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Posts posted by dibs


    I ask you Fugees what sort of cruel people would feed an innocent Deerhound Cross called Isadore a vegatable curry ?

    There she was all innocent like and it jumped off the side and down her throat. Poor dog has no idea that probably at 3am she may regret her eagerness to be assaulted by an Indian takeaway.


    I have no idea who gave Izzy the curry and the fact that I am a curry loving vegetarian is entirely circumstantial. It was Chinese, not Indian (she said, I have no idea)

  2. ere barbara!

    fancy a holiday away to lesleys farm to feel special by farm animals coming and sitting on the sofa with us? :laugh:

    Come and get your tickets! I'll be Trallwm's agent, I'm here enough. You can have a goat that walks upstairs to see you in the office too? And a pony I once chased round sofa as it didn't want to go out.

    Ducks will get in your car and fight cats for food...


  3. ill happily listen to moo cows and butterfly in the distance lol


    Thats the downfall. Everyone here thinks they are special and likes to stare in windows and make noise with the letterbox. They all do it. Drives you mental after a while.


    That's the point, they aren't in the distance.... they mug you when you leave and stare in windows at you. There was a chicken used to do it to me all the time. If not that, then you find them in the house. I once found a cockerel and chicken snuggled up on the sofa watching tv, honest!

  4. Everything here with a power source buggers about and usually only does it the 2nd time or when rebooted.


    Actually to be fair Im not allowed to touch anything because it goes wrong so Dibs is in charge. I often have to ask the "Dibs techy dept " to tell something off. She only has to look at the offending article and it works.

    Apparently I press too many buttons and confuse electrical items


    You are a total jinx with anything electrical, then you just leave it for me to fix. I do have magical powers and can fix most of what she breaks with the power of my mind. Electrical communicator I am....

  5. Why is it that the two remote controls on the bed always end up underneath Bojangles nuts ?

    Its a good thing he doesnt bite. He has reached the point of panic every time the phone rings because Im trying to stop sky so I can hear people on the phone.


    Dibs has taken to her sick bed. The lurgy has to be something horrendous if it stops her in her tracks.

    Ive gone through the various stages and Im now at 24 hour sleep without visting the facilities stage. I have to feel better tommorow because Im test driving a pony that allegedly tries to kill people with his front feet.


    Haven't you worked out yet he PUTS them under his nuts so you have to reach there for them??

  6. I have recommended and used these supplements on mine and customers dogs for years. A close friend has a Japanese Akita who had a stifle injury aged about 6. He went on these for the rest of his life. Apart from occcasional stiffness as he aged he was fine. A couple of Xmases ago she was taken suddenly to hospital and spent 4 days in there. A neighbour fed the dog but didn't know about supplements and he didn't have them. When my friend came out of hospital,he couldn't get up unaided and cried when he did. She range me in tears and I suggested pain relief for the night and back on his supplements. Within 36 hours he was moving normally again.

    I could quote a whole load of other cases but this makes the point. I do believe they help.

  7. :biggrin:


    I thought maybe it was time I actually looking up what a weekend of growling was about (it's taken me 24 hours to pluck up the courage). Apparently (if it works) this is it -




    Perhaps Debbie could help me serve the dinners. :unsure:


    Don't think so, I'd be doing the growling and they'd evict me

  8. Had Chinese for lunch before thudding round asda with full bellies.


    The sweet 2/3 week old kitten I gifted (stuffed dibs with ) is yelling its head off. Its a porker who can drain a syringe full of milk in nanno seconds. No surprise its mum abandoned it down the back of a shed. It was very lucky that a lady heard it because otherwise it would have been eaten by rats or died of starvation.


    I think it would have tried to eat the rats.

  9. How ungrateful is that. I even let you into Hampshire and you got to hob nob in Old Basing.

    Let me? I had no idea you owned Hampshire. Shame they need a northerner to sort their cat problems.

  10. Dibs the explorer has been North of Watford. She even knows where Yorkshire is.

    And sadly you don't, posh southern person. Can I point out that Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire are different counties. If you ever get lost, I'm not helping!

  11. It must be a nightmare having IBS. Im very grateful I dont have it.


    Ive been on the Cheesy Wotsits and Haagan Daaz diet for a few weeks to sort my head out.

    Today its cocktail sausages and Praline and cream ice cream. I would be miserable if I couldnt indulge me sometimes.


    I brought all the waifs and strays in from the field yesterday. "The staff" put them round in the barn pen but didnt shut the cattle crush so Ive spent most of today recapturing them.

    And the "staff" wasn't me...... more training required methinks. Am off to find banana wine in a minute and the last bit of roulade. If Jangles has touched it I will kill him.

  12. Morning all.

    Just been to a boot sale and bought a few bits.

    The rain and fog has gone which is rather nice. Hopefully we can have a few days of dryness.


    I bought myself an unused teasmade. I can get coffee or tea in the morning now without having to wake the dogs


    Kept that quiet, didn't you.......

  13. I am seeking to rehome a very large pale orange slug who keeps returning to be a nuisance in the kitchen no matter how many times I eject it or how far I carry it away. It was in an almost empty cream pot which had been put by the sink for washing and recycling. You never saw such a happy slug, sitting there all fat and smug licking its chops. Would you like it to star in your invertebrates display team? It's very friendly.

    Well in reality Owl, as you know, I'm rather afraid of invertebrates, even with shells....

    I think the display team will remain a pipe dream

  14. Dibs just saved a sweet little kitten that had got itself in the back of a car engine. Having lured it with chicken and a calm voice, freedom was achieved with the aid of a pokey stick and a few swear words. The car owner is very grateful because she can now drive her car again. One miffed kitten ran off down the road like a little hissing serpent. Wild kittens are everywhere in Carmarthenshire.


    I'm thinking of branching out into car mechanics, I'm obviously good at fixing engines?

  15. The guy in Scotland came to mind reading this, if it's the same one I was aware off he was operating in Edinburgh. Wanker angry.gif

    Yes it's the same one sadly. He was only done for not having a pet shop licence as it's all they could get him on and a fine of £300 which was nothing. He had a load of dogs in an Edinburgh flat :(



    Can people be aware and spread the work about a gentleman who runs a website rehoming dogs called homedogz. He charges people to rehome the dog and then just dumps them,he has been found out as they have found 2 of the dogs are microchipped and he had left them tied to a post outside a rescue centre. He is also advertising for free dogs on websites and papers,not sure what he is... doing with these.


    The police and other agencies are involved




    if you look through the site you will see they charge you to rehome your dog, also phone numbers addresses don´t correspond.

    outdoor fun classes held in Herts, Beds and Bucks



    The guy behind this, calling himself Phil, Is Ben McCloud, prosecuted in Scotland for the same thing. There are several threads on sites about the previous incident and now it seems he's moved to near Bridgend, South Wales. The phone number is for a furniture shop.

    These are not nice people, so be very careful.

    Please spread the word, some poor people have already handed over dogs and money, God knows where they are now.


    I have found various dog ads, including an Akita, described for £150 as "not spaded would make a good Mum". All this from someone claiming to rescue!

  17. TV show is covering animals suffering from sunburn and skin cancer. If anyone has any cases of sunburn or cancer caused by sun exposure, can you please email them to me and I can pass them on. They intend to highlight the care needed and the consequences if the animal isn't protected. I have a client's pig who has sunscreen regularly so it doesn't have to be just cats and dogs!

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