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Everything posted by ClazUK

  1. Wasn't it just? Shall I get the photos out again? I'd invite you to come out with meeeeeee tonight but i) I'd only corrupt you and ii) I don't want to be your token ugly mate If I am going to be brutally honest here (please tell me she doesn't read this) Sarah strikes me as pretty shallow at the best of times. You deserve more considerate mates than her. Went to bed early last night so missed everyones news, so pick an emoticon to suit your situation, please:
  2. Just waded through everything and I need to say to everyone having an alarming and/or poo time of it. I neeeeeeed to go to Asda. It's half term. I'd rather poke matchsticks into my eyeballs
  3. I felt sad no-one had bothered and it was evening already I will be booking my eyetest soon
  4. MSN is doing funny things on my laptop again, so if it looks like I am ignoring anyone, I'm not, honest Guv
  5. I'll keep it on then, ping me if you are about later
  6. I am relocating to the comforts of the laptop and my leccy blankey - are you on nawty MSN on the nawty pooter?
  7. Hello Sammy Squigg, are you in Lundun on the nawty computer?
  8. I thought that. Just as thick, too Good thing Di is in Egypt Kazz, Lou would be quite happy to share your pizza, too. Hmmmm.... Lou & Lee...... has a ring to it
  9. Anyone want to see more fawn girlie pics? No? Tough
  10. Is that what it's called? Blimey I learn so much here
  11. Do WHAT? Or will I regret asking?? (Claz resists the temptation to Google)
  12. She miiiiiiiiiiiiight need a foster home Sarah but then again, she might get snapped up PDQ. Just off to watch Dogs' Abuse (BBC 1 Scotland - Channel 941 on sky) about cruelty in Greyhound Racing. Back in a bit, probably feeling like this
  13. 18 months - non chaser but seems a bit keen IMHO
  14. You really really don't - she is very ugly and doesn't get on with other dogs
  15. and if so, can I come? I need a reminder
  16. Wendy: Waaaaay too much information. Thank you.
  17. I SO didn't laugh at that. Really I didn't. No. Sorry
  18. Glad you get the car back soon, I didn't realise it was short-term. You're right, you have to do whatever you feel is right. I hope you get there in time Safe journey
  19. Trudi, would a lift anywhere help? I can do localish today but was planning a day with MelP tomorrow but I'm sure she'd forgive her if I blew her out and took you down South.
  20. OH has excelled himself: 12 red roses, box of chocs, a card and a DVD I am deeply
  21. I am also off to my bed. Although I might fire up the laptop once I'm in it Nightnight Refugees.
  22. You really don't know nuffin, do you?
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