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Everything posted by Loo

  1. Merledogs - So happy for yooooooo!!!!! :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: Yantan - will be interested to hear how you get on with Calmex - haven't used it but sound interesting. Jazz - you are not going to be bored with all those workmen round! That's Monday over then! x
  2. Happy Sunday!! Still my day of rest but woke up at 7 anyway thinking Coffeeeeeee!! Off down the M6 to see my Dad and Stepmom today and the weather is vile. It has to be done cos I havent seen them for a few weeks and I hate to cancel. We had a little hedgehog visitor last night. It was just outside the back door when I let Jack out and he just didn't see it, although he had a sniff when he came back in but probably because we were trying to take a picture!. Doris Banham have put pictures on You Tube of dogs that they have rescued and Jack is on there at 40 seconds in. I am surrounded by media stars this week!! hahaha!! My boy Jack eats everything and will try to pull you across the road if he spys a stray chip!! I think it's due to being a stray and having to eat what he could find . When he came to us he was on pills from the vet to settle his tummy but we soon discovered it was the pills that were giving him the squits! Hope you all have a good day xxx
  3. Oh merledogs I am so pleased for you that your money has come through!!! And isn't it nice when people appreciate you and recognise your worth!! You have proper made me giggle about your shoes
  4. Hi Dawn, Well done you on all the rescue dogs you gave homes to and I hope everything works out with Amber and Bonnie! xx
  5. OMGosh Merledogs that is really bad of them. I hope you manage to sort it out. They could still make a transfer today. I feel for you because I know exactly what that feels like. xx Go Gooster, Go!!!! At the very least it's a night out!!
  6. Good thoughts to everyone. Amy has just been catching up on Paulo Grady and has spotted her little dog on screen giving Paulo a wash!! She's about 1.11 in on this week's episode. Poppy was at Battersea and taken by Matching Partners Canine rescue which is where Amy got her from. My Grand-dog is a television star!!!
  7. T'was a very sad but dignified funeral. On the plus side it's been a long time since I was hugged by so many men in one day!! I miss the reps!!
  8. The fabric is here!!! Oooh, it's going to be hard to keep my new dressmaking scissors away from it......snip snip!! Did anyone see 'Don't Tell The Bride' on Tuesday? I thought it was lovely and the bride was such a calm gentle lady - but it was made even better by the appearence of my 'weekend' boss! They hired the Argocat from the activity centre to transport the bride through the woods. The story behind that is that maybe the production company has a little more money than the £12k that they give the groom...... I'm off to a funeral today. My ex boss died a couple of weeks ago in Barcelona and the funeral is in town today with the buriel in Scotland tomorrow. I worked there for 10 years and it was a brilliant job. We sold motorcycle helmets n stuff and I travelled all over Europe to exhibitions with them. They had a showroom in Gran Canaria and I once went to a business meeting in Monte Carlo - taking the helecopter across the water to and from Nice!! Mind you we did work very hard. It was fantastic until their children left uni and joined as Directors and then it all went upside down. I stayed on because the money was too good but then (with relief on all sides) I was made redundant four years ago. I was only unemployed for 2 weeks - it was great!!! (The elf service doesn't pay nearly as good tho.....) Lots of fond memories. Have a good day, everyone, and rest those poorly bits!!
  9. Good morning all!! Beware being the spare key holder in case your rather tipsey son rings in the dead of night (or at least when I'd been asleep for an hour and thought it was my alarm going off and time to get up!!) cos he's locked himself out and he lives 5 miles away!! Bleuurrrgh!! And all he could say with astinishment when I got there with the key was 'You sound really really young on the phone!!' Gosh knows I've spoken to him on the phone often enough!! Well,as I was saying to Amy-bob last night - everyone likes to feel wanted! he he!! Dolly the dressmakers dummy has arrived! The badge on her chest says 'Diana' but that sounds far too royal so she shall be known as Dolly. Still 50 and a bit weeks to go so a bit early to get started and we are still waiting for the fabric to arrive anyway, but I can feel a bit of a practice coming on....... Hope you all have a good day xx
  10. Morning! Successfully got a lie-in - yeah!!! 9am wake up time! Some pretty wierd dreams tho - including one where I Iost Jack Daniel - his collar broke but I managed a hug and told him I love him before he ran off. I guess the knowledge that he was picked up as a stray and ended up in the pound has popped up there. Wierd. Bootiful sunny sky here so off for a trot with my boy (I'll check his collar first!) then a potter round the garden. I have an appointment for a thermal foot wrap and pedicure this afternoon. Not really my cup of tea so not totally looking forward to it but was a birthday pressie from Baby Girl and is due to expire next week! Happy Sunday to y'all x
  11. Had to scrape the ice off my windscreen this morning!!! Twirly!!!! We have underfloorheating in the office at the activity centre so was quite cosy all day. Hugs to poorly doggies xxx
  12. Thank you Merledogs. I received a lovely bunch of roses on Wednesday from a bridesmaid-to-be so that will be fun to try! Positive thoughts for Max xx Jazz - good luck and lots of hugs xxx It's FRIIIIIIDAAAAAY!!!! (edited to send multiple thoughts for Max and not just one!! )
  13. I was in a queue at the supermarket. An elderly lady paying, a guy in front of me, then me. The lady had been scrambling about in her purse and handbag for coppers before I joined the queue. After a while the exasperated guy before me just picked his shopping up and moved to another checkout. I waited and waited. Eventually I asked quietly,would you mind if I paid the rest of that for you? WHAT she barked at me and took a roll of notes out of her purse!!! Turned out she just wanted rid of her change! So I apologised and moved to another check out. I was still served before she'd finished paying!! I do try.... hehehe!! Good luck from me too Jazz!!! Hope to see you back on here to report success without too much delay!
  14. OOh how frustrating!!! Just treat it as charity work - I'm sure they aren't paying you enough to use your knowledge!
  15. Oh, you reminded me of this!/C4BrendansLoveBoat . Was I tempted??? - you know how it is - I don't have enough annual leave left!!! hehehe Phew!!! xxx It has been a really wierd day but am feeling a little more like myself now - tho I'm not quite sure what 'normal' is any more!! Have no idea what was going on. Just hope it was a one off
  16. Sorry, collies, didn't mean he was walked - just that he was up and on his feet moving about his stable. Amy said she felt that first feeling of dread when her lesson finished (she teaches) and as she was going back to the stables she couldn't see him over the door and the drip lead was still. xx I think my brain is absent without leave today. I stopped at a green traffic light on the way to work and then locked myself out of my computer because I forgot my password and I just can't concentrate!! Taking minutes at a finance meeting this afternoon - that'll be fun then!! And while I am typing this the smoke alarm went off to tell me that my omelette is ready!! Thanks all xx
  17. That has to be the funniest reason for being banned I have ever heard!!! I now get the visual bits of the migraine but seem not to get the headache anymore. (touch wood). Maybe it's an age thing. It makes them a lot more bearable. Hope it clears up soon xx
  18. Well flippin heck. The x came round tonight with £100 cash towards a tailors dummy to aid the making of bridesmaid dresses! Well done Father Bob! (This is a guy who paid only ever £1 scottish pound note toward the kids upkeep since 1996!!) Sad news - Amy-Bobs came round tonight in floods of tears - they lost a horse today. He had colic so the vet had come out and they managed to get him upright and put a drip in. He was walking around most of the afternoon. The evening vet came round and after he left Amy found her friend dead in his stable. There will be great repercussions and investigations but none of this is making my baby girl feel any better tonight. So sad. Onwards and upwards playmates - things seem to be looking brighter on the forum today. Griff - thank you for sourcing the hairdressers powder - I bought some and it's magic!! Cheers!! xxx
  19. Hey Griff, it's what they say - you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family!! x (although I have to say I have been very lucky on both counts 'cepting for certain x-in-laws but they are of no consequence anymore!!)
  20. Hope Wispa improves soon and it's nothing serious xx
  21. Oh Griff - well done and thank you!!! x Oh Merledogs, what absolute sihts they are. I have no words of wisdom but I am well aquainted with lackofcashflow and send you big hugs xxx
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