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Rachel Rumpelstiltskin

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Everything posted by Rachel Rumpelstiltskin

  1. One of my favourite clients died earlier this week. He was in his early 20's. I feel horrible and not really sure what to do with myself
  2. New update: This little guy is doing so well he is now up for adoption. Although he wont be ready for a couple of weeks people are now welcome to visit and reserve him
  3. Because when ever i leave my room she invites herself in unwelcomed and you cant get rid of her. She just goes to sleep on my bed, or goes through my things
  4. I ahte my housemate and im afraid to go and get a cup of tea
  5. This little guy is doing fantastic! His amputated ear has totally healed, and his neck is well on its way to closing up He is still a little shy but his bouncy lurcher puppy side comes out every so often. When he first met my partner Scabby ran up and bounced on him but then realised he was ment to be scared so ran away! I will try and get some photos of him when i see him on friday
  6. I hate my housemate so i have been making a hell of alot of noise since 4.30
  7. UPDATE: Scruffy wishes to thank everyone for all the healing thoughts that were sent his way - he's doing well at the moment. Good news first - he's putting on weight at around 2 kg a week and is now nearly 22 kg! Stitches from the left ear have now been removed and some also removed from the right ear although he finds this more painful and there is still some dead tissue present. The neck wound is healing slowly, this may need to be re sutured at next weeks vet appointment. The infection seems to be mostly under control but still needs antibiotics to stop it flaring up again. Mentally, the scars will take longer to heal. He is terrified of the car and has to be lifted in. He loves snuggling in his crate and the only way we can persuade him to leave it is by putting a slip lead over his head and physically taking him out. He hates getting his feet wet - not good news considering the rain we've had in Wales! Anyway, thankyou for the donations towards his care we received at EGLR - we are having website problems at the moment and unable to update his report. Once I got him into the garden this afternoon he decided he quite liked it so here are a few pictures from today!
  8. Well its coming up to 2 years that Molly has been with us. Recently she went to the fourpaws dog show and was brilliant, especially with young children. When Molly wants to be she can be perfect! But the dog show highlighted that Molly's behavioural problems havent gone away. Any change in Molly's routine upsets her and her behaviour goes back to square one. Im trying to find some new photos of Molly but here are some from the summer
  9. I was just about to update molly's thread and i found it in the bin?? Can it be unlocked and put back please
  10. Unfortunatly the cuts arnt just around his neck. They continue round his back, legs and chest. It would be more painful, for him. The lead is very soft and only temporary whilst photos are being taken
  11. Well hes feeling loads better and is starting to have hugs kisses and waggy tails!
  12. On Sunday we received a call about a Lucher that had been attacked by two other dogs. The owner of the two dogs took this boy to our vet and paid for his emergency treatment. The owner decided he didn't want him back and signed him over to our vet who asked us to help. They advised that the boy was in a bad way and would needs lots of ongoing care. A call to Claire at Coedely Kennels secured a place for him with Pip at Evesham Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue and Julie very kindly transpoted him from Brackla to Claire's for us. His wounds are dreadful and could not be stitched because of the infection. The pictures taken were when he arrived and he looks and smells much worse now. They ooze pus and he may have to have a GA to enable them to be cleaned out and all the dead tissue removed. Claire has taken him back to the vets this morning. This dog has been kept in a shed with a number of others and is emaciated, matted and covered in excrement. The other dogs have been moved but their location has been passed to the RSPCA. I spent over an hour last night trying to clean the wounds again - each time I wiped an area it made pus ooze out of another hole. The little darling just stood there for me. The vet this morning wasn't happy, so he's been kept in for sedation /GA so they can clean up the wounds and shave away the hair from some of the older scabs which are now also weeping. Even lifting him into the car is a problem as he can't move much and he screams in pain if you touch any of the wounds. He is so thin his poor body just isn't strong enough to fight the infection and start the healing process. I'll update later after I've spoken to the vet. UPDATE Just had another update from the vet. His right ear has been completely removed - there was no blood supply and the ear had become necrotic. They are hopeful that they have been able to salvage part of the left ear. They have also stitched a couple of the neck wounds, but have had to leave some open to allow the infection to drain. He has woken up but is being kept heavily sedated and his painkillers will be monitored overnight. I have to ring again in the morning and hopefully collect him later tomorrow
  13. Oh i didnt say to the patient i wouldnt do it for her! I said that i would stay with her and talk her through now to get her nose over her toes and lean forward and stand herself up. But i wasnt going to get a standing hoist to get the woman off the commode to wipe her when i saw her walking to the toliet without any aids earlier in the day. Just because im a clearly inexperienced person the patients ask me to do everything for them which i get told off for! If im running round getting every patients commodes when they are able to walk how are they going to cope when they are discharged home? They will never be rehabilitated and back in hospital before they know it. I have always been very pleasant and polite and chatty to the patients which my mentor commented on. But when im out of that situation im allowed to vent that im being called away from people that DO need my help to people that are perfectly capable to do things themselves. One man was rude to me yesterday because i was helping him by preparing a wash basin/soap/towel for him and then when i said i will give you some privacy, buzz when your done he said 'arnt you doing it for me? The other ward i was in did everything for me' There was no physical reason why this man couldnt do it himself.
  14. Its the ones that didnt have dementia that were being naughty yesterday . It was so understaffed that the time couldnt be spent and because im so new its not automatic. The team i work with are brilliant, they have been together years and they just got stuck in and did it and bloomin quickly, but im so slow and they keep having to stop and explain things to me. I felt rather annoyed with myself because i was making things worse for them. My mentor doesnt have the time to sit down and explain the ins-and outs and we are trying to make time to do my portfolio, which just isnt happening. Wehn we spoke yesterday she said that over the last year she has requested that first years dont go to this ward because its so busy and heavy and she doesnt have the time to be mentor. What happened yesterday was in the space of an hour and i was left to deal with on my own, 2 weeks ago i had never washed a patient, id only practiced taking obs on my friends and never have taken blood sugars. Now im expected to do that to 8 patients on my own and in a very short space of time, pretty much unsupervised. In a years time i will be able to look back and say why didnt i do x,y and z, but when its so new and before i can help a patient i need to stop someone and ask where the gloves are kept (no one had filled up the boxes and i couldnt find where the storage was. I felt really frustrated with myself because i was making things worse for everyone and if i wasnt there the day would have been aloteasier for them, and when your there thinking that it does becoming overwhelming. Im glad i had this as my first experience of nursing, because i know first hand nursing isnt all smiles, and flowers with rainbows coming out of peoples arses. But for someone with no experience at all it is too much, because there isnt any support. Uni doesnt prepare you what so ever for this
  15. Today was just ridiculous! 2 HCA's and 1 sister and me. On the busiest ward in the hospital (Less then half the number of usual staff). And all the patients were a flippin pain in the neck. 1 woman with cellulitus in her legs suddenly lost all ability to wipe her own backside and was being bloody awkward because i wasnt going to do it for her. 1 bloke was playing with his colostomy bag and hey ho he fiddled a bit too much and emptyied it over himself, and another woman somehow managed to get liquid poop in her hair, and all over the floor and then fell in it. I sat down at lunch and just cried. Felt a bit embrassed cause siser came up and asked how i was coping I think the word overwhelmed stumpled out of my mouth a few times. Glass of wine tonight i think!
  16. Its not the ward thats exhausting- its getting up at 5am that is!
  17. Congratulations- That is THE BEST wedding cake ive ever seen!!!!!
  18. Thought id just awaken this sleeping thread Well Ive done my first week in a ward- A real one with real people!!!! (Instead of practicing on dummies) OMG- What the hell have i let myself in for? Im exhausted and greatly looking forward to a decent sleep and a day off tomorrow. Im working in a very busy cardiac ward and so far no heart attacks but one man did crash and stop breathing on me! There are a good handful of patients with Alzheimers and dementia which are actually good fun. One man passed me a £20 note today and said im going to the pub this evening, but i need a warm up- get me a bottle of scotch! Ive laughed, and ive learnt alot- So once again thank you for your words of wisdom
  19. Nothing worked- Thank you for your suggestions. Right next task getting the NHS to get me some new ones in the next 2 years.......
  20. I was stupid enough to leave a pen in one of my work tunics last night and put it through with all my white washing (including 2 other tunics) Ive currently put the wash into soak in vanish for the next 8 hours- simply because i havent got a clue how to get these stains out. Apprantly soaking them in milk will work, so before i go out and buy 50 pints of milk does this work? Any ideas how to remove there stains? And if it does boil down to bleaching will this effect the blue trimming around the collar and cuffs? or can i just focus the bleaching on the affected area?
  21. Probably remove it. Its natually falling off and is pretty much a large scab, and i keep catching it on things. It has rather wobbly moments . I cant feel it, so its a bit of a party trick down the pub now Havent been picking, been filing though! Its just dead skin so trying to smooth it a bit.
  22. Well its been pretty much a month, so here is the latest pic Went camping with Rosie, and we were sharing breakfast when this was taken Its gradually peeling off and dying (again) so possible surgery booked (again) next week. Im really impressed at how my left hand has adapted to do everything my right cant
  23. I went to see a solicitor today about a compensation claim. In a nutshell i cant work, lost my summer job (bank health care work) and at worst could be forced to restart my uni course after having an accident where i worked I spent about 20 mins with him and he rattled off about no win no fee, and then said its advised i take out insurance as the other sides legal team can claim expenses againest me. I am so confused so if anyone has any experience/understanding of how the legal system works, could you please put it in really simple terms. Thank you
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