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Everything posted by pboae

  1. thank you for the wibble support. I have downgraded it now to a wibb
  2. I am wibbling too. What if Sully throws a temper tantrum and it's really busy, loads of people will stare and tut and I'll be all on my own and feeling v small and stupid and no fugee would want to be associated with us. Congrats ReikiAnge, glad you had some good news after you're horrible day.
  3. but we'll still know where it started
  4. My BiL got a visa with a couple of minor convictions (stealing milk and taking booze into a football match) from a few years previously. It was quite a drawn out process but the convictions weren't a big issue.
  5. My sister's cat does it all the time, now my sis leaves an inch or so of water in the bath overnight, puddy tat does not like that at all, but still jumps every night before she realises. Perhaps I shouldn't mention this but my boss has been complaining about a weird smell in his living room, and finally tracked it down to a dead mouse under the floorboards. Probably me I'll be keeping a close eye in him and chain-feeding him treats though, so he should be OK. He doesn't like it when dogs come straight at him and into his face though. To be fair, most dogs don't usually do that willingly, it tends to happen when they are being hauled along by a human who wants to see Sully and isn't paying attention to their poor dog who's trying to back away. So hopefully it won't be too much of an issue with fugees. Don't be silly Tell you what, come and meet us first, Sully can give you some biiiiiig kisses, which will leave your hair standing up in all directions, then his slobber will set like glue. You can blame it all on him and pretend your hair was beautifully coiffured before then. RMF: I'm not here, I'm at work, so I can't be here, can I?
  6. Thanks guys, I'm going to use an mish mash of them all, I'll have to stick with tapping because he's obviously picked it up before I even realised I was doing it (d'oh), but I'll use the fist and arc ones for the other stages. Jo, teaching him 'speak' is what I plan to do next, so I will save that one for now. Thanks again
  7. I'm trying to teach Sully some games to play. At the moment we are working on 'take things out of the box', the idea is we build up to 'put them in another box', 'put them back in the box' and maybe even 'sort them out', but that's a looooooooooooong way off yet. He's just about got the idea about taking things out of the box, and I want to start adding a hand signal (he's better with hand signals than verbal commands). I've automatically been tapping the box to get his attention, but with hindsight I don't really want that to be the hand signal, because I'll never be able to do it at a distance. Can anyone suggest a relevant hand signal, or series of signals? I'm rubbish at stuff like this and I want to make sure I'm giving him clear signals.
  8. I'll be travelling from Sheffield (near Meadowhall) leaving about 10am and coming back before 3 (actually I'll be going back to Barnsley, where I have a training session at 3, but I could drive by Meadowhall on the way). I'll only be at the show an hour or an hour and a half though, but if that's any help just let me know.
  9. Nooo we've been waiting all night to hear about it!!
  10. I'd love to stay all day, but Sully can't walk round for more than an hour, he gets too tired, and he won't settle down and rest in busy places supafrisk, there must be someone going your way who could give you a lift!
  11. Yes I'm taking Sully, I wouldn't expect anyone to recognise me otherwise. He's not always great with other dogs though, I'll be keeping a close eye on him, but if people want to say hello and they could avoid walking other dogs straight up into his face, that would help a lot. I will be stressing a lot about him so I probably won't notice anyone else, so do come and prod me and say hello (same goes for any fugees!).
  12. Nat, I'm hoping to be there between about 12 and 1 so look out for me Bebe I bet she's just excited about speaking to you. I hope she's doing OK, this must be so hard on you both.
  13. I am very excited and am probably worrying excessively. Do I need to wear a carnation and carry a copy of The Times or will having a bad tempered bear on a lead be sufficient.
  14. What time will you be there Natty?
  15. What time does it actually start? I'm thinking of arriving about 11.30/12 and leaving about 1. It means I'll miss the show itself but I have to be back for training at 3, and Sully will only hack it for about an hour, and I couldn't enter him for the classes anyway. Will there be stuff to see/do that early or will nothing really start until the show does?
  16. SRS: It's lovely simikins: it works fine, poor poor baby girl
  17. I am a bad Mum. Sully was so sleepy he forgot to whine and nudge me for an hour before dinner, so I forgot to feed him. OH has just come home and pointed out that it's an hour past his dinner time. I am in disgrace.
  18. I have a lot of respect for my immediate boss at work. I pretty much always do as he asks, although I sometimes drag my heels if I disagree or don't understand why . But if my pay stopped appearing in my bank account every month then respect or not, I'd stop showing up for work. I don't see why it should be any different for dogs. It's completely unnatural for an animal to exert itself for nothing. If toys help your training then use them, it makes training fun and helps motivate you both. It's good to be able to eventually phase them out a little so you don't need them every time, in case you need a recall, etc and don't have a toy with you, but other than that, pick and choose the bits you like from the books and take the old fashioned pack leader/dominance stuff with a pinch of salt.
  19. I'm not sure I want to be a brilliant poo, in the context of the rest of that post. RDL: that's pretty random When will my washing machine finish? I want a shower and it's using all the water up
  20. RMF: Me and Sully had a great training session tonight. I am feeling all and and he is all after his hard work
  21. I got screwed over on the grade to one my dissertations (I did joint honours). I complained about it and got fobbed off and passed on over and over again. Eventually I managed to get an appointment with someone high enough up that they could actually do something about it, only to find that the results had been ratified the day before and it was too late for them to intervene. It was 10 years ago now, and it didn't make any difference to my final marks, but it still pisses me off now. I wish I'd fought harder at the time and not let them push me around like they did. Try your student union (mine were useless but it's worth a try) and take it to the University admin and out of the department, force their hand any way you can.
  22. Have you got any unbroken bits left?
  23. I thought it was cos I'm special
  24. DXF is drawing exchange format, it's a CAD file, do you have AutoCAD or anything like that? Oops too slow
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