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Posts posted by kathy40uk

  1. Probably about three years old in fact LOL


    It was the one where people were starting to learn to drive, most people passed a long time ago :flowers:


    I didn't pass a long time ago! I passed on Friday :biggrin:


    Ot took me so long I even had to take the theory again as it had run out, thought I would never do it, skinted myself well and truly and often thought of giving up as I'd never get there :mecry:


    :flowers: :flowers: Big thanks to these forums though for all the photos of dogs on the beach 'cos that was what kept me going...I'm determined to get Mandy to a beach before she is too old and leaves me.........


    I haven't been on the forums much as I have been so busy but I come in to have a look and you all inspired me to keep going.thank you all xxx :flowers:


    .........Once I have pass plussed, got a car and some more experience I really hope I can help with transports as a thank you xx

  2. He has been getting lots of cuddles and the naughty boy barks when he wants attention and here's the best bit, he is wagging his tail!!!!



    ^^^^^^ made me :mecry:


    thank you for caring so much for Jem...................sending lots of love and cuddles, hope he feels them :GroupHug:

  3. dont know if this helps?



    got one from you and one from John so far, not from any others though which is good so hopefully not many of us opened them


    Sorry that horrible person got to you Sam xxxxxxx


  is a Facebook Scam: DO NOT Visit [WARNING]

    May 24th, 2009

    Goto comments Leave a comment


    It seems there’s no end to the Facebook spam and phishing attacks. Today my Facebook inbox shows there’s another attack underway that’s suckering even some of the most tech savvy users: I’m receiving Facebook mails with links to “.be†sites which are obviously nefarious. The subject line of the mails is “Look at Thisâ€.


    If you receive such a mail, DO NOT click links to the following sites:






    As we saw with Twitter’s Mikeyy attacks, these scams are particularly effective at weekends because the websites have less staff on hand to deal with them.


    What To Do


    If you receive one of these Facebook mails, simply delete it - one of your friends is infected but not you. If you find, however, that your account is sending the mails:


    1. As a precaution, go to your browser settings and clear your cookies.


    2. Change your Facebook password


    3. Make sure your antivirus software is up to date and run a full system scan


    Reviews: Facebook


    Tags: facebook, goldbase, greenbuddy, picoband, silvertag

  4. So apart from involvement in Liverpool, and a good relationship with the Met, we've not done anyfink.



    I think that sentence speaks reams in itself hun. When the madness all started there was no involvement with Liverpool and probably no relationship with the Met, all that background work has paid off :)


    Well done Ian at the Met but never lessen the hard work done over the past two years xx

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