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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. Thanks all :flowers:


    It has been a tough year but thanks to Molly and some very good friends we are surviving at least.


    The knowing look is her very best attempt to hypnotise people to do as she wants :rolleyes: it works rather too frequently :rolleyes:

  2. I rarely post here but just lurk now and then to keep up with news of a few friends from my past.


    I did realise yesterday though that I had never introduced my new girl who arrived at a pretty rough point in my life and despite me spending several weeks denying I was keeping her and making positive efforts to find her the right new home :rolleyes: she appears to now be firmly lodged as mine.


    Here is Molly :wub:




    Not exactly my normal type of dog (if I even have a type) but she needed a home and I needed her even though it took me a while to realise.



  3. Poor Charliegoo :GroupHug: hope he is soon recovered.


    When he has recovered a little more hydrotherapy might help him regain use of his leg. There are some places who use treadmills with water which are very good although as I discovered to my cost with Gnasher there are excellent places, not so good places and places which are pretty appalling and do more harm than good.

  4. Does not sound quite right for coeliac disease but it can cause major bloating and pain and can be ruled out by blood test so worth considering as you mentioned being worse after both weetabix and cheese on toast :unsure:


    If it is coeliac it is caused by an auto-immune reaction to wheat, rye and barley but it is important to carry on eating food containing them until you are officially diagnosed as otherwise tests will show a false negative.


    Hope you get some answers soon :GroupHug:

  5. One of my wanting the ground to open moments many years ago was when calling in at the vets to collect the tablets for my epileptic boy. I used to call in on the way home from work so was already being eyed with suspicion by the rest of the waiting room as I was sat there with no animal and wearing office clothes.


    Vet walked into the crowded room - looked directly at me and said in his usual loud booming voice "hello there - how is the weeing and the pooing" I stuttered an answer, paid for my tablets and ran :laugh:


    I had taken my boy to the vets a few weeks before for an upset stomach so guess it was a slightly valid question :wacko:

  6. as just an occasional visitor and lurker - but just wanted to let anyone who does remember us know that I lost my lovely Lady girl last week :mecry:




    She was 15 and had been fit and well until just a few days before I lost her when she was diagnosed with a large liver tumour :mecry:

  7. Sorry - pop in here very rarely these days but just wanted to update that after several more months of work and many highs and lows, Gnasher started to be affected by disc problems in his neck too which was going to make life far too difficult for him - so with much regret my boy left us earlier this month :mecry:

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