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Posts posted by sproggie14

  1. Billy belongs to my parents but I love him every bit as much as one of our own dogs. I was there the day they picked him from Battersea, stayed with him when they went on holiday and we share a special bond. He's a bit of a wally basically and this evening in the park he saw a fox and his lurcher instinct took over and his brain switched off completely. He ran out into the road and was hit by a car :mecry:


    He is at the emergency vets now and is obviously in shock. It would appear that he hasn't broken anything and his condition isn't life threatening at least. But he has a severe soft tissue injury to his front leg and possibly a broken nose. I don't know yet exactly what they're going to do for him as I'm getting info second hand from my step dad whose a bit :wacko: but he may need referral to a soft tissue specialist to repair the damage to his leg.


    Billy is a typical lurcher, very sensitive and wussy so I know he's going to be very distressed this evening at being stuck in the vets on his own. His greyhound girlfriend Rosie, who was with them at the time of the accident, is also very upset and is wondering where he is. Last she knew he was being loaded into a police van and was bleeding everywhere so I hate to think what must be going through her head, bless her.


    So could they please both have some magical fugee healing thoughts? To ease their distress and in the hope that Billy's leg is something which can be resolved quickly and without lots of surgery and discomfort for him.


    Thanks :flowers:







  2. Further to this topic ( Moon is now home. The vets still don't know what is causing his kidney levels to be high so they're essentially just monitoring his condition and doing weekly bloods. Someone mentioned whether vaccinations might have had some effect and sure enough Moon recently had a 5 in 1 vaccination so I'm wondering whether this might be the cause. Amanda has Moon booked in to see a homeopathic vet but they can't see him until the 12th January unfortunately. I wondered whether anyone had any suggestions in the meantime for natural remedies which might support Moon's kidneys?



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  3. Some cautiously optimistic news. Moon's phosphate levels have fallen a bit although they are still a bit high. He is bright and eating so the vets are going to keep him in until tomorrow and then send him home and see how he gets on. So all your reiki, healing and positive thoughts appear to be doing the trick and Moon's family also really appreciate knowing how many people are supporting him. So massive thanks to you all and I'll keep you updated when I hear more :flowers:

  4. Some of you might recall Moon's story as it was posted here last year. Moon's Mum was working in Vietnam for a couple of years where she met Moon who was chained up and used as a guard dog. Like many dogs there he wasn't very well treated but he responded very well to attempts to befriend him. Amanda fell in love with him and was able to persuade his owners to give him up. She spent a small fortune getting him to the UK and he finished his quarantine in April. He has adapted brilliantly to his new life and has been having a lovely time.


    Over Christmas he was sick a few times so this morning he went to the vets where they found his kidneys are failing. At the moment they don't know why or whether it is treatable. Basically the next 48 hours are critical for him. Moon has had such a sad start to his life but has so much happiness ahead of him. To think of him missing out on all of that now is too awful to contemplate. Please, please could everyone send as many healing thoughts, reiki, prayers, etc as possible.





  5. I can really imagine how heartbreaking this must be :mecry:


    The only thing I would say - and this is only my opinion - is that I don't tend to find the softly softly approach as effective. We couldn't get near Begley for a long time after he came to us. It was only when we were advised to gently but firmly insist that he sit with us and be stroked that we made any progress. The same approach also worked well when Barney came to us and with nervous rats etc I always find being proactive works better. Food was a great help here so perhaps you could hand feed her and gently stroke her while she is eating so that she starts to associate being touched with positive things again?

  6. I'm so sorry what a horrible time :flowers:


    I would very very strongly recommend that your father pushes for a referral to the Royal Marsden. You have every right to do so and that really is the place to be for the best hope of successful treatment. Dave has been treated there twice and used to work there so we speak from experience when we say they really are the best and you get a far superior standard of care there.

  7. Robson is a rat who came to us last April. He found a new home with Alexis but sadly he lost his two brothers earlier this year. Alexis wasn't really in a position to get more rats now that she has a baby to care for so recently Robson came back to live with our other resident boys. I promised Alexis I'd send her some pics so I thought I'd share them here too


    In cage handsomeness






    He lurves da scritches




    When I said he should use the wheel to lose a little weight this wasn't quite what I had in mind




    Having cuddles






    Out playing with Quest








    More to come....

  8. I really liked Jamie last night. I like that he did something totally not obviously "him" and actually showed his voice off (which I thought was really good)


    Olly was probably my favourite of the night. I love that he not only sings but dances too and does an all round performance.


    Lucie was good too. I'm not 100% about this new direction they're sending her in as I thought she did My Funny Valentine excellently but it does seem to suit her.


    Danyl was meh last night. Predictable, shouty and wide mouthed as usual.


    I thought Stacey's performance was good and she's doing much better on that side of things but to me her vocals suffered slightly.


    Lloyd was awful. I think he will go this week.


    Joe sings beautifully but I agree that he is more musical theatre than pop star. I expect him to be in the bottom two with Lloyd this week.


    The twins, I hate to say, weren't as bad as they have been and it was actually quite good fun. Although I think they owe 99% of that to the production rather than them. I think they have a definite career as children's presenters in their future but they are just not right at all for X factor and need to go. I think next week will be their week. Once Lloyd goes there are no more weak ones left to go out in their stead.

  9. I don't find J&E entertaining at all, I just think they're awful and I think it's dreadful that they are still on the show when Rachel, who has a wonderful voice, was voted off. How insulting to her. Though I hope it does her career good in the long run.


    Also agree!

  10. It hasn't been too bad here so far this year but I know we have a big local display happening tomorrow night :( Interestingly my brother and his fiancee were here last night and there were a few going off. Not enough to upset most of our lot but enough to bother Tess. For those who don't know Tess is our very scaredy girl who was badly abused and is terrified of everyone but Dave and I. My brother is the closest she has come to trusting anyone else and he has been able to touch her a few times. Last night with the fireworks going off both he and his fiancee were able to fuss her quite a lot and she even jumped up on her lap for comfort at one point. And made eye contact :unsure: So I'm looking forward to next time they come over to see whether she remembers that they were there for her when she was scared and whether that might just be the breakthrough with them she needs.

  11. I can see the insurance companies point on this one. A group of dogs were playing and an assumption was made about which dog was responsible based on its size. Without good reason to believe that this particular dog was responsible (eg eye witness)I'm not sure either the insurance company or the owner should be asked to pay. Sounds to me a bit like this chap was taken for a mug by the other owner.

  12. Provided the air gun gas is at a high level of compression, its the quickest and cleanest way to kill a pigeon.

    I wish this was always true. They seem to use this method at the train stations round our way. I fairly regularly pick up pigeons with wings half blown off. It takes probably a week to 10 days for them to die of starvation and infection.


    Apologies for contradicting you Jazz, but ACP does not 'calm' them down, its a basic muscle relaxant which appears to leave the brain fully functioning and worrying. If you have given enough and the dog is not completely phobic then the drug takes over and forces them to stay in one place. However more informed vets would not prescribe ACP as the dog is still likely to be very anxious and forming anxiety memories.


    Agreed. I had ACP once for a firework phobic dog. All it did was make it harder for him to move. He was twice as scared as he also had to worry about why he couldn't control his body. It was awful to watch.

  13. I have to disagree Alex. I think Danyl was in the bottom two because people have gotten a bit fed up with him being so full of himself. Maybe him being in the bottom two will be just what he needs. He's a great singer and performer but he has an arrogant air about him. Perhaps this will give him some humility and could well save his place in the contest.


    I think Cheryl did the right thing. I would have found it very hard to choose which of the two should have gone.

  14. I agree with every word you have said Billy, that's totally my view. Every time I've heard one of the BNP lot speaking it has been really embarrasing rubbish. Not just their views but they just come across as thick and rude. So I'm hoping, like you, that tonight they will simply show themselves for what they are and become a laughing stock.

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