time.
  18. Thanks for the answers. There are a number of possibilities: We have had a change in the weather this past week or so so the onset could have simply been that on a couple of occasions he was worried about going outside and found he had to relieve indoors - so the start of a habit. Again weather related - it's also turned much cooler this past week so many of us have kept doors closed instead of open for a large part of the day. Some dogs, whilst appearing to be housetrained during the summer months, really aren't housetrained at all and when the door is closed, they simply eliminate near to the door that is usually open because they haven't been taught how to ask to go outside There is always the possibility that your guy has picked up a urine infection and literally can't 'hold' it so when he feels the need to 'go' he needs to do it there and then - vet check is always advisable with sudden reversions in housetraining. Sunny's appearance could well have unsettled him causing him to feel that he has to make 'his' area safe by marking within it so as to make sure his scent is stronger than that of Sunny's. Apart from the vet check (strongly advised to rule out any medical implications), it's really back to housetraining as you would a puppy. So, taken out after sleep, eat, drink, exercise and every 45 minutes to an hour in between. Ignore accidents and reward for success. It's a real pain, but try to imagine him as an 8 week old pup and take it from there. No magic pill, but highly solvable - good luck!!!! Chris PS - go out with him as you would a puppy so that you are on hand to praise when he goes in the appropriate place PPS - remember to go to the loo yourself first as usually, if you're anything like me, you'll need to go yourself before the dog performs
  19. How old is he? When did you get him? When did he start preferring to wee indoors? Is he castrated? Chris
  20. I would ask the vet if they can test a stool sample. If it is a viral infection, it won't clear fully until they know exactly what it is and the correct anti-biotic is used. You can go on forever trying different ones on a trial and error basis. Food is doubtful as both dogs have the same symptoms and it would be highly coincidental for them both to be allergic to something in a hypoallergenic food. One scavenges, one doesn't so not likely to be something picked up that way. It does all point to infection, but, of course, the unlikely coincidences do happen from time to time.
  21. Are they scavengers? In other words, do they pick up and eat things they find on the beach?
  22. Can it really be 2 years ago???? Crickey how time zooms by! Happy gotcha days, sweeties - hope you were both spoiled rotten
  23. Another very big problem and perhaps the biggest of them all is that even if this scheme is perfected to Debs satisfaction, it's not Debbie that will implement it. How it would be used and the ultimate test criteria would be decided by men and women who may or may not have ever owned a dog and who may or may not even like dogs. We are seeing lots of absurdities in respect of extensions of breed legislation and dog restrictions in certain areas. I just think that something like this will play into the hands of those who ultimately would like to see an end to dog ownership full stop - maybe I'm just a pessimist.
  24. Oh heck, I seem to be the harbour of doom and gloom I think one thing you've said Lesley, shows one of the difficulties that will arise with this 'write a few words about chopping his nuts off'. I know many very responsible dog owners who will never breed from their dogs yet prefer to keep their dog intact - would they fail? Can I ask another question (and this may be a little unfair as debbie isn't here personally to answer it), what about the reactive dogs, those with problems, those whose owners are working hard on modification programmes to work their dogs through issues, but whose dogs won't be able to take a jaunt through the housing estate without the safety precaution of being muzzled. Will this dog/owner get a certificate?
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