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Lots of luffs Korky xx

Ellow Korky


Nyce tew meat yew. Ow duz yew git upp thair? Thair iz noo nead tew hyde yew no. Thee doggee woshink heckspeareance woz veree refreshink an eye duz rekomend itt. Eye fink eye ham ay mayl groowmink konvert.


Yf ey wuz yew ey wud doo a byg jawbee on thur bayd thayt wud sayrve thum ryht



Ellow Spud.


Eye karn't dew ay haffink ay poo onn thair bedd bekorse thair bedd iz hupstairz an eye karnt git upp thair. Eye duz partayke inn uva wikid aktz ov toylutink thow, suchh ass poowink onn thee mornink powst an pizzink inn mee Dad'z koat pokkit.


Ere iz mee lukin deb-on-air att the endd ov mee dogg wosh hekspeareance



Milleee an Mownar alsow add ay wosh.


Ere iz Mownar



an ere iz Milleee lukin bootiful att theee endd ov er groowmink sesshun (eye finkz shee az ay krush onn the dogg wosha mann :rolleyes: )


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