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Rachel Rumpelstiltskin

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Posts posted by Rachel Rumpelstiltskin

  1. As some of you know we welcomed a foster dog into our house in Autumn 2006. She was 9 months old with a fractured pelvis. After a while it became apparant how exetreme Mollys separation anxiety was. She was highly destructive, screamed, cried, soiled in crate/where ever. It would also take several days for Molly's behaviour to return to normal after ANY change in her routine.


    We continued to foster Molly until spring 2009, 2.5 years. Until the awful decision was made to have molly.......










  2. I love my life without dogs! I think thats because after running a ridiculous kennels it was a bit too much. I love going back and having cuddles but not 24/7. Give me a lovely quiet oldie, rather than 60 odd hooligans!

    I do transport runnings as often as i can around shifts, still give regular training advice to friends, and walk friends dogs.

  3. Thank you for hugs- they are greatly needed!!!


    Sounds horrible but im getting used to laying people out. I would rather it was with someone they have known than an agnecy nurse or something.

    I think today was just the end of it. PT died without pain and quickly, which lets face it is the best way. But i feel she should died in the arms of her family and not with some student nurse. All the nursing staff were very stressed today in caring for this lady, especially as there were some major ethical issues, which involved getting other nursing teams in, so that what was best for the patient was achieved.


    I have some wonderful friends that ive spoken to and my miracle mum :wub: who has had me on the phone crying 'i dont want to be a nurse anymore, i cant do this' far too many times :rolleyes: But at the end of the day i watched something horrific today and i think i will be haunted for a long time.


    I am going to try and get hold of my tutor on monday, she is a pallative care cancer specialist, and a berevment councillor in her spare time.


    My mentor is approachable so i will ask her tomorrow if i could take a step back from the physical care of the very very poorly patient. She is lovely so that shouldnt be a problem.


    Thank you for hugs

  4. As some of you know i am a 1st year student nurse.


    I seem to spend most my time laying people out at the moment, and today somebody died in my arms. I have no come to a point where im not coping with this anymore. For the next couple of weeks i will say no to anything to do with death. I know its putting a strain on the already hectic nursing staff but its simply not fair that i seem to get this job (because i have the time)


    A glass of wine in the evenings is my awful habit and i need to stop becoming reliant on it. I have some wonderful friends who are just fantastic, who i know i can always call upon but i am a very closed person sometimes.


    I was just wondering for people that deal with this, how do you cope? what is your escape?

  5. Thank you for congraulations everyone. Wasnt that much of a shock- we have been discussing it for months.


    Farleys rusks are yummy!


    Did anyone watch the new season of CSI? I cant believe brown is dead- i thought he wud survive :mecry:

  6. I havent actually posted in here for a while

    RMF: BF proposed- so sparkley ring insitu. Dead chuffed.


    work is poo but fantastic. Poo isnt not a descrptive word- it is literally poo. Scrubbed in and watched a bladder cancer removal- very interesting.


    Hope everyone is well- sorry havent kept up to date :GroupHug: to who needs them

  7. Ive been attacked by a zimmer frame and think i might had a mild concussion as well as the pretty bruises over my arms. Gotta love 4ft8 old ladies with tea cosy's on their heads that walk around the 4 wards on our floor and attack, and scream, and swear magnificently at everyone. :wub: I really do love her she is amazing!


    My thoughts are with everyone in hospital or with family in hospital. Its not a nice place to be this time of year.

  8. Cross posted:


    Mia is a 10 month old Golden Retriever who was handed in. She went off to the vet to be spayed and we discovered that she is approx 6-7 weeks pregnant and far too late to have the prgenancy terminated.


    It has been suggested by our friend, Rachel at the kennels that we run a sweepstake to guess the date and time of Mia's first puppy entering the world.


    Please join in the fun and help to raise some much needed funds towards Rhy's surgery. There will be a first prize of a super, duper doggy hamper containing at leat 50 items and two runners up prizes. If the winner also guesses the correct number of puppies there will be an additional gift.


    To enter;


    Please guess the time and the date and number of puppies born. It is £2 per entry and can be payed via paypal and clicking on the gift option. Please pm if you wish an alternative means of payment.


    The paypal address is [email protected]


    The winner will be the person who chooses the correct date and also the nearest time to the birth of the first pup.


    This competition is running on the FOA website.


    There will be photos of the stunning Mia and her belly tomorrow.

  9. RMF: I am off to have snuggles with a 70kg puppy. Hes dense as wood which makes it even more funny when he flings himself around :wub:


    cant imagine how anyone could sleep knowing their kennels wernt heated. I used to have gas heaters and oil filled radiators all the way up the kennels before i put the radiators in and although it was pleasantly warm, its positively toasty in there now. All the dogs have big fleecy vet beds in a raised bed too so no draughts while they sleep. If i couldnt heat the kennels id have to shut through the winter


    The central heating in our main blocks gets a bit too hot! Poor doglets think its tropical weather! The skinny things and elderly things wear coats during the day but at night they need to be removed because of the heat! New kennels have individual heat lamps which warm the inside kennel area to a warm and cosy temp

  10. I guess they are wanting a case study type essay, in which case I think you'd be writing


    "Mrs X was first seen at Y on such a day when issues of Z were raised"


    Not my field but that's what I'd do!! Could you try and find a case study to give you inspiration?


    I love you!


    Thank you!

  11. I must admit i agree to some extent of the article. We have a very high pts here and it does annoy me slightly when dogs are dying here and now for no reason other than there is no where for them to go. I used to spend some time with breed rescues who weekly took from ireland because the law is different over there and the breed is difficult to rehome. But atm we have everything of that breed from 6 week old babies to 12 year old wonky old things. We are physically trying to cram/ double up to make space for the next lot of poundies which include several of the specific breed. Today we have

    1 gsd pup

    1 gsd oldie

    1 gsd X (12-18 mnths)

    1 english Mastiff (12 months)

    1 bull mastiff

    2 pure bred show cocker spanial's

    1 6-12 month old lab

    1 boxer (12-18 month)

    1 saluki x (8-12 month)

    2 collies

    1 Springer (8-12 month old)

    1 pregnant golden retriver


    Ive actually lost count of the mongrels and staffes x's


    These dogs are just not moving fast enough to cope with the rest coming in. I can understand the oldies, mongrels, staffies taking longer to find rescue spaces/fosterer's/ forever homes. But why is a pedigree gsd puppy waiting around in kennels for weeks on end, when if a breed rescue instead of taking from ireland took what we have here. Dogs are being put to sleep today up the road because there is no one willing to take them. And when you have to deal with choosing which ones live and which ones die you can see why it does sometimes annoy people that are struggling to cope with the demand. Last week in the pound we very nearly lost big big big dobie baby because the pound are not willing to hold even if rescue space is booked for the next day. That is the extent of the problem and that is why general rescues in this area have lists as long as their arm of dogs waiting to come in. That is why some people write something like that.


    But then again ive got 2 wonderful Irish boys and wouldnt change them for the world, and if a rescue hadnt brought them over they wouldnt be in my life- So i cant whinge too much. :wub: A dog is a dog at the end of the day and i dont care where it comes from

  12. I am sooooooo confused by the damn thing!


    Write an account of how the principles of anti discriminatory practice and empowerment could be applied to the experience of health and social care of a person that you have worked with in your practice.


    Thats the title. Now the problem is do i write it in third person or not? If so how the bloody hell do i do that if its someone that 'I' have working with in 'my' practice?

  13. Well we just gave up cleaning the kennels today. The damn things refroze after we cleaned them! Every couple fo hours im having to go round and break the ice on the dog bowls. Although many of the loopy rescues are quite enjoying eating the stuff.


    Hope fugees are warmer than i am!

  14. 1.What time did you get up this morning?






    2. Diamonds or pearls?






    3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?


    Batman (i think, i dont actually remember)




    4. What is your favourite TV show?


    Heroes, House, CSI




    5. What do you usually have for breakfast?





    6. What is your middle name?






    7. What food do you dislike?





    8. What is your favourite CD at the moment?


    Kings of Leon new album



    9. What kind of car do you drive?






    10. Favourite sandwich?


    Chicken and Bacon




    11. What characteristic do you despise?

    Nosy people that always have advice- even if u dont want it!




    12. Favourite item of clothing?

    Ummmmm anything warm!





    13. If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go?





    14. Favourite brand of clothing?

    GAP probably




    15. Where would you retire to?


    See holiday destination




    16.What was your most recent memorable birthday?


    Getting totally trashed in Liverpool for my 21st last weekend. Actually i cant remember that much of it





    17. Favourite sport to watch?




    18. When is your birthday?


    4 days away



    19. Are you a morning person or a night person?


    Night person!!


    20. What is your shoe size?


    7 ish


    21. Pets?


    1 Rat, and tempoarily moment 60 odd kennel dogs, 10 chickens, and a handful of cats


    22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?

    Nah i lead a boring life



    23. What did you want to be when you were little?

    I was a rubbish child and had no career aspirations. I still dont actually


    24. How are you today?


    Worried about the elderly staffie that has just moved in


    25. What is your favorite sweet thing



    26.What is your favourite flower?




    27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?

    March 2011 when i will be qualifid


    28. what fragrance do you wear?




    29. What are you listening to right now?


    Tumbledrier and the puppy


    30. What was the last thing you ate?


    Ummmm tea


    31. Favourite food?



    32. Favourite Drink?




    33. The first person you spoke to today?


    My mum


    34. Favourite restaurant?


    Macdonalds! (im a student!)


    35. Real hair colour?


    Ummmmm dirty blonde


    36. What was your favourite toy as a child?

    Didnt have one really


    37. Summer or winter?




    38. Hugs or kisses?


    Is both at the same time an approaitew answer?


    39. Chocolate or Vanilla?




    40. Coffee or tea?




    41. When was the last time you cried?

    Saturday, i was laughing too hard at the table dancing drunk people


    42. What is under your bed?




    43. What did you do last night?



    44. What are you afraid of?



    45. Salty or sweet?




    46. How many keys on your key ring?


    Which set of keyrings?


    47. How many years at your current job?

    March 2008, or my on/off kennel job for 4/5 years


    48. Favourite day of the week?


    Friday - weekend innit


    49. How many towns have you lived in?




    50. Do you make friends easily?



  15. An Irish daughter had not been home for over 5 years. Upon her return, her Father cussed her.



    'Where have ye been all this time? Why did ye not write to us, not even a line? Why didn't ye call? Can ye not understand what ye put yer old Mother thru?'


    The girl, crying, replied, 'Sniff, sniff.... Dad ....I became a prostitute...'




    'Ye what!!? Out of here, ye shameless harlot! Sinner! You're a

    disgrace to this Catholic family.'


    'OK, Dad -- as ye wish. I just came back to give mum this luxurious fur

    coat, title deed to a ten bedroom mansion plus a $5 million savings

    certificate. For my little brother, this gold Rolex. And for ye Dad dy, the sparkling new Mercedes limited edition convertible that's parked outside plus a membership to the country club........................ (takes a breath)............. and an invitation for ye all to spend New Years Eve on board my new yacht in the Riviera and... ...'


    'Now what was it ye said ye had become?' says Dad .




    Girl, crying again, 'Sniff, sniff....a prostitute Dad dy! Sniff, sniff.'




    'Oh! Be Jesus! Ye scared me half to death, girl! I thought ye said a

    Protestant. Come here and give yer old Dad a hug.'

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