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Posts posted by sianepearce

  1. p.s. yes he is a total grump when it comes to other (especially bigger dogs).... my boyfriend has an adorable black lab called Poppy who is the most loving and soppy thing you have ever seen but Taffy has yet to be seduced by her charms!


    Any advice as to how to stop him lashing out at other dogs / help get over fear aggression would be much appreciated!

  2. Just wanted to let you all know that Taffy has settled back in at home - I can't tell you how happy I am he was safe and being so well looked after.


    I was alerted by a text message from a number I don't know on Sunday evening that there was a post on which sounded like it could be him. I can only assume that somebody had seen a poster in the local area and knew about your site or perhaps had seen him on the and made the connection. I have sent them a message to say we have been reunited and I may not have found him without them!


    Needless to say the first thing I have done is updated the tel number on his tag and will get the microchip database updated asap!


    So good to know there are such kind, generous and caring people out there!


    Thanks again to Sally and everyone else


    Sian x

  3. He is definitely mine. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Thank you so much for taking him in. My mobile is xxxxxxxx. Can't wait to hear from you.






    I have posted in the lost and found section and we have notified the police and the emergency dog warden service about this old fellow.

    He was found yesterday on Rochester Avenue in Chorlton cum Hardy, South Manchester. He was wandering in the road and trying to drink from puddles but does not appear ill or neglected; he was very thirsy and drank frequently for several hours but that settled overnight and his intake is now aeverage.

    He is at least 12+ with cataracts and is a little wobbly on his back legs, will be off to the vets for an MOT tomorrow. He is a small lab type crossbreed, black with white whiskers and is very friendly and clearly used to living in a house and travelling in a car.

    The kind person who found him walked him round the local area asking if anyone had seen him before but with no luck. He is wearing a collar with a disc but the phone number on it is no longer active according to BT. Both the phone number and his microchip are from Kent but no reponse from either.

    He is now safe in foster with me thro' a local sanctuary and tomorrow we'll trawl local vets in the area and also use the Manchester Evening News.

    If any oldies supporters are in the Manchester area and have any other ideas please post as we're hoping the old boy is just lost and not abandoned.

  4. My link


    It think he's mine! Been looking everywhere - went missing in Didsbury yesterday afternoon. He may have a red collar on? Could you please call me as soon as you get this message? Sian 07971 059 696. I will come and get him asap.


    Many thanks






    Just thought - it could have been in the morning he disappeared. Other distinguishing marks are a white T on his chest?




  5. It think he's mine! Been looking everywhere - went missing in Didsbury yesterday afternoon. He may have a red collar on? Could you please call me as soon as you get this message? Sian 07971 059 696. I will come and get him asap.


    Many thanks




    Found this morning in the Chorlton area of Manchester on a main road. Elderly male lab. x, black with a whiskery face. Seems to be in good condition, house trained, travelled well in the car and is quite settled in the home environment including sleeping on chairs! A little doddery on his back legs but manages stairs.


    Just thought - it could have been in the morning he disappeared. Other distinguishing marks are a white T on his chest?



    It think he's mine! Been looking everywhere - went missing in Didsbury yesterday afternoon. He may have a red collar on? Could you please call me as soon as you get this message? Sian 07971 059 696. I will come and get him asap.


    Many thanks





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