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Everything posted by Tobleronie

  1. Am I sad or am I the only one that is excited about the Dancing on Ice final
  2. Morning Natty Mrs Oook I hope your leccie blanket is working tonight P.S. Mr OOk does make me smile Jules well done on the no-smoking Amberroo roo I wish I could do more for you Pingu I am crossing fingers and paws for a speedy result 's and to all that need any of them. Hope Wendy gets back from the Squiggs and dropping honey off safely I have been busy doing Labrador things today, but now I am relaxing with a glass of wine and awaiting the final of Dancing on Ice
  3. My OH has lost his keys He's lost them so why should it be up to me to look for them while he sits on his backside
  4. I've just been to the off licence to get some ciggies and they are having a wine tasting
  5. Crikey Trudi I've only just noticed this So glad to hear you are okay but it must be so scarey
  6. I got 27% but apparently not so low as some people
  7. Congratulations Morning Happy Anniversay Fee Snow Moosh
  8. I think I need to do this test but then again maybe not
  9. Afternoon sorry to hear about Taz and Otis Tiz very cold here today but I have a new coat and hat so I'm not worried
  10. Hello Missy Holly Hardwick lovely to meet you today
  11. Your confused Its taken me the best part of an hour and a half to catch up and I still don't know whats happening I havn't left chat yet I need to venture elsewhere
  12. Still trying to catch up I'm on page 6 now Amber I'm sorry the plane got eaten by a big scary monster and I tripped over the slug on the way there, then a man from outer space abducted me to test all sorts of things on me Okay I went up the M1 instead
  13. I am trying to catch up and failing miserably I am on page 4 and can I just say how lovely MrsOOk looked in her skirt Right now off to read the rest
  14. Evening I have not caught up with anything yet just logged on quickly before having my supper I have had a lovely day, thankyou MrsOOk for a lovely lunch sorry I had to rush caught in traffic through London as usual and arrived home to my Sister in law in the shower with my two dogs watching her Just a quick mention that Jasper and Lou and Caleb and swirly merly are georgous
  15. Morning I am just popping out for lunch see you later
  16. Amber the huggy emoticons can't send a big enough hug I want to send you.....
  17. Errrm theres a strange foot on squirrel cam Laura I havn't read the thread and don't quite know what to say so will just shutup and say hello Wendy I hope it wasn't our foster dog that trashed the lounge Can someone please tell me what time lunch is at der Loj tomorrow since I intend to do a stop by and see a 4 year old yellow boy on my way
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