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Posts posted by summersun

  1. Hi,


    I got a desperate call about Gemma and immediately organised an emergency foster care placement based on her owners description of her. She sounded incredibly distressed and very obviously grieving and arrived at the placement very thin and dehydrated so I am confident I made the right choice at the time. However, two weeks on and we now have an 'asbo oldie' on our hands - we were told she was around 12yrs and it is possible she may may - we know for sure she's atleast 8-9yrs old. The emergency foster home I put her in take 'old oldies' and Gemma has now been dubbed an 'asbo oldie' as she's now very lively and happy to walk, run and generally be like a "not old" dog !!


    She's been offered a home with a gentleman in Cornwall near Lands End and his daughter is coming up to Honiton, Devon this weekend which cuts over an hour off the journey - in light of (a) emergency foster home not being best equipped to deal with Gemma and this opportunity to knock over an hour off the journey I have made this urgent.


    I am a private individual who organised Gemma to be placed with another private individual that I knew took in oldies and treasured them etc.. so the ownership would be with him but there wouldnt be any insurance etc.. to cover the run - we are just two people who saved a dog from an extremely distressed (she had stopped eating and howled 10 or so hours a day following her main owner moving out of the home and then just being left) situation where she was making herself physically ill. If we had not taken her she would have gone to the pound and well .. in the state she was in .... :(


    She seems a nice dog although typical girl - quite bossy, is still entire (prev season 6 weeks ago) and we know she has a urine infection - this is probably due to stress bless her.


    Please is there anyone out there who could help Gemma down towards her new home?


    If you can - please call Lester (Dave) on 0121 773 8408 as he is looking after her.


    Claire x


    p.s. I have just seen that I am supposed to register as a rescue to post here - I have to go out right now (will be back later) and I really need help please ?

  2. He looks really lovely and I hope he finds his forever home soon. Have you contacted any agility clubs/sites?


    Hi Owl,


    Yes, he is on agilitynet, quite a few clubs know about him and the KC agility facebook pages, he is also on the BFA and Flyballfever websites for flyball, plus here and dogsblog phew!! Thats about as much as 1 person (me) can handle !!


    He is very very lovely and a pleasure to foster.


    Claire x

  3. Hi there,


    Brackon has been in foster care with us for a month now and has progressed amazingly - well beyond my initial expectations for such a short time-period.




    History ...

    Brackon came from a family where he was bought as a 12 week puppy for a young teenager who was expected to provide all of his care needs. Unfortunately, neither Brackon or the child had any help and he soon became much too strong and unruly to handle and was due to be put to sleep. Thank goodness for a wonderful lady called Laura who heard about him and collected him straight away and arranged for him to come to me for fostering.




    Foster Care ...

    He arrived as a hyper, spaced out, manic, very itchy boy who had skin that was red raw in places where he'd literally chewed himself until he yelped and bled he was so uncomfortable. His initial assessment with children was disasterous as all he wanted to do was fixate on the "moving thing" nipping or if the child was being carried, trying to rag its legs rather like a toy!! The first few days were incredibly tough for Brackon as we suspected food intolerance was behind the itching he was immediately started on a natural cooked diet with simple proteins and a little carbohydrates, he was also given antihistamine to relieve the itching and had topical aloe vera applied to most of his under-side, nose, mouth, inside back legs ... to try and calm the angry red mess that was left of his skin!! He was also started on liquid valerian to help him settle down a little. WOW!! that was one heck of a week or so, he was detoxing his system of all the chemicals he was intolerant of, stabilising his blood sugars and coming out of a rediculously hyper-manic state, he was literally like an addict going through cold turkey, up and down and barely knew where he was let alone manage to deal with coming to a new house and learning new rules!!


    Thankfully though, we were right and gradually the natural food without any additional chemical treatments or commercial food he came round and we started to see the real puppy within. Brackon is one of the most genuine, kindest natured dogs I have ever fostered here and also probably the one with least 'baggage' to unpack. His kind nature and lovely temprament have meant that as soon as he was back on an even keel he immediately picked up that little ones are most rewarding when they're fussing you, playing with you or you're snuggling up to them and took on board our rules (definately no nipping or ragging !!!) and we feel he now sees children as 'mini people' and does go careful most of the time (though like any big puppy he does get excited and occasionally barge them over!). He has a heart made of pure gold.




    Assessment ...

    Brackon has been assessed on several occasions by the professional behaviourist and trainer that I use for my own dogs, she has many years experience and her report is available to anyone who is interested in Brackon, she is also available to talk to on the phone and in most cases any new home would be expected to continue to work with her on improving any weak points. Part of this cost is included in his adoption fee though any remaining cost will depend on the individual experience of any home coming forward, however full quotes are available prior to any adoption taking place. At the moment Brackon is still very strong on the lead if he gets distracted by other dogs or people, he is not used to being left and his recall needs some work but this is really only basic training that any puppy or rescue dog is likely to need, other than that he's raring to go as your special new pal!




    Important bits ...

    Brackon is microchipped, vaccinated and free from worms and flea's, he is not neutered and this will be discussed with any new home.


    For more details, pictures etc ... you can look on my website





    Claire Warden.

  4. snow - are you suggesting that the refuge are not prepared to allow such a debate ? sorry - i just cannot work out where you are coming from.


    helly - i am not sure why you think i have a "holier than tho" attitude but it is simply not the case.


    in general - i'm very offended by your response in particular helly. i am not ignorant, far from it and frankly how you have the cheek to judge me like this and get away with it is quite eye opening about members of this forum.



    RA - why ? because i am not always at my computer, i dont spend my life tied to it and if i dont save stuff - i sometimes lose it. it seems rather stupidly i assumed that as i'd stopped 1/2 way through a section it would be obvious !!


    obviously not lol !!!


    in general - as a "newbie" you lot come across quite rude.

  5. Hi,


    sherlock bones - i've not finished the opening post yet :) it is not a "genetic fault" of the breed.


    helly - i opened a debate on genetics, i'm not forcing you to debate here :)


    jacobean - again, no not a genetic fault :)


    estweyn - you are definately along the right lines, hopefully it'll become clearer why after i've actually finished the opening statement :)


    (ETA: blimey i havent finished the opening statement yet - just responding to more replies)


    redrotties - yep, it can be perceived as "without warning" but as you'll see its not entirely true ;)


    snow - i am sorry, i dont understand your post at all? what are you getting at ?? as far as i am aware when you initiate a discussion you provide an opening statement (which i might finish if i dont keep having to stop) and boundaries. if someone wants to have a debate on personal experiences of RR's then surely they are free to open up that debate - can you explain what i seem to have done wrong ?


    RA - having not investigated "bull breeds" as a group i would not like to comment on whether this is or isnt true.


    Claire x

  6. Hi,


    sherlock bones - i've not finished the opening post yet :) it is not a "genetic fault" of the breed.


    helly - i opened a debate on genetics, i'm not forcing you to debate here :)


    jacobean - again, no not a genetic fault :)


    estweyn - you are definately along the right lines, hopefully it'll become clearer why after i've actually finished the opening statement :)


    Claire x

  7. these are 3 comments in particular which are commonly used to describe the breed which can lead to aggression via the route in the brackets () these type of issues also come up in other breeds and will vary due to parentage/lines breeder/owner experience and environment.


    keep a very watchful and protective eye on the family they love (resource aggression)

    developed to think for themselves, they will chase anything that runs (control issues)

    can play very rough, shoulder barging is a speciality (little awareness of own strength - aggression is not just bites)


    (RR club of GB)



    the reason i have noted them here is because when coupled with the genetics of communication it helps to better explain why attacks from RR's would be "more likely" than attacks by other breeds (that is assuming that neither RR or other breed was subject to abuse in some way - we are talking about basic innate stuff here in the main)




    Ridgies and communication . . .

    As a breed, they were originally developed for hunting and were selected towards having instinctive ability to hunt. They did not kill the lion themselves but used a set of calculated "false attacks" (think of when stunt people do fights in movies) this would hold the lion long enough for their master to shoot. They were bred for these instinctive skills specifically.


    Typically, dog breeds communicate in "sentances" with turn taking structure (much like in normal human speech) however, Ridgebacks do not.


    (off for dinner now - back later)






    thank you for sharing but this debate is not on personal experience of ridgebacks or DNB, it is regarding genetic factors which may lead to aggression.


    peoples experiences with the breed and which breeds they've been bitten by are very interesting (and i too have worked in kennels and been bitten but its not relevant to a debate on genetics :) )



  8. Hi,


    I posted this information on a recent thread and many people responded saying that they were unaware of the innate basis for much poorer than normal communication skills in comparison to "your average dog". So, I thought the best thing to do would be to open a debate on the subject!


    Just to be clear - what this debate is *not* about :


    The debate is NOT about "deed not breed" or anything to do with prejudice based on perceived level of aggression due to "social myths" which typically happens with GSD, Dobies, Rotties, Bull Breeds to name a few). I wholly support "deed not breed" in that i believe the situation should be judged rather than the dog in the event of some certain "deed" happening. I have been bitten while working as we're all human and sadly lacking in hindsight at times!! ;) I have to say that it was not by any of the breeds "typically" tarred with the "aggression" tag. I have also had 2 of my dogs attacked fairly badly again not by "typically" tagged breeds.



    Nor is it about dogs who are "altered" in some way (cropped ears, docked tails, accidental damage to ears, tails, or face, or about any colour of dog which may or may not make communication more or less difficult :)

  9. mmm ... i will be really interested in what the rescue say - what i do know is that it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that this dog did not show any indication of this 2 weeks ago if she was given a proper assessment by the rescue involved.


    dogs do not become aggressive like this "overnight" - this type of aggression/response will have been there since a tiny puppy.


    now for RR's neotony - i shall start a new post but to be honest, you all seem so prejudice and unable to accept anybody new, i am actually thinking of leaving.

  10. My thoughts exactly, which just goes to show that with these prejudices people always focus on the breed they think they know is aggressive.


    you are extremely rude and ill informed. i am well aware the dog is a CROSS and never said it was a full RR at any time. simply sweeping aside the more "unacceptable" parts of a breeds makeup makes you prejudiced.


    also, this is most likely to be an issue with the dog itself rather than something wholly based around your son.

  11. With respect Claire, you are making some quite serious accusations about a dog you have never met and had never even heard of until about an hour ago, criticising a rescue and advising a complete stranger to insist on returning their dog to rescue!


    I have no idea of your experience in rescue or behaviour as you have only joined us very recently and you may well be a very experienced behaviourist, but most of the posts you have made so far have been recommending *another* behaviourist, so why do you feel qualified to offer internet advice on this particular dog, one you have ever met?




    my personal opinion is that as the owner was injured that this *is* a serious situation. i think one thing which lets owners down is that advice on forums rarely communicates the urgency of the situation. either because those responding are not aware of the "possibles" or because they dont want to be "got at" like it appears i am being.


    with regard to reccommending a behaviourist, i have given my advice where i believe the problem could be looked at in an "over the internet" way and reccommended a behaviourist for the more involved cases. again, personally i feel this is the responsible way to act. i am very confused as to why you think this could be a "negative point" and you also seem to suggest my advice is virutally worthless because i'm "new here".


    ..... off to find next bit

  12. Hi,


    I dont have time to respond to all this and it is getting very "off topic".


    "dominant" isnt a word i use as it is not measureable in any way - one person saying "dominant" could mean something completely different to another perhaps more, or less experienced person. if you want more info on this i can give links but later on as i'm busy!


    there seems to be an awful lot of "opinions" hurled at me simply because i'm new, and advocate clear responsible practices.


    of course i reccommend my behaviourist, where i think its appropriate because there are so many awful ones and i know she is good, not expensive and will always be there for backup. it is only like you giving your own advice and then reccommending someone gets "one to one" advice. i go on my experience and of course i am going to know more about some things than others !! at the moment i have an aggressive foster dog here for me to assess her sooo all my learning regarding this is at the forefront of my mind. playful lead biting is a world apart from focussed aggression - i go on what the OP writes.






    personally i would not get a muzzle or headcollar for her until you have spoken to a behaviourist. in some cases muzzles can make aggression worse and they also do not stop the dog doing the behaviour.

    I would like to know what evidence you have which leads you to beleive this. In my experience it is dogs with docked tails or cropped ears that find it harder to communicate with other dogs, even in some cases solid black dogs such as black Labs. However this doesn't tend to lead directly to agression from the dog, rather aggression towards it from other dogs who misread the signals.


    nowt to do with this - RR's are less able to communicate which causes issues BOTH ways.



  13. Hi,


    I quite agree for some behaviours yes, this may be the case however, this is behaviour which has "moved on" (would have been originally present) and is moving on and on i feel sure that proper assessment would have revealed this tendancy. I have a feeling I saw this dog being talked about on another forum I recognise the name and being a RR X and the area. Will have a dig about :)


    rachel - no need to be offended, the genetics of dog communication is very interesting - breeds such as RR's dont have the skills to communicate as well as "average" dogs and as a result this can lead to increased aggression.


    nowt to do with "nonsense" so may i rescpectfully suggest before you "jump in" again - that you have your facts right.



  14. Hi,


    I quite agree for some behaviours yes, this may be the case however, this is behaviour which has "moved on" (would have been originally present) and is moving on and on. I have a feeling I saw this dog being talked about on another forum I recognise the name and being a RR X and the area. Will have a dig about :)



  15. murtle - could you explain your comment ?


    reikiange - then why send it out to a "new" home without saying anything ?


    cycas - it is responsible not alarmist, the dog has already attacked her and most definately could attack others.



    ridgebacks are a breed which are genetically more aggressive than "your avg breed" this is NOT "deed not breed" this is genetic fact.


    this does not sound like the dog was "tugging playfully at the lead" (or her arm) and lead pulling is rewarding in itself and doesnt have anything to do with "dominance".


    i am an experienced rescuer and reasonably experienced in dog behaviour too - experienced enough to know that an inexperienced owner needs help in person asap. and to keep her and the dog safe - dont put leads near her they obviously trigger it, and dont put her in situations where she's got the opportunity to get loose.



  16. hi,


    you basically have 2 options


    1. call paws and tell them she is aggressive and that you are bringing her back now and want your adoption fee back as there is no way they should have homed this dog with a "new" owner. if they say they dont have room then just state everything again and say you are bringing her NOW. there are always kennels somewhere that they can find.


    2. if you want to keep her you need to call a behaviourist today before she does this again and it must be one insured to work with aggressive dogs too if they are not, and she bites them they could claim against you as an owner.


    claire x

  17. it still hurts tho :( and for you as a mum (am a mum too) it'll hurt too x x


    just read your other post ...


    Hi everyone-my name ifs fenella,i live in newcastle and have just adopted my first dog-a gorgeous 3 year old ridgeback,greyhound lab cross from Pawz for Thought animal rescue. I also have 2 cats,a rabbit, 2 giant african land snails and 15 rats-soon to be 18. I have never kept dogs before so i am sure i will be using this site a lot! :biggrin:


    i'm shocked they have sent a dog like this to a "new" home :(


    and i can reccommend someone for you :) i'll just have a quick dig about :)

  18. Hi,


    2 weeks is the "danger time" its when you start seeing the first glimpses of what the dog is really like.


    it sounds like she is re-routing anxiety through lead biting, the pulling could also be anxiety. this was just waiting to happen she's moved it on from the leads, to YOU !!

    one thing i can guarentee you is that your dog is not "dominant" :(


    what are you feeding, what breed/cross, how old, any history, neutered, were you out with other dogs, what dogs have you got, ages, sex and neuter status and breed ?


    what was happening at the time she turned on you - anything change / other dogs around you etc ...


    where was she rescued from ?


    personally i wouldnt walk her again until you've spoken to someone as if she gets loose near a road or other people/dogs she could attack them.


    Claire x


    p.s. this is nothing to do with playing "exciting tuggy games" this is no game and needs professional advice before a lead goes anywhere near her again - please dont put her on a house line she'll probably chew it to pieces, you'll give her the chance to practice the behaviour you dont want AND risk her biting anyone near it including your daughter.

  19. hi,<br><br>i tried this with my ball lover - she dropped it everytime we stopped to cross the road, so watch out for that if you do try it lol !!<br><br><br>however, it doesnt actually stop the behaviour so you may still want to use this as an "interim" method :)<br><br>claire x<br>

  20. Hi,


    how are you and your hounds doing ? is MK - milton keynes ? if so i would be only too pleased to meet you with 1,2 or 3 of my dogs and make sure they are 100% under control so you can do things at your own pace with winnie.


    ideally what you want is to teach winnie and the others to hold a stand off while you put a slip lead on the offending dog and deliver it back to the owner with the worlds most smuggest grin ever :)


    also - try not to listen to the "commenters" - they should keep their mouth shut atleast until they bother to teach their dog a recall :) you are the responsible one - you are the one with dogs interests first and foremost :) dont let them knock your confidence and pride in your dogs !


    Claire x

  21. Hi,


    having him "done" you stand a very good chance of making the behaviour *worse* this is logical when explained but is fairly lengthy so if you want me to go into it let me kno :)


    you cannot walk a dog on a fabric muzzle - they dont allow the dog to pant and can easily lead to heat exhaustion on even a fairly cool day :) they are for short lived things - like protecting jumpy vets fingers ;)


    i would not reccommend fitting a muzzle or neutering him until you have spoken to a reputable behaviourist. mine (who i know i have reccommended on a number of posts now - but she's excellent i assure you !) is i would say you want a behaviourist as true "trainer" wont address his issues, just make him better trained. the other thing i would also say is that i PROMISE you she's not as expensive as you see some people advertise. if you are genuinely interested i'm sure i can find out fees for you so you atleast know where you are aiming but you can ask questions for free on a forum she is involved with running or i think via e-mail (not sure if you can reccommend other forums on here so going with the safe option not to at the moment - can someone tell me if its ok to reccommend places?).



  22. hi,


    to be honest, there is so much to this i would really reccommend you get a behaviourist involved. it is common for people to think that "behaviourists" only get involved when your dogs are literally total monsters but i would go as far as saying any dog/handler partnership would really benefit from some 1:1 time. i would reccommend Bev at as she is the lady i have used with my own dogs, and foster dogs for almost 2 years now for advanced work with my own dogs, and also integration and unpacking foster dog baggage. She's in England but she does travel UK wide :)


    there is quite alot of information on her website about different areas of dog ownership and you can also e-mail her and ask her advice too. if you are interested in her coming out to you, she'll probably send you a questionnaire so she can get a full idea of Sid and what you want out of the 1:1. what will happen is she'll come and do an assessment which will look at you and sid but also the other dogs/people who live with you too and explain in clear terms what is happening and how you can make improvements :)


    I am not sure dogs really have "OCD" my advice would be to try not to "humanise" what is going on - just look at the raw behaviours (e.g. he is reacting when you walk past houses with dogs in) then think "what does reacting mean" - is he lunging, tail position, ear position, stance, noises made etc ... he sounds basically underconfident to me, he gets it all from the others being near him and if he moves this on even further (he has already moved it on alot) i would imagine there could be a chance he'll start blocking and protecting his pack - this can look like "herding" but is infact resource guarding and in extreme cases resource aggression (this can happen over people and pack members aswell as toys/food which are the more common ones) ... however i am not in a position to say without seeing him and to be honest, and thats really why i would reccommend getting in touch with Bev - i'm aware that not all people get on with all other people but at the very least she'll be able to give you an idea of what you are looking for if you wanted to get someone more local to you.



    for mental tiredness - try raw bones :) it focusses the brain nicely, also what are you feeding him (this is important) ? also there is something you can do with clicker called free-shaping it is dead easy, bev can help you with what it is / how to do it and i guarentee you he'll be pooped afterwards ! :) I have 3 collie x's here at the moment and I am a mum and a student - i couldnt manage without mental tiring out ! oh and also have you got any kongs ?


    Claire x


    p.s. is he 3rd from left in your sig?

  23. how are you doing now ?


    it could have been marking as a reaction to increased testosterone in the house - is he entire?


    or marking because other dogs living there before / visiting the house have marked previously (smells can linger for a looong time)


    i hope its getting better - its soooo frustrating cleaning puddles from a dog you KNOW is housetrained (i've been there too - my rescue bitch came with a slight urine infection)


    claire x

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