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Posts posted by Sezpez

  1. I have 6 mice here on foster, they were from the large welsh rescue that happened recently.


    One black and white (Moo!)

    5x cream and white


    They need experienced owners who have a fair bit of patience and time to let them learn to trust you.


    They will also need a very escape proof cage as they are much smaller than they should be due to the inbreeding that happened in previous home.


    These can only go in groups of 2, I will not split them into individuals as they very much need each others company.


    They are all in Bexhill (Near Hastings), East sussex. I can transport within reason and would like to (somehow) see their new cage to ensure that they will not be able to escape.

  2. Hi everyone, long time no see!


    I had a thought that I would try and find out how a few of the dogs we helped with years ago are doing... I think it'll be a long shot but i'd really like to try! :rolleyes:


    First were long haired GSD's Tye and Cody, brother and sister rescued from South Wales area and we took them down to Clacket lane services to hand over to another couple for the rest of their journey to kent. They were absolutely huge and stinky and pulled like mad but they were lovely! I really hope they are both doing well now.


    The other was Keira pie a young staffy who I rescued from some turkish people who hated her "messing up their flat" I fell for this girl hook line and sinker but my springer hated her being in the house and I took her to a rescue in kent possibly? They dealt with mostly staffies or staffy types if I remember correctly? My memory is useless but I remember how special Keira was and I really wish I could get an update on her. The last I heard was she had a new home with a brother to keep her on her toes :wub:


    Well, here's hoping for some news :wub:

  3. Hi all, long time no speak!


    One of my cats is getting rather old, he was a stray when my mum took him on but the vet thinks he is around 14-16 years old now. As with most older cats he seems to have lost all knowledge of training. He now sleeps on the kitchen side (on a towel) and has forgotten what his dirt tray is for :( Most mornings he greets us with a poo or a wee on the kitchen surfaces :(


    I have been through all of this with another elderly cat a few years ago but she wasn't as bad as this.


    Does anyone have any suggestions please?





  4. My biggles cat is just like that, loves dogs to bits. Sadly now that we've lost Tessa he's lost the love of his life, they used to pine for each other if one of them was out and were miserable. They used to wash each other, sniff each others bums (highly lovely!) and all sorts :mecry:


    It is lovely to see though :wub:

  5. She has you all fooled by her innocent look :D


    I'd love to bring Missy to see you Gwyn but she is still a total nightmare with strangers and other dogs. I really need to work on it because now I don't like leaving her on her own too long (was a tiny bit different when she had Tessa for company)


    I take her to the beach every weekend now and make her walk through the crowds, even if it means shoving a ballie in her mouth first! She is learning slowly but sometimes she'll react to kids on bikes or dogs that are too bouncy and in her face. She isn't snappy/nasty at all (otherwise I wouldn't risk it) and she wags her tail the whole time, just she's used to barking at people and now it's just turned into a habit she can't shift.


    Very glad you all liked the pic though :wub: :wub:

  6. After losing our LabX Tessa on the 16th of this month we have felt even closer to Missy Moo Bags than ever before. She is a completely different dog now she is a lone dog. She is loving all of the attention on her and is much better behaved.


    As I got a new camera last week I thought I'd see if I could get a really nice photo of her after her bath and got this...




    I'm made up with it, hope you like it too :D


    Sara x

  7. Bit of a long reason but here goes!


    We were driving along a bypass at a fair speed when we spotted 2 springers on the grass verge on the other side of the road, they looked panicked so I looked back when we passed to see them run across the road and one of them got too close the car behind us and was thrown into the air. :(


    OH and the car behind us pulled over and we ran to the dogs that had run into the bushes on our side. They both stank and looked like they'd been living in a swamp! The female was in shock (the one that was thrown) so we asked the other guy to follow us with her to the nearest vet whilst we took the male in our car.


    I remember he was the nicest little dog I've met in a long time, it was like he was really grateful for being saved and knew everything would be ok!


    The end result? The female was ok just in shock and a little bruised, she wasn't chipped but the male was and they were lucky enough to be reunited with their owners who lost them after their gate was opened in the garden and they were frantically looking for them.


    From then on I knew I wanted a springer (seems odd when I think about it now!)


    I ended up with the love of my life who must be my soul dog as we share a birthday :wub:




    My flickr

  8. As with most animals as soon as we got to the vet and tried to demonstrate her problem, Tessa decided that she could indeed get the treat off the floor and smother the vet with kisses and paws after :rolleyes:


    He said it's obviously nothing too bad otherwise she wouldn't be getting the treats but she's got metcam to see if it helps when at home when she refuses to eat out of her bowls! :wacko: Dogs eh!

  9. I've looked into chiropractors for her before because of problems I think have been caused during seizures but I can't find anyone close enough.


    Reiki is more than welcome here please, anything that could help! :flowers:


    If it's a muscle, homeopathic Rhus tox could help, if it's a ligament. ruta grav could help, and of course any injury calls for Arnica. She could have put something out of place. Do you have a McTimoney/chorley chiropractor near you? Or an acupuncturist or Bowen therapist - all could put whatever it is back.


    Reiki on the way if she wants it.

  10. I put the dogs dinner down tonight and happened to see that Tessa couldn't quiet reach down enough to eat, I ended up putting her bowl on a bucket and she happily ate from that but now i'm really worried.


    Suddenly realised she couldn't have had any water for a while so put her water on the bucket and she drank the whole (large) bowl! :(


    We called the on call vet and he advised that she probably has neck ache or has pulled a muscle somehow and to give her a paracetamol and keep a close eye on her. After that I rubbed/massaged her neck, shoulders and back and she was moaning and groaning the whole time, she only normally moans and groans when she is enjoying something so I hope it was helping a bit.


    Right now she's knocked out and snoring so I can't really do anything else but looking back on today she has been very quiet and refused to play with her favourite tug toy :( I often put that down to the fact she is epileptic and often has a few bad days due to her high dose medication.


    Do you think it is just neck pain? All my animals are breaking on me at the moment! one cat is at the vets being treated for blocked urethra, 2 of my rats are not doing very well and I fear they won't be with us much longer and now poor Tessa is poorly :mecry:



  11. My old victor meldrew grumpy man has fallen asleep forever, he looked so peaceful :) He was reaching his 4th birthday which I am amazed by, he was in a poor condition in a small hamster cage with his brother for 18 months before I rehomed him and kept on going and going! I actually thought he was too stubborn to leave us! :P


    So... Goodnight my little bald man, go find Buddy and carry on your grumpiness at the bridge



  12. zoecute.JPG


    You were the rat that got me hooked on rats 3 years ago, the one that would always sit on my shoulder and watch the world go by, my mate when I needed a cry, a ray of sunshine when I was feeling down.


    I'm sorry I couldn't help you any more, no matter what I did it wasn't enough to keep you with me.


    I'll miss you every single minute of each day, everytime I look at your sister who will be joining you shortly :(


    I love you always babygirl as does your dad :hearts:


    I just want to say a HUGE thank you to Emma at Furry Friends for allowing me to look after the most amazing little rat in the world.

  13. I'm Sara, I live in Bexhill East Sussex with my OH wayne and:


    Tessa 8yr old lab X whippet

    Missy 3yr old Springer

    Biggles 8yr old black moggy

    Black jack 6 yr old black moggy

    Zoe & Dot agouti hooded doe rats from furry friends

    Mac black berkshire buck rat

    Taz agouti self buck rat from GBH/cavy rescue

    Flo black hooded doe rat from furry friends

    and finally 2 little russian hammies called Foster and Scatman! :biggrin:


    I'm webmaster for People and dogs society (look out for a new look site and lots more features etc soon!) in my spare time (haha wassat then!?) and in the other time i work full time or sleep as much as I can :sleep:

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