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Everything posted by BrackenMc

  1. Owl, so sorry you are having ongoing problems with your neighbour over your pod. I would have thought that any right minded person could understand the need of a few square feet that you could call your own. Surely she must see that you are there to care for your Mum. Maybe you need to tell her about the 2 a.m. sleep walking episodes and then she might understand more fully how bad your Mum has become. She may not realise quite how dependant your Mum is on your help. We all need a safety net and yours is just a few feet to call your own.
  2. I received my free bag this week. It was labelled up at £8.50 so a very good freebie.
  3. The toileting outside can be a security thing. Would Dakota feel happier with one of the oldies to stand guard? Once they feel secure enough to go in the garden you then have to progress to going when out on a walk and not bringing it all home again.
  4. Welcome to Griff's little pup. Things will soon settle and it is very natural for the older dogs to teach the pup manners. It is doubtful that it will get out of hand, as they 'know' the pup is defenceless. Just keep an eye out that pup takes a telling off when given one.
  5. Hope it is a real one and not just a stuffed toy!! Need photos whatever.
  6. It is frightening when they have a set to like that. I usually separate mine for a few minutes then they are fine. Old boy, who was always top dog, is now very frail and the pack has lost it's dynamics. Next in line is in no way wanting to be boss dog, so the wee one will likely end up as boss if there has to be one.
  7. Glad the babies are progressing well. See Snow's grandson may one day play for Wales. Owl - hope you are making good progress with your neighbours accepting your pod. Pleased Trudy is home. They always do better at home.
  8. I have chosen five Bud Beau Bobby Buster Bertie
  9. Pleased Mummy Owl wasn't paying for utilities twice although a refund might have been nice.!!
  10. That was a very expensive return to Tesco. Hugs for all poorly people and animals. It seems particularly bad at this time of year when we should be enjoying ourselves on the run up to Christmas.
  11. One good deed deserves another Alex.
  12. Owl - so sorry the pod problems seem to be ongoing. Hope 'silly' neighbour takes a more reasonable attitude. I am at a loss to understand how any one could openly declare themselves to be christian and display such an awful attitude. Had you erected 2 low cost housing units the planning department would have approved, as that is how they managed to build 30+ houses on the field behind us. We had no option but to accept and knew nothing about it until the builders turned up to prepare the land.
  13. Owl, I am so sorry you have had to endure this abuse. I think you have been totally reasonable and I hope that in the cool light of day things can be sorted to everyone's satisfaction. Beware that you do not give in too much and leave yourself with something you are not happy about. Sometimes you can be too reasonable.
  14. Thast's the time tested method and always seems to work.
  15. So pleased your pod is progressing so well Owl. I am sure you and Whispa will be snug as bugs in rugs in there and still be on hand to help your Mum.
  16. Griff - pleased to see you are pleased with your Nokia Lumia 520 as I have bought this for my son for Christmas to replace his ancient Nokia which he is now having probems with. Owl - glad your pod will be up and running soon.
  17. Poor little tike having so much work done and her poor Mum now has to wait another week to get her home. Hope she can be made sound.
  18. Owl you must be so fed up waiting to move into your new home. I hope things get going soon and you and Whispa can be warm and comfy.
  19. Hope little Trudy and be 'mended' and made comfortable. She sounds a right character.
  20. What a great deal you have. Fantastic dog walkers and a little un that you can hand back when you've had enough.
  21. Sending every good thought to little Trudy.
  22. Yantan I am with you on the leaving dogs' mess being a hazard. I have three dogs and manage to poo pick, well OH does as he does the walking. We have a phantom dog round here who likes to use our front garden as a toilet, but since it's usually on the grass it can be avoided. Local cats all use our garden as a toilet, but then that's what cats do. They are too clean to want to soil in their home territory. I make my husband wear gloves when working on the front garden and he hates wearing gloves for gardening. Goodness knows what nasties he could pick up. Hope you find out who the culprit is, as you say it is not the dog that is at fault.
  23. So sorry Alex. Sometimes life is just a crock and treats us so unfairly.
  24. Bet you know when you've been cuddled!! What a gorgeous boy.
  25. Alex Merledogs. When I buy liver for the dogs I boil it and make gravy with the juices. My dogs would all stand on their heads for it. I only give them a very small amount in their kibble as I have been told liver is too high in, I think it is vitamin A, to be good in larger quantities. I chop it up and freeze it in smaller quantities, complete with gravy. Lucky dogs, I never cook liver for my OH. I have to plop it straight in a pan as I can't stand handling it and have to have the extractor fan on while it is cooking as I can't stand the smell either.
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