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Posts posted by Happylittlegreensquirrel

  1. Sorry Sam, a spelling error. It was Sarenga without r on on end, quite different and not that far from Kolkata. She meant to go for a year but the local situation became very unstable after Indira Gandhi was killed and the hospital authorities were concerned for mum as she had become very popular locally. There was strong anti-missionary feeling in the area, though medical missions like the Methodist one who sent her out were allowed. A European woman with a lot of people rushing to touch her feet and ask for blessings could not stay low profile. So she was put on a plane, which was fortunate as she turned out to have some horrid bacteria of the dysentery type so ended up in hospital as soon as she got home.


    She felt that her work at Sarenga hospital was complete anyway. She had done the reorganistaion she had set out to do, and felt her role was now to fund raise and get freebies and cut price equipment and instruments from UK



    She sounds an amazing woman , well ahead of her time as well


    I didn't know that, thanks Sam :flowers: I would be like you - I'd end up with it all over my face :laugh:


    I have nearly drained myself on more than one occasion


    So you all know what I will be trying out today then! Drinking from a bottle without my lips touching it. I wonder if I can video it as I try it out?


    how did you get on ?




    I was getting annoyed earlier listening to Jeremy Vine on the radio. Apparently they are debating the idea of removing bus passes from pensioners, also the free tv licence for the over 80's and maybe the fuel allowance. Listen here you lot, we don't all have MP's wages and their gold plated pensions! Because I paid a reduced stamp when my children were small and I worked, I get just over £50 a week pension. Probably what that lot get an hour! If they take away bus passes, the people like me who live in the semi rural areas and have to get a bus to get anywhere won't be able to afford it, so the buses will have less passengers and then they'll take buses off. Soooo, more people stuck indoors, watching the tv. Oh no sorry, they won't be able to as they can't afford the bloody licence.

    I know HGLS if you are reading this you'll think lots of people worse off in India, Syria etc but I'm fed up with this country sending aid to every place in the world (including China. China???!!!) and we are last in the line. Rant over.


    I don't there is any doubt in anyone's mind that people living in slums and poverty in India or refugees in Syria are suffering and certainly by UK standards they are "worse off", however, that does not mean that people in the UK are not also suffering , they just suffer in very different ways.


    The UN call for developed countries to donate at least 0.7 % of gross income and the UK is one of the biggest donors, I read that the UK stopped bilateral aid to India at the end of 2015 because Indias economy is growing so fast.




    Results weren't good..cancer is back. Not the same type as before though, this one needs chemo and the nodes are affected so will have to come out. I have to have a CAT scan next Tuesday and a bone scan, then back to the consultant on the 30th to get all results and plan treatment.


    I am very very sorry to read that Suzeanna

  2. Safe journey Sam - I was surprised at the poverty. Even in Goa, it was quite evident. When we took the train down to Karnataka, it was a lot more obvious as it's not a tourist state. I had beggars stopping me to ask to drink some of my water or sprite - as it was a full bottle and I had no cash to buy more (I had found a shop that accepted cards, but I was walking back and was on a quiet road with small local shops) I had to say no.




    I know you said you were unlikely to come back here but its safe to share drinks as locals would never drink direct from a shared bottle , they open their mouths and pour the drink in ! its quite a skill and all my team ( and Mark ) can do it , that's how everyone can drink from one bottle !!! I am rubbish at it and can only do it if some one else holds the bottle and pours it in...



    My mother was in Sarengar. Do you know it, Sam?



    Thats in Kashmir close to the Pakistain border I think , I have not been up that far North yet but I do want to visit that area. How long was your mum there for ?


    Sam, from the documentaries I've seen about India it seems very much a country of two halves, the rich are very rich and the poor are horrendously poor, if they were given the chance to live in what we term poverty in this country they'd think they'd landed in heaven. What baffles me is the amount that is spent in India on space programmes and the like, whilst a high proportion of the people are struggling on a day to day basis.



    It is very much like that, the first city I worked in was Ranchi in Jharkhand State and it's not a tourist location at all. The city still has a large amount of open defecation, and some of the slums we worked in vaccinating were hell holes and in Monsoon would literally be rivers of shite. How they have a space program is beyond me when children are living like that :(


    My mother went to do nursing in India, reorganising a rural hospital. On the way there she spent a few days in Kolkata. She had been warned that nothing can prepare you for the reality of that city, and she said that was certainly the case.


    Have a good journey, Sam, and enjoy your time with your family.


    That by Indian standards was pretty close to Ranchi; I am sure your mother must have thought she had landed on a different planet!



    I am currently in Goa which is India lite, in the tourist areas it's basically the Costa del Sol! Away from the tourist areas there still some pretty tough sights but compared to Ranchi its an utter paradise


    We had a suspect Rabid cow to deal with yesterday, never a dull day eh!

  4. Hi all


    Working India is very very very different to tourist India , very challenging and very confronting and I have seen sights of human and animal suffering that are emotionally draining. Has put my life back into perspective I can tell you


    Leave here on Friday evening , back to Sri Lanka for one day and then onto the UK for a few weeks , am so looking forward to just spending time with my mum and family and being bloody grateful for my lot in life



  5. So I managed to get some money today :biggrin: in the process I walked over 13km, burst into tears in front of a Canadian guy who gave me the last cash he had when I went to yet another bank that had no money, met an obnoxious horrid British woman who when I told her that I just want to buy an ice Cream and a nice cold bottle of water, she told me to deal with it and just cut back on the luxuries like you would at home if you were skint. It's not like I've ran out of money - I just can't get to it. Even if the banks had money, I'd only get access to 2000 rupees per day (about 19 quid) :angry: :mecry: This was before I met the nice Canadian man - he restored my faith in humanity. I found a bank that had cash, but you can't withdraw money over the counter without a cheque book. The ATMs were empty and not going to get any cash until late afternoon. On my way back, I remembered a conversation with a guy on the dive boat yesterday, who said he had changed money opposite his hotel and they had small notes (all the other changers were giving the old currency - some shops accept them, most don't). I found the changer, gave them £60 sterling and got about £50 worth of rupees back, but it was all small notes that I can spend. I don't think I'll come back to India in a hurry :rolleyes: Still planning on using my card to pay wherever I can, but at least I have some cash for bits and bobs now. I bought my bottle of water and a chocolate brownie magnum - am tempted to go and find that horrid woman tomorrow and eat a cornetto in front of her :laugh:



    The situation with the money is devastating for the locals


    The withdrawal of the 1000 and 500 notes was a total nightmare for the vast majority of the Indian population who don't have bank cards and would never have even seen a 2000rs note , I am working in Ranchi in nothern india currently and my team and I were eating breakfast for between 300 and 350 rupees a day and that was for 8 people !!!!


    Goa has infrastructure for tourists where as Ranchi does not , we were here a week or so before we could get cash but the Charity I am working for here is supplying our food and water so it was okay


    Ranchi is not an OD free city , OD stands for open defecation !!! so closed shoes are a must

  6. Having watched quite a bit of American election stuff lately and read up about both candidates, I can't help feeling it's like having a choice between arsenic and cyanide!



    Deja vu here. Johnson v Goldwater in the 60s. Neither was trusted but they voted for the one who wasn't demented.



    it really looks like the lesser of two evils......

    • Like 1
  7. How's your mum Sam?


    A awful lot better thanks , she was discharged last weekend after nearly 5 weeks in the hospital and the staff there were first class. We are very very lucky indeed her surgeon was not only very good at his job but a throughly nice man


    As she still gets fatigued we have hired a wheelchair so we can get out and about every day



    Dylan was born at 1pm. all I know so far

    IM A NANA!



  8. ive never met my dad, don't know his name, so lost that side. mother moved us down south when I was 7, so lost my cousins. I now cant get hold of them on facebook when my account got closed, so just me, the boys and my brother who lives up north. Ive always wanted to know, but mother wouldn't talk about it


    There are agencies that help families reconnect such as Salvation Army




    might be worth looking into it ?

  9. I am giving a 30 minute presentation at an international conference in early October , I have to send the slides over by September 9th so the translations can be done


    better start writing the bloody thing then !

  10. Just posted this on face book but I know some of you are not there


    I don't really know if Karma exists but if it does then today I saw it a very very very quick serving

    After work I went to a supermarket to get some salad items , whilst in the queue to get my items weighed a woman cut in front of me and started shouting at the shop assistant , I like to believe the best in people and I thought maybe she had not seen me but I did think she was being very rude to the girl weighing the items

    When I got the checkout , the same woman pushed in front of me again and this time it was 100 % premeditated and she physically had to reach over to place her items on the belt ahead of mine, she also knocked over a number of items which she did not stop to pick up and was generally rude to check out girl whilst ignoring me

    I was going to pull her up on it and then I decided not to bother , I did not want to allow myself to get angry and get involved in what would no doubt be a negative exchange with a very rude person


    She then walked out the supermarket where she met someone just as rude and thoughtless as her...


    A lorry driver who threw open his door smacking her full on the face and from the looks of it breaking her nose ( there was a lot of blood )


    He shrugged his shoulders and just walked into the supermarket without a backward glance


    If she had not cut me up in the queue she would have still been checking out when the lorry driver opened his door


    Like I say I don't know about Karma but I do like this Wayne Dyer quote " how people treat you is their Karma, how you react is your Karma"


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  11. Phone call from the surgery at about MRI results are back and I need to make an appointment to see my GP within 2 weeks. Philip says don't panic, if there was anything serious they'd be saying immediately. I'm not going to panic, but can I wibble a bit please? They've made me an appointment for the 30th August.


    I would agree with Phillip , if they had any real concerns they would ask you to see someone ASAP but of course its totally understandable to wibble a bit. :flowers:

  12. How exciting Sam - where in India are you going to be? I'm going to Goa in November :)




    I am in Ranchi in November and Goa in December , vaccinating dogs and helping run mass vaccine programs




    Just read back Sam, you'll be running the world at this rate! Hope you really enjoy the new job and that you help as many animals there as you have in Sri Lanka.


    I am really looking forward to it as I love working with the WVS and Mission Rabies staff and its part time so I get to work here as well with my own team , We are also planning to expand our services here in Sri Lanka by employing more staff ( thanks to grant funders ) so they can manage things when we are overseas



    let me get this straight


    You live in Sri Lanka and you come to the UK for a holiday !!! hahahaa



    Yes I know it sounds mad but yes home is Sri Lanka and my holiday is UK !


    I was talking to a Sri Lankan about foreigners yesterday and included myself in that description and he was most upset and he said that no I was Sri Lankan now !




    Congrats Jayne Gooster on your new job , I also have a new job and so does Mark ! from next month we are working part time for Worldwide Veterinary Service and Mission Rabies as project managers in Asia and Africa . In November/December we will be working in India for a month on mass rabies programs.

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