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Posts posted by kathy40uk

  1. just waiting for treasurer's address (e mailed when got in from work) for



    97 - Demented Chicken Moneybox - £10.00

    141 - Tiger Ear Flap Hat - £5.00

    142 - Marble Ear Flap Hat - £5.00

    157 - Feng Shui For Dogs Book - £2.00

    259 - Cat & Dog CD Racks - £6.50

    273 - Bubbles - £2.00

    282 - Bioforce Separation Essence - £5.00

    290 - Strange Pink Animal Moneybox - £5.00

    317 - Avon Five Elements Scented Candle - £2.00

    319 - Lime Green Beaded Collar Charm - £3.00


    will put note in with user name too (I usually forget that LOL)



    ..if I have missed anyone I need to send money for postage could you pm me....thanks

  2. story from daily mail








    GILLIAN McClusky, 42, from Dorking, Surrey, says her dog Harvey has saved her life, not just once but several times.


    "I'd tried almost everything to control my epilepsy but nothing had helped and I was having up to 15 fits a week.


    Click here to find out more!


    I was constantly terrified I'd badly injure myself - or even die. I once had a fit and fell out of a ground-floor window, breaking my nose and fracturing my arm. In the end I rarely left the house. My confidence was at rock bottom and I hated not being able to do anything for myself.


    I'd always had epilepsy but when my husband Colin died in 1996, the stress sent the number of fits soaring to several a day.


    Then, in 2000, I contacted the charity Support Dogs, which provides trained puppies that can sense seizures before they happen.


    I got Harvey, a six-month-old Staffordshire Terrier and I fell in love with him immediately. He became my early warning system, telling me when a fit was coming.


    He watches me constantly and if he notices any little signs, like my thumb twitching or a dilated pupil, he'll start sniffing and the hair on the back of his neck stands up.


    I know then I have about 30 seconds to get somewhere safe, where I won't injure myself when the attack takes hold.


    Just last week I was in the gym on the rowing machine. I'd only been there for about three minutes when I noticed the hairs on Harvey's neck start to bristle.


    I immediately stopped what I was doing and looked for a safe area. The gym would be a very bad place to have a seizure because of the large amount of metal equipment around. It could be fatal if I banged my head.


    I quickly went to a carpeted area and sat down. The seizure started almost immediately. A trainer ran over and there was just enough time to tell him Harvey would look after me. Then I was gone.


    As he'd been trained, Harvey gently climbed on to me and lay across my torso to stop my body jarring too violently. He then put a big paw either side of my head to stop it banging. He also stopped anyone from trying to move me during the fit.


    The next thing I remembered was Harvey's big wet tongue licking the side of my face. He kept doing it until I said 'Good boy Harvey.' That's the signal for him to know I'm OK.


    Even though he's done it so many times before, each time he saves my life I say a silent thank you because who knows what might have happened if he hadn't been there.


    In the past, the fear and stress of having a fit brought on more, but since I got Harvey I'm having fewer and fewer.


    I know I have my own personal hero on call anytime of the day or night to take care of me."


    FOR more information about Support Dogs, visit








    is any of that any use?

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