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Photographing Stuff For Ebay


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Sorry, I didn't know where to start this thread - thought about the Photo section but then thought about the people who'd be likely to find this useful.....


Folding photo booth fing


I've been asked to photograph the flowers at forthcoming horticultural exhibition. It's a really hick affair, nothing to feel flattered about but I do want to do a good job so in true Blue Peter style, I built myself a mini practice studio out of a cardboard box with a bit of fabric as a backdrop. Think Fairy Liquid bottle Tracey Island but a million times less sophisticated :rolleyes:


After all that toil, sticky backed plastic and ingenuity I found this in Maplins today. Bugger :bur2: It's fully portable (unlike my home made effort), lightweight and folds up small enough to stash behind an armchair - approx A3 size and roughly 20mm thick when zipped up for storage.


I don't use eBay but this would be just the ticket for anyone who does want to photograph things to sell and do justice to the items. I've bought one and had a go with it tonight - the secret is in the lighting. I can post more info on that if anyone wants it but it's only a case of strategically positioning table lamps, torches or whatever else is to hand.


Maybe it's a luck of the draw thing but my purchase looks just like the one in this picture with the blue cloth (but obviously doesn't include the lighting and tripod).


Half price at £9.99, I reckon this is a decent bargain. Watch this space for my crap flower pics! :laugh:

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