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Posts posted by Amaranth

  1. A friend of mine had a rescue Lurcher that caught birds as well as small furries and she invested in one of those aerosol airhorns. Every time Tim took off after something she'd blow it and, the dog was shocked enough to stop and the intended victim had enough time to scarper.

    It took about a fortnight to stop him alerting to potential victims and it IS a horrible noise.

    Maybe a Vuvuzela would work? ;)

  2. I had the worst phone call ever on Saturday morning, a lady whose house overlooks our paddocks called to say she thought Willow had broken a leg and couldn't get up. I called the vet and shot down to the field with Gary and although he was standing when we got there it was tragically true. Our little white pony had an obviously broken hind leg. I took him a bucket of food and he tucked in with obvious relish and a very lovely vet called Polly arrived very shortly. He was sedated and she waited until he was so out of it he had stopped eating before telling us to walk up the field so I kissed him and said goodbye and that was it.

    To think we were mentally preparing for this to be 36 year old Winston's last Summer and then Willow who was only 12 is lost to us makes it really hard, I don't know what we're going to do.

  3. I've been a bit 1 off 1 on since I've been Parking and Cycling instead of Park and Riding but this week I lost 2.5lbs making the total 5 stones 2.5 pounds lost. I now have 11.5 lbs to go, it's getting quite a bit harder now but I m going to persevere as I Love my legs now and want a flat tummy to match!

  4. What a cutie :wub:



    With all this corrective treatment now, will this mean that she will be finished treatment by the time she's starting to want to walk? Sorry just being nosey :blush02:

    Probably not - it is likely that she'll learn to walk after a fashion with the boots and bar still on. She's a very determined little girl!!

    Hopefully by the time she starts school at 4+ she'll have finished treatment but we'll have to wait and see. We are now waiting for the cardiologist to give the OK for the plastic surgery on her hand to start.

    The more we can get over with now, the less she'll remember when she's older fingers crossed.

  5. You may recall my grand daughter Layla, who lives with us with her parents had a number of problems when she was born including severely clubbed feet.

    Well yesterday, at 14 weeks old she had her casts removed and went on to Boots and Bar!!

    Here she is showing off her legs for the first time :)


    She'll wear these for 23 hours per day for around 4 months and then just at Night and Naptimes until she is 4 years old.

    Excuse picture quality - my phone is having a moment!

  6. Well here are the latest additins to our Menagerie of misfits and hangers on.

    Two more of the 2nd hand unwanted masses - now living in our Lounge.


    Managed to find them a House on Gumtree


    added acouple of Nest Boxes - so we mostly see this..


  7. Hopefully I have managed to sort out livery for Pablo and Welina for when we move in December. Spoke to a nice farmer who has stables and all year turnout.



    Had an awful afternoon yesterday. Steve phoned me whilst I was at work to say he was going to the stables as one of the other liveries had called round hysterical that she had had a call from yard to say that Pablo was stuck in the field fence and needed a vet (they phoned her as she is german and could get to us). I left work straight away and of course was imagining the worst, how I drove with tears running down my cheeks without crashing I don't know. The 20 minute drive took forever. Anyway, I was nearly home when Steve called again to say not to panic, it wasn't as bad as first thought.


    It looks like he had kicked out at the horse in next field and caught his leg on the tape then when he brought it back again he was stuck so kicked back again. The tape had wound around his leg. The vet came and although there are quite a few deepish scores in his leg and a lot of exposed skin, he only needed an antibiotic jab.



    Thank god for the two young boys that had been walking their dogs past the field :flowers:

    Glad the silly horse hasn't hurt himself badly Andrea.

  8. First weigh in report..................5 lbs off :D :D

    Brilliant - well done




    I have been yoyo-ing for the last few weeks with a pound or half a pound on or off. Been stuck around the same weight for several weeks. Consultant gave me a boost this week by phoning mid week. I lost 2lb this week. Now I just have to keep it up. :-)


    Excellent stuff!!

  9. I have a confession. I fell off the diet wagon with a huge bump at the beginning of the year. Didn't reintroduce food correctly after CD.


    Anyway, I started Slimming World on Monday...............I know I have done it time and time again, but I really don't want to be big anymore. I am still nearly 2 stone lighter than when I started CD, so at least I hadn't put it ALL back on.


    So, please can I creep back in here for your support?

    Well done Andrea, that's excellent that you start again 2 stones lighter than before!!

    The support here is excellent - looking forward to your first wi result - you'll definitely do it!

    After two weeks of 1.5 lb on and then sts, I kicked myself up the proverbial and really worked at it this week and it worked - Managed to lose 4lb this week and hit the 5 stone lost milestone.

    Blimey this is getting hard now though.

  10. Well I thought I'd never lose weight but have so far managed just under 5 Stones since January. I'm doing weightwatchers and it's really teaching me and my family good habits, I wish we'd all done it years ago! There are some good ideas for filling foods and I'm an almost constant Carrot/Mushroom muncher and Rice cake eater now. With Autumn firmly upon us - I'm going to make up a few batches of vegetable soups, which are good hot filler foods. My daughter has developed the habit of cooking half a bag of frozen veg when she gets back from school and eats them with some low fat salad cream/tomato sauce - she even eats Sprouts now!

    I ope that you find a buyer for your house soon and can look forward to Spring 2010 in a new home with more time together and a fitter you to enjoy the new start!

  11. Sister Mary Katherine entered the Monastery of Silence.



    The Priest said, 'Sister, this is a silent monastery.

    You are welcome here as long as you like, but you may not speak until directed to do so. '


    Sister Mary Katherine lived in the monastery for 5 years before the Priest said to her, 'Sister Mary Katherine, you have been here for 5 years. You may speak two words.'


    Sister Mary Katherine said, 'Hard bed.'


    'I'm sorry to hear that,' the Priest said, 'We will get you a better bed.'


    After another 5 years, Sister Mary Katherine was summoned by the Priest.

    'You may say another two words, Sister Mary Katherine.'


    'Cold food,' said Sister Mary Katherine, and the Priest assured her that the food would be better in the future.


    On her 15th anniversary at the monastery, the Priest again called Sister Mary Katherine in to his office.

    'You may say two words today....'


    'I quit,' said Sister Mary Katherine.


    'It's probably best,' said the Priest, 'You've done nothing but bitch since you got here.'

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