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Rescue Representative
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Everything posted by Tobleronie

  1. That is a very nice invitation thankyou and very very tempting but justifying driving 250 miles in one day without a rescue dog in the back of the car would be a bit extravagant And apparently I am flying over to the IOM anyway
  2. I have the day off tomorrow and I'm not sure what to do with it
  3. Afternoon all 's for Tracey, Nettie and Indy My hands are cold
  4. Afternoon I do not have a hope in whatsit of catching up so 's to all that need one and to everyone with good news. I totally forgot it is my grandaughters birthday tomorrow so have just rushed down the road to get a card
  5. I am going to turn my laptop off and go snuggle my buckets and read my book Enjoy your evening everyone
  6. Afternoon for Babe and thinking positive thoughts We have all been to Richmond Park today and got lovely and wet and muddy in the stream My puffa coat has finally given up the ghost so I am off to look for wax jackets on ebat Sam I am so chuffed to hear Caleb has done a little walk, I wonder how much of a walk he will be able to manage in 8 weeks
  7. Morning 's to all that need one and a big to everyone else. Is today national change your avatar day
  8. I am now wetting myself coz she's got the tape measure out measuring the bed Save me someone I'm about to split my guts here Across a bit, no up a bit , no a bit more of a panoramic view please
  9. I am so sad I am giggling away coz I can tell Wendy is moving from the sofa to the Guinnys chair with the laptop
  10. I thought I saw quite a bit of activity in the Bumpy household cam Edited to say don't suppose you could leave bumpycam when the Alans arrive so I can witness the progress of foster dog and I could wave hello to me mate Alan no. 1
  11. They are promoting Wimbledon greyhound track on London Tonight They want to make it more fun for the customers Their motto is love the dogs 'No Hares get hurt in the race ' what about the dogs
  12. Deerist poopie duz ewe not recognize meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Luv Beenzie
  13. Amberroo I'm no good at advice but I am thinking of you and agree that it would be best not to be there tomorrow - take some space and time out.
  14. Are you aving a laff.....I havn't taken my eyes off her all evening apart from when I had supper
  15. Evening, ello and goodnight I am bumpy and Squigg watching so havn't got the time to talk to you lot so bye bye for now Wonder what would happen if I set up a Bumpybedroom cam when visitors arrive
  16. Knocks chocolate biscuits of the shopping list Wendy I think it quite apt that 2 months on from Guinny passing you have opened your home to another soul that needs your love and care
  17. Afternoon I am desparately trying to catch up for Marion, my mum has the same sort of diabetes I think and it is easily controlled by diet. Mel I sympathise I really do I know all about the dangers of toffee they should come with a warning Pheobejo I am very excited to see you new furniture, pictures please 's for everyone else that needs one RMF: I have been in an accounts meeting with our Company Secretary and my head is
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