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Posts posted by olivea

  1. I did a "lucky lolly" dip, £1 a go. Some sticks had red nail varnish on the bottom and some had orange, and some had nothing. Stuck the lollies in a piece of oasis (floral foam) so the kids picked the lollies from the top. The prizes were all cuddly dogs. The orange were the "star" prizes, I had about 5 really large cuddly dogs, and if they won a red one they had the choice of any of the smaller dogs - the ones with nothing on got nothing, except a lolly of course. Went quite well and a lot of the dogs had been donated or bought from car boots at about 30p each. Am going to do that one again; I bought the lollies from a pound shop where I got quite a lot in a bag for £1.

  2. I have sent out an email to work colleagues and friends, and posted on my fb page a request not to send me a christmas card. Instead I have asked people to donate just £1 to a JustGiving page I have set up, and the donations are going to Oldies. It saves on buying a christmas card, stamp and having to re-cycle the card after christmas. After only a few days I have received a few donations, and have raised £100!!!! Even if no-one else donates, I am very pleased with that amount!!

  3. Have you tried posting on freecycle?? you might get some, alternatively, some kind person might see it and do an appeal. I'm doing an appeal for a local homeless drop in centre as some of the visitors (clients?customers? not sure what you call them) have dogs and they don't have any protection against the cold and they live out in it all year round. Also, do you have a local uni/college that has a fashion department? - the student union volunteer co-ordinator might find some students who would make dog coats, and lastly, do you have a local volunteer organisation - they too might be able to help.


    Good luck - hate to think of any poor doglets coping with this awful weather - bad enough being in a pound, but to be freezing and in a pound is sooooo miserable.

  4. Even though Silk has a very thick fur coat of her own I try to get her to wear a waterproof when it is raining heavily, but somehow it never manages to stay on. Pixie really feels the cold so I have a waterproof with fleece for her, which she doesn't like and yesterday when I put it on her she managed to get if off after about 5minutes and as soon as it was off had a roll in the snow - even tho she hates the cold. Starry will be getting one because she has the thinnest coat of all and as she's 14 I'd prefer her not to get too cold. Whether she will keep it on is another matter!!

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